Status: Completed

Could This Be Love?

Chapter Thirty-Five

Sandra’s point of view

I pulled my thin jacket tighter around me and started walking faster. The bitterly cold wind blew right through me and I started to resent the fact that we had to walk to the mall instead of driving. My phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my pocket. Upon seeing it was a text from Kina, I felt my face break into a smile.

Hey, are you still coming over?

I typed out my response with some difficulty since my fingers were a bit numb from the cold.

Hey. (: Yeah, I’m on my way now. I should be there in about ten minutes if I don’t freeze to death first.

Her reply came almost instantly, which made my smile grow larger.

Don’t die! I wouldn’t like it if you died. Did you want me to come pick you up?

Her offer was tempting, but since I was only about two blocks away from her place I declined.

Nah, it’s alright. I’m nearly at your place. Thanks though! <3
Ugh. It should not be this cold in June. It’s the damn wind.

Hahaaha right? See you soon. xoxo

I put my phone away and shoved my hands deep into my pockets. Muttering a curse, I began to walk faster still.

By the time I reached Kina’s front steps I felt like a very grumpy icicle. I texted her telling her I was here and waited, thankful that my house was only about a fifteen minute walk away. I would have probably died if I had to walk another half an hour to get home.

Kina opened the door smiling.

“Hey hun!” She said quietly as to not wake her parents. She hugged me tightly and pulled away, stepping aside to let me in. “How was your walk?”

“Cold.” I replied with a laugh. I bent down to untie my combat boots and pulled them off. When I straightened up, Kina leaned over and kissed me. Even though it was just a quick peck, I smiled.

‘Wanna watch a movie in my room?” She asked.


We quietly made our way to the basement and walked down the semi-dark hallway until we reached her room. She turned on the light, shut the door, and turned to face me.

“What movie?”

“Don’t care. You pick.” I replied as I sat on her bed.


“How was the mall?” Kina asked about half an hour later. I wrapped my arms tighter around her and she snuggled a bit more into my chest.

“It was alright. There was some drama, but it got sorted out.”


“Mhmm. It was just the whole Ashley/Andy/Jinxx love triangle thing again. I’m really glad I’m not directly involved.” I laughed. “I’m really glad I don’t like Andy anymore.”

Kina gave a little laugh. “What happened?”

“Oh. Uh, Jinxx broke up with Andy for some reason and then got back with Ashley. I don’t know the full story or anything.”

“Wait, what? Ashley is back with Andy?”

“Mhm.” I replied, a little confused about why she cared so much.

“But, I thought Andy loved Jinxx or whatever.”

“He does. Or did. I told you, I don’t know the whole story. I just know that Ashley and Andy are back together and that Jinxx broke up with Andy.”

Kina was silent, her body tense against mine.

“Why do you care so much?” I asked softly. She didn’t respond. “Kina?”

She moved away from me so that she was sitting on the edge of her bed, not looking at me.

“Kina? Hun, what’s wrong?”

“You need to leave. Now.” She said, still looking at the wall. Her voice was cold, almost hateful.

“W-what? Why? What did I do?” I asked after a few seconds of shocked silence.

Kina didn’t respond. She stood up and began pacing, muttering a few curses under her breath. She suddenly stopped after a moment and looked at me. Her facial expression was twisted in disgust.


“I-I don’t understand. What the hell did I do?”

Kina’s laugh was cold. “You didn’t do anything.”

“Then why-“

She cut me off. “You really are stupid, aren’t you? I never liked you, Sandra. Every time I had to touch you or… or kiss you” She shuttered. “Just get out.”

“You never liked me?” I whispered, very close to tears.

“That’s what I just said.”

“So then why were you even with me?”

“Because I thought being with you would make Ashley-“

This time, I cut her off. “What the hell does Ashley have to do with any of this?”

“Seriously, you cannot be this fucking stupid!” Kina shouted. “I thought being with you would make Ashley jealous! That seeing me with you would make him miss me and want me back!”

That shocked me into silence.

“So-so… You were just using me?” I asked after I recovered.

Kina laughed again. “Yes. You really think I would like you? You really think anyone would like you? Andy never liked you. Ashley was just using you. I was just using you.”

I didn’t say anything. I didn’t know what to say. Instead, I just stared at the girl I had started to fall in love with, silent tears running down my face.

“You think I like dressing like this? You think I like looking like an emo freak?” Kina asked, disgusted. “The only reason I did it is because I thought Ashley would like it. And when that didn’t work, well, you were so desperate to be wanted. It was easy.”

“Why are you trying so hard to get him back? You don’t actually love him, do you?” I asked, my voice cracking.

“No, I don’t love him. How could I love some little emo faggot? I’m trying to get him back to prove that I can. That I can have any guy I want. Now get out. Go run home and cry because no one will ever, ever want you.”

I stood up quickly and walked as calmly as I could to stand beside her. I looked into her eyes.

“You’re such a bitch.” I whispered. I punched her right in the face and ran.

I ran up the stairs, not caring if I woke up her fucking parents. Not caring that Kina was screaming and calling me every nasty name she could think of. I picked up my boots and ran out the door without even putting them on, tears running down my face.

I ran down the street and didn’t stop for breath, even when my legs were begging me to stop. I just needed to get home.

You’re almost there. Almost there. I kept telling myself. The wind was making me tears freeze on my face and I let out a strangled sob.

How could I be so fucking stupid? How could I think that she wanted me? That she was maybe starting to love me?

I ran across the street. Stupid. Stupid. Stu-

I didn’t hear the horn. I didn’t hear the tires screeching. All I saw was a sudden bright light and then pain as my body collided with metal.

I was dead before I even hit the ground.
♠ ♠ ♠

OH HI! I’m sorry. I don’t even have anything to say. A bunch of you guys saw it coming, but I still really sorry.

So, I’m currently writing a new story called, “Love Knows No Boundaries” and it’d mean the world to me if you could check it out. You know, if you don’t hate me too much. Let me know if you think I should continue with it? If the idea is okay? <3

AS ALWAYS, let me know how you’re liking the story so far? Loving it? Hating it? Want me to end it right now because it sucks so bad? =) Let me know. I’m still sorry about killing off Sandra. Seriously.

Also, I didn’t read back through this after I wrote it, so if you find any mistakes or errors, please let me know so I can fix it. THANK YOU. :)

See you guys next chapter! xoxox