Status: Completed

Could This Be Love?

Chapter Thirty-Four

Andy’s Point of View

Hanging out with everyone at the mall while we waited for the movie to start was great, or at least it should have been. It reminded me of old times, and I should have been happy, even content, but I wasn’t. I was holding tightly onto Ashes’ hand as we walked, watching CC and Jake fuck around, but I couldn’t stop sneaking guilty glances over my shoulder at Jinxx. He said he was fine and that he wanted this, but if the rolls were reversed and I was in Jinxx’s position I knew I wouldn’t be okay. If I was Jinxx I knew I would be a mess right now and wouldn’t want anything more than to be alone so I could cry my heart out. So why was he acting fine? Why was he smiling and joking around with Sandra as she jokingly told CC and Jake to settle the fuck down? Why-?

“Hey, are you okay?” Ashley whispered, gently bumping into me with his shoulder.

I mentally shook myself and forced a smile. “Yeah, I’m great.” My happy tone was obviously fake.

Ashley frowned. “Andy, I know you. I can tell when you’re lying to me.”

I sighed, the fake smile sliding from my face and I looked down. “I know.”

“So what’s up?” He murmured quietly enough to not be overheard by Sandra and Jinxx, who were walking a little behind us. Not that it mattered since CC and Jake were being so loud anyway. I was actually surprised they only managed to get a few glares by people walking by.

“It’s just…” I sighed, not knowing how to tell Ashley what I was thinking without hurting him.

“You’re still feeling confused and guilty about the whole Jinxx/me thing, aren’t you?”

I looked at Ashley, tears suddenly filling my eyes. I hesitated before giving a small nod. I looked away quickly so I didn’t have to see the look on his face.

“Andy,” Ashley let out a breath before mumbling a curse. I snuck a glace at him as he ran his free hand through his hair.

His hesitation gave me enough time to yet again question everything. Honestly, I didn’t think I deserved to be confused, not knowing which guy I really wanted to be with. Hell, I shouldn’t even have the option to be with one of them. If I were in either of their positions, I would have told me to go fuck myself already. I should be alone and unloved after everything that I’ve done to Ashley and Jinxx. I’ve basically toyed with their emotions and used the fact that they love me to my advantage, hurting both of them along the way. Ashley should have said ‘fuck it’ after I dumped him for Jinxx. He shouldn’t have kept loving me, he shouldn’t have slept with me, and he certainly shouldn’t have said yes when I asked him out again. I know I wouldn’t have if I were in his place.

As for Jinxx, well I lied to him about not loving Ashley anymore, I fucked Ashley while I was still with Jinxx, and I kept silently regretting dumping Ashley for part of Jinxx’s and my relationship. Jinxx should have punched me in the face and never forgiven me. He should have broken up with me after he found out I still loved Ashley, or, if not then, he should have dumped me when he found out I slept with Ashley. I would have if I were Jinxx. What did he do instead, though? Yeah, he did dumped me, but only because he wanted me to get back with Ashley for my own happiness.

He still wants to get back together with you after Ashley leaves too. Pretend that this never happened and go back to being in love and happy. I reminded myself. I didn’t deserve either of them.

“Baby, stop that.” Ashley whispered.

“Stop what?” I mumbled, knowing there was no point in hiding how close I was to tears since my voice gave me away.

“You’re thinking bad things about yourself. I know you are.”

I looked at him. “How…?”

“Like I said, I know you. You’re probably thinking we’re stupid for still loving you, and hell, maybe we are. But that doesn’t change the fact that we do. I really love you Andy, and I know that Jinxx does too.”

“How can you love me after everything I did?” I muttered, looking away from Ashley and down at my shoes.

“I can’t answer for Jinxx, but I know why I still do.”


Ashley chuckled like the answer was the most obvious thing in the world. “Because you’re amazing. And don’t even think of trying to interrupt me Andrew Biersack, because you are. Yeah, you hurt me, and yes seeing you with Jinxx and pretending I was fine with it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but-“

I interrupted him with a laugh that surprised even myself.

“What?” Ashley asked looking over at me.

I felt my face break into a small smile. “You didn’t do a very good job pretending that you were okay with me and Jinxx.”

Ashley paused for a second, his eyes searching my face, and then he laughed. “Yeah, I guess I didn’t.”

“You made it pretty clear you weren’t happy that Jinxx and I were together.” I pointed out, my smile never leaving my face.

“Hey at least I tried!” He protested halfheartedly.

“Poorly.” I laughed.

Ashley opened his mouth to respond but before he could get any words out Jinxx was by his side smiling.

“What’s so funny?” He asked, his tone light and happy. Immediately the smile slipped from my face and my chest tightened with guilt as I studied Jinxx. He really did look happy – so either he really was or he was just really good at pretending.

“Andy was just telling me that I wasn’t that good at pretending that I was happy when you and him were together.” Ashley responded, grinning back at Jinxx.

Jinxx let out a laugh and his whole face lit up. Even his eyes smiled, and no one was that good at pretending. He really was okay.

“I have to agree with Andy, Ash. Everyone could tell you hated the fact that we were together. So, my advice is: if you were ever thinking of becoming an actor, don’t.”

Ashley laughed along with Jinxx and I let out a forced chuckle. Jinxx stopped laughing and looked at me, confusion written all over his face.

“Hey, can I talk to Andy for a second?” Jinxx asked Ashley.

Ashley smiled. “Have at it.” He let go of my hand and I watched as he snuck up behind CC and smacked him playfully over the head. CC gave a startled yelp, which made Ashley and Jake laugh.

“You okay?” I heard Jinxx ask from beside me. I watched CC playfully glare at Ashley and lightly punch him on the arm before dragging my eyes away to rest on Jinxx’s face.

“Guys, can we stop in here for a second?” Sandra asked from behind us. “I need new shorts.”

I turned around, raising an eyebrow at her.

“New shorts? You never wear shorts.” CC said, walking up beside me with Jake and Ashley following behind him.

“Yeah, well. I can start. It’s getting hot out.” Sandra mumbled, her cheeks turning pink. She looked away from us and walked into the store.

I looked at Ashley and he gave Sandra a knowing look before shaking his head. “Well, at least she picked my favourite store. Maybe I can find a new shirt.” He said before following her.

“We’ll talk later, alright?” Jinxx said with a small, friendly smile. I nodded and returned the smile. He grabbed my hand and gave it a quick squeeze. My smile grew a bit larger even though I felt guilt squeeze my heart. Jinxx let go and walked into the store, followed by CC and Jake.

I started to follow before stopping dead in my tracks, realising what store we were at. It was the store Ashley had brought me to so he could buy me a short-sleeved shirt. It was the store where he found out I cut. I felt my breathing increase and my heart started pounding in my chest. I squeezed my sweaty hands into a fist and closed my eyes, trying to calm down.

“You’re fine.” I whispered to myself. “You’re perfectly fine. Ashley already knows you cut. He’s not going to freak out. He’s not going to tell you you’re worthless. It’s fine. You’re fine.”

Even though I kept repeating it over and over, I kept remembering the look on his face. How angry he was at me, how disgusted he was with me. I remembered crying for ages in the parking lot. How much my broken heart had hurt. And then I remembered feeling nothing when Jinxx had driven me home. I remembered how numb and empty I had felt.

And then I remembered my attempted suicide. In very vivid detail.

My eyes flew open as I choked back a sob. I kept getting strange looks from people passing by, but I didn’t care. How could I care about that when I wasn’t able to breathe?

I stumbled backwards until my back slammed against a wall and I slid down, sobs building up in my chest. I should have wanted Jinxx to come and comfort me, just like I had gone to Jinxx after Ashley found out – just like I had wanted Jinxx after I had woken up from in the hospital – but I didn’t. I wanted Ashley.

I can’t lose him again. I love him. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.


I opened my eyes, silent tears running down my face, and looked into the caring brown eyes of my Ashley.

“Andy, baby, what’s wrong?” He pulled me into a hug as I cried openly on his chest. I didn’t care that the hug was awkward because I was sitting against the wall and he was kneeling in front of me. I didn’t care that people were giving us weird looks.

“Ash. I-it’s the s-store.”

I felt Ashley tense before he let out a sad sigh. “I know baby. I know it is.”

“Y-you h-hated me.” I choked out.

“I didn’t. I just didn’t understand at the time. I was an idiot then remember? I was angry with you, but I never hated you.”

He pulled away from me and pulled up his sleeves. Underneath were cuts and scars that looked almost exactly like mine.

“I understand now. I hate what I did to you and I hate that what I did is still hurting you now. If I could go back and change what I did I would. I hope you know that.”

I nodded, my eyes never leaving his arms. He moved to push the sleeves back down but I stopped him by grabbing his arm. I looked up at him and into his confused eyes before leaning over and kissing him gently. I broke the kiss and leaned down to kiss the cuts and scars on his arm.

“I – Love – You – So – Much – Ashley – Purdy.” I whispered between each soft kiss.

I looked back up and he leaned over and kissed me deeply before pulling away. “I love you too, Andy Biersack. More than you can understand.”

I smiled and connected our lips again. Ashley tried pulling away after a couple seconds but I didn’t let him and I felt him smile into the kiss.

“Are you okay now?” He whispered against my lips. I smiled and nodded, kissing him harder.

I felt his smile drop and he tried to pull away again. Again, I wouldn’t let him. “Will you ever be able to forgive me? Really and truly?” He asked quietly against my lips. I inwardly sighed before breaking the kiss.

I looked at him, his eyes filling with tears before he adverted his gaze away from me. I leaned over and pecked his lips.
“I already have.” I said, letting my forehead rest against his. “I think I did a long time ago.”

He smiled and flung his arms around me.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Ashes.”

We sat quietly in each other’s arms for a bit before I pulled away. “Can we go shopping now? You still owe me a short sleeved shirt.” I joked.

Ashley smiled and nodded, starting to get up before he froze. “Wait. A short sleeve shirt? Does this mean you’ve stopped cutting?” He asked, his smile getting bigger.

I hesitated. He took my silence as a ‘no’ and his smile faltered.

“You haven’t either Ash. You were carving up your arms just last night.”

“I know. I just don’t want you doing it to yourself. But I’m not going to lecture you because then I’d be a hypocrite. Just a question though, why do you want short sleeves if you haven’t stopped cutting?” Ashley got up and reached out a hand to help me up.

I shrugged, taking his hand and pulling myself up. “Most of the cuts on my arms are healed and fading. And when I get older I’m planning on getting a fuck ton of tattoos on both my arms so no one would be able to see the scars. Besides, like Sandra said, it’s getting hot out and I miss wearing short sleeves and tank tops.”

Ashley nodded slowly, looking slightly confused. “So then where are you cutti- Oh. Thighs?”

I nodded. “You too?”

“Yeah. Arms and wrists are still my favourite place though.”

“Mine too. But it’s harder to get away with cutting there.”

Ashley just nodded as he linked his fingers with mine and we walked into the store. I looked around and saw Jinxx browsing through the jeans. “Mind picking out a couple of shirts for me? Jinxx and I haven’t had a chance to really talk yet.”

“Sure.” Ash said with a smile. He leaned over and kissed me before walking over to where the shirts were… And where CC was hiding in one of the racks.

“I can see you so don’t even think about it.” I heard Ashley say to CC. CC muttered a curse and got out from behind the clothes. I chuckled and walked over to Jinxx.

“You wanted to talk to me?”

Jinxx turned and smiled. “Yeah. But first, which jeans are better?” He asked, holding up two, pretty much identical, pairs of jeans in his hands.

“They look the same. Except the one in your right hand is slightly more black than the one in your left.”

Jinxx smirked. “Yeah. So darker or lighter?”

“I don’t know, the lighter one. So what did you want to talk to me about?”

Jinxx lowered the jeans. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay. When I walked up to you and Ash earlier you looked pretty upset.”

“I was. I’m fine now.”

“Okay, good. Then what was bothering you?”

I shrugged, remaining silent for a few moments. Jinxx waited patiently for me to respond as he carefully folded up the darker pair of jeans and put them back on the shelf.

That was one of the many differences between Ashley and Jinxx. When I didn’t respond right away Jinxx would remain silent, waiting for me to collect my thoughts. Ashley, on the other hand, would wait a few moments and then either start talking again or would say my name a bunch of times, making me respond. What Ashley did wasn’t bad or annoying, just like what Jinxx did wasn’t brilliant or perfect. I didn’t prefer one method to the other… They were just different. Just like Ashley and Jinxx were different themselves. Different, but I still loved them both with all my heart.

“I just. I don’t understand how you can be okay with this.” I blurted out. “I know that sounds extremely self centered of me, but you said you love me a lot. And I know for a fact that if I was in your shoes I wouldn’t be okay at all.”

Jinxx blinked and then gave me a soft, understanding smile. “I’m okay because this was my choice. I wanted you to get back together with Ashley because it would make you happy, and you being happy makes me happy. Yeah, whenever I see you guys kiss or even hold hands I get a bit upset because I do love you a lot, but I know this breakup isn’t forever. We’re going to get back together. I know we are.”

I smiled. “So, you’re really okay? You’re not just pretending or anything?”

Jinxx laughed. “Remember when I told Ashley he shouldn’t ever be an actor?”

I nodded.

“Well, I shouldn’t ever be one either. I suck at acting, which means I suck at pretending. If I really wasn’t okay I’m sure you’d know. Besides, this is just like old times, you know? Before everything got complicated.”

“That doesn’t change the fact that everything is complicated.”

“I know, but we can pretend.” Jinxx said, smirking.

I laughed.

“But you know what I mean, right? This is just like it was before. Before everything happened and we became a stupid, and pointless love triangle.”

“Before we became Twilight?” I joked.

“Don’t even start. Don’t you dare compare us to Twilight.”

“You said it! Stupid and pointless? Sounds like Twilight to me. But,” I said quickly, before Jinxx could go off on a rant about how horrible Twilight is and how it shouldn’t have even been published, “I get what you mean. It is kinda like old times.”

Jinxx smiled and I reached beside me to grab two identical pairs of black jeans off the shelf. “So, which one do you like better?” I asked Jinxx in a mocking voice.

“They are literally the exact same.”

“No they’re not! This one is clearly darker than the othe-“ Jinxx threw a pair of jeans at my face, cutting me off. I laughed and threw them back, before setting down the jeans I had randomly grabbed off the shelf.

“Annnnddddyy. I found some shirts.” Ashley called.

I smiled at Jinxx and walked over to Ash, looking at the bunched up shirts he had in his arms. “They’re all black.” I said.

“Not this one! This one is a really dark grey!” He put down the bunched up shirts and pulled out the supposed “grey” one and then a black one, holding them up. “See?”

I stared at the shirts blankly. They looked identical. I heard Jinxx snicker and flipped him the middle finger without turning around.

“That movie was terrible.” I groaned as we walked out of the theatre.

“No it wasn’t!” Jake insisted. “It was the best horror film I’ve seen in a while.”

“That shit we just watched wasn’t a horror film. It was just a stupid movie that had too much fake blood and cheap scares to try and distract the audience from the fact that it had absolutely no plot.” I said.

“That was Andy code for: I hid behind my hands the entire movie because I was scared shitless at those ‘cheap scares’.” Jinxx said with a smirk. Ashley laughed and gave my hand a squeeze.

“I wasn’t scared.” I muttered.

“Then why were you hiding behind your hands the entire time?” Ashley asked. “Seriously, I reached over to hold your hand a couple times but couldn’t because they were glued to your eyes.”

“I wasn’t scared! I just don’t like gory films. They make me feel sick.”

“Does that mean you don’t want to go get food?” CC asked with a pout. “Cos I’m starving.”

“Dude, are you fucking serious right now? You ate your entire bag of popcorn and nearly all of mine. How can you still be hungry?” Jake asked, punching CC on the arm.

CC shrugged.

“How do you not weigh a thousand pounds?” I laughed, shaking my head. “I’m fine with getting food though, I’m starving.”

Ashley laughed. “Yeah, he didn’t even touch our popcorn. He was too busy hiding behind his hands.”

“You keep it up and you wont get anymore kisses.” I muttered, only half joking.

“Guys, it’s like, 9:42 on a Sunday. Is anywhere even open?” Sandra asked.

“There’s a pizza place near here that’s open until 2 everyday.” CC responded. Of course he would know that.

“Who the hell goes for pizza at 2am?” Jake asked.

“Stoners? College students? People who wake up in the middle of the night with a craving for pizza?” CC responded with a grin.

“Didn’t we just have pizza for lunch?” I asked. CC looked over with mock surprise.

“What’s your point?” He asked.

I laughed. “No point, I was just asking. Alright, lets go get pizza.”

We started walking and Ashley began using his thumb to draw circles onto my hand. It was kind of weird how the six of us went for pizza only a couple hours ago, and I had been holding hands with Jinxx instead of Ashley. I felt guilt squeeze my heart again, and looked over at Ashley.

“I love you so much, Bright Eyes.” He whispered as he leaned in to kiss me. I smiled into the kiss and just like that, my guilt melted away.


“Fuck, I’m full.” CC declared as we walked out of the pizza place.

“I never thought I’d hear you say those words.” Jake said.

“Well he should be. He nearly polished off a large pizza by himself.” Jinxx said, shaking his head.

“Did you get enough to eat?” Ashley asked me as CC gave Jake and Jinxx the middle finger. “You only had like, half a slice.”

“Yeah.” I lied. “I guess I just wasn’t that hungry in the first place.”

The truth was my stomach was killing me, demanding that I feed it. I couldn’t tell Ashley that though. I was still scared to tell him about my struggles with my eating disorder after how he reacted when he found out about my cutting. I did trust him, and part of me knew he wouldn’t freak out like before, but my eating disorder was my dirty little secret. No one knew, not even Jinxx, and he knew everything about me.

“Kay, well I’m ready for bed.” Jake said with a yawn, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“Same.” Ashley said.

“Alright, well, see you at school bitches.” I said with a laugh. Everyone chuckled and said goodbye, going their separate ways.

“Hey Ash?” I said after a few minutes of walking in silence.


“Uh, do you mind spending the night?”

“I’ll ask, but I’ll probably be allowed.” He replied, letting go of my hand to grab his phone out of his pocket. “Why?”

I considered making up some bullshit excuse, but decided telling the truth would be better since I hated lying to Ashley. “I get nightmares. Ever since I left the hospital. I never remember what the nightmares are about or anything, I just know that I’m terrified to go to sleep, and when I do I always wake up scared and crying. Sleeping with someone with me helps.”

Ashley nodded, grabbing my hand and started rubbing his thumb in a circular motion on my hand. His phone beeped and he stuck his free hand into his pocket to check it. He smiled before locking it and putting it back into his pocket.

“Mum says it’s fine.”

“Good.” I said, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek.

We walked the rest of the way in comfortable silence. When we reached my house the lights were all off, indicating my parents had already gone to bed.

“We have to be quiet,” I whispered to Ashley as I walked up the drive way to the front door.

“Kay. Why are we whispering now when we’re still outside?”

“My parents’ room is like, right there” I replied, pointing to the window right above our heads. “And they sleep with the window open.”

“They’ll be okay with me spending the night?”

“Yeah. Jinxx used to stay all the time to help with my nightmares.”


I unlocked the front door as quietly as I could and stepped inside. Ashley walked inside and shut the door as I bent over to untie my shoes.

“Why don’t we just wear slip-ons? These shoes are a pain in the ass.” Ash chuckled quietly.

“I don’t know. Because we’re idiots?” I replied with a smile.

We slipped off our shoes and quietly made our way upstairs and into my bedroom. I turned on the light and shut the door. After dumping the stuff I had bought at the mall earlier, I turned to Ashley.

“Wanna just sleep in my bed?” I asked.

“Sure,” Ashley smiled. “I was hoping that’d be okay with you anyway.”

Ashley’s Point of View

“Ash?” I heard Andy whisper from my chest. “Are you awake?”

“Mhm.” I replied half asleep considering it was nearly two in the morning.

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry about last night.”

“Sorry for…?”

“I don’t know. Sleeping with you when we were drunk as fuck. That’s not how I pictured our first time.” Andy replied, snuggling more into my chest. I wrapped my arms tighter around him.

“So you pictured it then?” I asked, smirking. I felt Andy nudge me with his nose.

“Shut up.”

I smiled. “You have no reason to be sorry. It wasn’t how I pictured it either… Shut up you, yes I did picture it… But it was fine.”

“Okay, well, good.” Andy said before falling silent.

“I love you.” Andy whispered after a few moments.

“I love you too.”

Andy moved to kiss me, his lips gently brushing against my own.

“I really love you, Ashes.” Andy whispered against my lips before deepening our kiss. His lips moved against my own and I slowly slid my tongue against his bottom lip, asking for entrance. Andy granted me access and I explored his mouth, loving the taste of cigarettes and peppermint. The taste of Andy.

I bit his lower lip gently, making him moan and I pulled away almost reluctantly.


“Yeah baby?”

“Uh.” I looked away from him, embarrassed about what I was about to ask. “Can we pretend like last night didn’t happen and, uh…” I trailed off.

“Have our first time again?” Andy whispered.


“I was thinking the same thing.”

I smiled and leaned forward to kiss him again, but he moved away a bit.

“One thing. Uh, can I bottom this time?” He asked shyly.

“I thought you were a top?”

“I’m not. I hate being dominate. But I guess drunk Andy is a dominate Andy. I don’t know.”

I smirked. “That’s alright. I prefer being top anyway.” I said, quickly flipping us over so I was on top of him. I kissed him, hard, and nibbled on his bottom lip. He let out a breathy moan and reached up to run his fingers through my hair. I grabbed his wrists and pinned them above his head, holding them as I kissed him hard on the lips once more before kissing his jaw, and then finally his neck. I kissed and gently bit all along the side of his neck until I found his sweet spot.

“Ash” He moaned as I began to nipple, suck and kiss that spot. I pulled away after a few minutes to admire the bruise I left, before leaning back down to kiss and lick his chest. I made my way down slowly, teasing him.

“P-p-please Ashley.” Andy begged in a breathless voice. I would be lying if I said hearing him beg didn’t turn me on. I reached the waistband of his sweatpants and paused, letting my breath tickle his skin before I started gently kissing just above his pants.

“A-ash stop t-teasing.”

I chuckled and lifted myself off of him a bit so I could slowly pull down his pants. After only a second’s hesitation, I pulled down his boxers too, assuming I had teased him enough already. I leaned forward and ran my tongue up the length of his dick and I heard him moan softly as I paused at the head. I let my tongue tease the slit for a moment before I took his entire length in my mouth and started bobbing my head.

I started to hum as I sucked in my cheeks, making sure my mouth was as tight as possible.

“Fu-fuck.” Ashley moaned as quietly as he could so he wouldn’t wake his parents. I started pumping him with my hand as I reached up to kiss him, my thumb rubbing his slit every so often. Having him shutter and squirm in pleasure beneath me made my own dick throb.

“Asshh, stop. Pl-please, you’ll make me cum if you keep this up.” Andy moaned. I removed my hand from his dick and kissed him again.

“Do you want me to go down on you?” He asked, a little out of breath.

I shook my head. “I mean, unless you want to. But in all honesty…”

“I just kind of want you to fuck me.” Andy said, reading my mind.

I smirked and pulled down my borrowed sleep pants as Andy watched me with lust-filled eyes.

“I have lube in my cupboard. Want me to get it?”

“No,” I replied. “Is it on the bottom?”


“Kay, just don’t watch my butt when I lean over.” I said, walking over to his cupboard.

“You know I’m watching your butt.” He said as I bent over to grab the unopened bottle. I shook my head, laughing quietly.

I walked back over, squeezing a little lube on my fingers. I kneeled in front of him, spreading his legs.

“Ready?” I asked, knowing it was his first time being bottom. He nodded.

I stuck one finger inside his entrance and his face twisted with pain. After a few moments, he nodded, telling me it was okay for me to move. I started fingering him slowly, gradually increasing my speed as his face relaxed and he started moaning. At that point, I stuck another finger in and waited patiently as he adjusted and gave me permission to stretch him further.

“Fu-fuck me n-now?” He whispered breathlessly after a few minutes and I smirked. I removed my fingers and reached over to grab the lube bottle, putting a fair amount onto my dick before tossing the bottle aside. I positioned myself so I was lined up with his entrance, the tip of my dick resting against him.


Andy nodded and I slowly slid myself into of him. Again, his face twisted in pain as I felt him tense up around me.

“Relax baby. It’ll help.” I whispered. He nodded and slowly started to relax.

“Okay.” He said, his eyes still squeezed shut. I moved so that I was fully in him and waited until he told me he was ready. I moved extremely slowly, giving him time to adjust so that the pain gave way to pleasure.

“O-okay. I’m ready. F-faster. H-Harder.”

I obliged. I quickly moved my dick out until only the tip was inside of him before slamming it back in. He bit his lip to keep from crying out, and I was scared that I had hurt him until he started moaning like crazy. He brought his hand to my back and dug his nails into the skin.

“G-good baby?” I moaned. He nodded, biting his lip and digging his nails in harder.

I spat into my palm and grabbed his dick, pumping him in time with my thrusts.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” Andy whispered as I started going faster. I knew I hit his prostate when he let out a little cry, which he quickly turned into a loud moan.

“Do that again.” He begged. I kept thrusting, harder and faster, hitting his prostate over and over.

“I’m c-close.” Andy moaned.

My movements started getting sloppy and I leaned down so that my head was resting in the crook of his neck. “Me too.”

A few moments later he exploded into my hand and the way his face looked, the way his eyes rolled back, the way he clenched up around me, and the way he kept moaning my name over and over again was too much for me. I released into him and the pleasure was so incredible and intense that it took every ounce of strength I had not to scream out at the top of my lungs. I kept slowly thrusting a few more times, still pumping Andy’s dick, so we could ride out our orgasms. After coming down, I pulled out and collapsed into bed next to him, my eyes shut. I felt Andy move and he rested his head on my chest as he curled up next to me.

I laughed softly and opened one eye. “Don’t get too comfortable.” I whispered, kissing the top of Andy’s head. “We still have to get dressed. And I have to clean off my hand.”

Andy let out a groan but didn’t move.

“Come on, Bright Eyes. Faster we get this over with the faster we can cuddle.”

Andy muttered a curse but got up anyway. I chuckled and stood up, walking to his bathroom to wash my hands. When I got back, Andy was already dressed and lying in bed. He opened one eye and smiled at me as I put on my pants and climbed into bed. Once I was comfortable, he curled up against me and rested his head against my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and he let out a yawn before snuggling more into me.

“I love you so much Ashley.”

“I love you too. Always and forever.”
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: HI! ME AGAIN! Finally. What has it been? Four months? I don’t even have an excuse.

Anyway, wow. That was a shit chapter. It was kind of pointless and long and random and all over the place… But at least it had some poorly written, cringe worthy smut at the end? I TRIED.

Like always, beautiful people, leave me a comment and let me know how you’re liking the story. :) Loving it? Hating it? Negative and positive comments make me happy. I can only grow as a writer with feedback.

Also: I wrote this in a day and it’s now 1:00 am and I know that’s not THAT late but I’m exhausted… So while I’m going to quickly read back over this before publishing… There will probably be more than a few mistakes. If you find any PLEASE let me know so I can fix them. :)

See you guys next chapter!
Love you all.