Status: Completed

Could This Be Love?

Chapter Four

Andy's Point of View

The bell signaling the end of lunch rang throughout the halls, but yet I didn't move. I was still sat on the cold school floors, clutching my stomach in pain as kids began to make their way to their classes. Soon, I was the last one left, but still I didn't move. Still leaning in an awkward sitting position against my locker, I put my hand to my face. My fingers came away red. I guess I was too busy focusing on the pain in my stomach and chest to remember that my face also got hit and my nose had been steadily dripping blood this entire time. I looked down down and groaned in annoyance. Both my jeans and my favourite shirt was covered in my dark red blood. Well fuck.

I sighed yet again and painfully pulled myself up from sitting position, moaning softly as my injuries screamed against the movement. Once I was fully standing, I leaned against my locker yet again to catch my breath quickly and to blink away the tears that had formed in my eyes from the moving. Finally, I slowly made my way to the bathroom to clean myself up.

By the time I had stopped my nose from bleeding, cleaned up the worst of the blood, and fixed my hair and makeup, I was already twenty minutes late for my English class. I sighed, standing awkwardly in front of the classroom door. Now normally, I would say fuck it and skip class to go for a smoke to save myself from the awkwardness and the embarrassment of walking into class late. As much as I normally hated skipping class, I've always tried my hardest to stay invisible to the best of my ability. However, I knew that because I already missed a week of classes, I couldn't afford to miss anymore. So, after a moment of thinking, making up my mind, and gathering my courage, I heaved a heavy sigh and opened the wooden door. Just as I expected, the room fell quiet upon my entering the room.

"Ah. Andrew, how nice of you to join us." My English teacher, Ms Chip, said without looking up from her notes that were scattered across her desk. She then went on about the importance of being on time for class as to not interrupt the rest of my classmates, and the importance of punctuality as I made my way to my desk at the back of the classroom. I knew my face was a lovely shade of red as I sat down, avoiding eye contact with every and all people in my class. Finally, Ms Chip turned her attention away from me and fell silent for a second as she quickly eyed her notes. Then she cleared her throat and continued writing the lesson on the white board. I opened my backpack, pulled out some paper and a pen, and turned my attention to a bird perched on a tree branch outside the window.

Ashley's Point of View

After telling off Justin and the rest of my friends I turned away and began making my way to my locker. I heard Andy make a sarcastic remark and was rewarded by a punch from, I'm persuming, Justin.

God, that kid was such a little ass. I wanted to believe that he got everything that he deserved, but I couldn't. I just couldn't. I knew he was only like that because he knew that he was going to get it whether or not he was asking for it. I stopped myself at that thought, why the fuck was I defending Andy being such an ass? Better question, why the fuck was I thinking of Andy at all?

Before I could answer myself, I heard someone running to catch up with me.

"What the fuck was that?" Justin asked.

I knew what he was talking about, but I decided to play dumb.

"The fuck was what?" I responded, never breaking stride or turning to look at him. My eyes stayed focused on the hall in front of me.

"You know what Ashley. Defending faggot boy back there."

I sighed inwardly and stopped at my locker to get my stuff.

"I wasn't defending him. I could honestly care less about him, but you guys are always picking on him, specifically. You never really pick on anyone else, not even the other Outcasts, except for the rare insult."

He was silent for a moment while considering this. "Yeah, I guess that's true. But what you said about it being boring, it honestly isn't." He chuckled lightly. "If he was just silent and took it, then yeah, it'd get boring. But he fights back, and he's a little bit of an ass to be honest."

I couldn't disagree there.

"But that's not the real reason you don't like us picking on tall, dark and ugly. Is it Ash?" He asked suddenly, almost causing me to drop my textbook in shock. I didn't reply.

"I mean, you never help us. You never join in. And you almost always have a guilty look on your face when you see us giving the little Emo what he deserves." He said quietly. You know, as mean and cold hearted as Justin can be to others, he really was a decent caring guy to the people he likes.

I still didn't reply. The bell suddenly rang, breaking the silence between us. Justin began to walk away, but before leaving, he whispered something in my ear that made my blood run cold.

"You're cool Ashley, and you're my best friend. Even though you look like them, you're not like them. Just make sure you don't turn into an emo faggot like them, or I'll have no problem making you my next target."

Then he was gone, disappearing into the sea of kids. So much for being a decent guy.

With his threat still ringing in my ears, I made my way to English. None of my friends were in this class because it was an AP English class, where all the smart kids were placed. I'm not saying my friends were dumb but... Okay, maybe I was saying they were dumb.

I smiled at Ms Chip upon entering the class and walked to the back of the classroom. Normally I sat near the front, but today something just told me to sit at the back.

Twenty minutes later, I instantly regretted my decision to sit at the back.

I heard the door open slowly and looked up from my notes to see none other than Andy Biersack standing in the doorway, looking both very embarrassed and ashamed to be late. I looked quickly back down at my notes and started doodling, listening to Ms Chip rant on and on about the importance of being on time. I just wish she'd shut up. She was making a bigger deal than it actually was and she never said anything about anyone being late for class before. It was just Andy. See, Andy was so unpopular that even the teachers picked on him.

I was still doodling stars at the top of my notes when I heard Andy plunk himself in the desk right next to mine. Fuck. I totally forgot that this is where Andy normally sat. I peeked at him from underneath my fringe. It doesn't seem like he's noticed me, as he was staring intently at the floor, and then his beaten up backpack as he pulled out paper and a pen.

As he turned his attention to something out the window, I couldn't help but keep staring at him. His plaid, long sleeve shirt, as well as his tight skinny jeans, was covered with a little bit of dried blood that looked as if he tried scrubbing it off with a wet paper towel. I instantly felt sorry for him, and a little bit guilty that I hadn't done more to protect him. Despite my previous thoughts earlier, I knew that he didn't deserve any of this. He was too fragile. Too beautiful.

Wait. What? Did I just say that he was beautiful? But as I continued to observe him I knew it was true. His long, black hair fell perfectly down to his shoulders, and in the sun, it almost looked like it had a blue tint to it. His skinny jeans hugged his body perfectly, and he had the long, perfectly thin legs that any girl would kill for. And I knew, if he turned around and looked at me, I would get lost in his beautiful blue eyes.

Andy turned towards the front, finally beginning to take notes, and began playing with the lip piercing at the corner of his lip. The action alone made me melt, and turned me on a bit at the same time.

Yes, as I continued to watch Andy, I suddenly knew why I subconsciously decided to sit at the back. I knew why I felt guilty thinking about him and the other Outcasts. And I knew why I defended him at lunch.

I, Ashley fucking Purdy, had a crush on the most unpopular kid in all of school, Andy fucking Biersack.
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A/N: Wooh! Chapter four!

Anyways! Like always, comment! Give me your feedback! I cannot get any better at writing if I don't get comments. Negative or positive comments are welcome. :) See you next chapter! Cheers! <3