Status: Completed

Could This Be Love?

Chapter Five

Andy's point of view

I was sat on the hard plastic chair for a good five or so minutes, still staring at the same bird. It wasn't very interesting, but I figured it would be more interesting than whatever Ms Chip was rattling on about. I sighed and finally pulled my focus to the front. She was going on and on about the proper way to write an essay. Currently, she was telling us how to structure our sentences to grab the reader's attention or some shit like that. I was right; the bird was more interesting. If I could, I would just put my head on the desk and have a nice nap, but I knew I couldn't. I needed English to graduate. I pulled my paper towards me and started to write notes, playing with my lip ring in the process.

As I was writing Ms Chip's example down, I suddenly became really uncomfortable. You know that feeling you get when someone is watching you? That's exactly the feeling I had right now. I shifted awkwardly in my chair and flipped my head down so that my fringe was covering my face. While in that position, I began to look for the culprit. Everyone that was sat in front of me had his or her focus at the front, and there was no one behind me. I carefully looked beside me, making sure that my fringe was still covering most of my face. Ashley Purdy was sitting beside me, his head resting on his hand, body turned almost fully towards me. And he was staring, actually staring, intensely at me. What the fuck?

Realising he had been caught, he blushed and swiftly turned his body around so that he was facing towards the white board, blushing profusely. Again, what the fuck? Trying to rationalise it in my head, I told myself he was just checking out the bruises that were surely starting to form on my face. He'd probably have a good laugh about it with Justin later. I decided that that was the reason behind his awkward stares and focused my attention back to Ms Chip, however a part of my brain didn't believe it and kept nagging me that there was something more going on. I ignored it and continued writing my notes.

A neatly folded piece of paper landed in front of me not even one minute later. I looked quickly at Ms Chip. She was still busy teacher, getting really excited about the topic she was on, so I opened the note.

Hey sorry. I wasn't looking at you. There was something out the window that had my attention for a bit. I guess I was daydreaming. Awkward.
- Ash

‘Yeah, sure,’ I thought. I rolled my eyes and quickly wrote my reply.

Uh,yeah. It's okay..

I checked up at the front again and threw it at Ashley before Ms Chip turned around.

Eventually, I got bored at taking notes and turned my attention to the clock above the door.

Five more minutes left of class.
Ms Chip started comparing sentences to strippers. "Save the best for last!" She exclaimed.

Four more minutes.
Still on about stripper sentences.

Three more minutes.
She got distracted and started talking about her dog.

Two more minutes...

And Ashley threw another note at me.

Yeah haha. Like I said, awkward. So what's with the stripper-sentence relation, huh? I think our teacher is mental. Someone forgot to take her pills this morning.

I chuckled slightly at that. But I noticed something odd at the bottom of the note.

Hey I have an awkward question for you, but since we're already in an awkward situation, I will just come right out and ask it. Did you wanna maybe hang out after school today? Or the weekend sometime? Text me!
- Ash

At the bottom, next to his name, he wrote his number. I looked over at him, a huge question mark expression clearly displayed on my face. He was refusing to look over in my direction, a blush creeping up to his cheeks.

This was really turning into a "what the fuck" kind of day.

I was packed and ready to go with one minute left of class. I never did reply to Ashley's note, I just quickly shoved it in my pocket without looking at him any further. As soon as the bell rang, I rushed out the door.

I sighed, confused and, I'll admit it, somewhat frightened by the way Ashley was acting. First he defended me against his best friends, then I caught him staring at me in class (he can deny all he wants, I know he was staring at me), and then he asked me to hang out. What was his deal? I shook my head, way too tired to figure any of this shit out.

I happily walked into my next class, chemistry. I didn't particularly like the class, but CC was in it with me, so that's the only reason I was excited. If anyone could help me solve the Ashley situation, it was CC.

Like always, CC was in class before me, slumped in a chair at the back of the classroom. And, as always, he sat up when he saw me, excitedly waving me over to the vacant chair next to his own. I smiled slightly and started to walk over to him just as the bell went and Mr Norman walked in.

“Sit down, sit down!” He said, ushering us to our seats with a wave of his hands as he closed the door behind him. Once he put his bag on his desk, he turned at smiled at us. He noticed me at the back, and gave me a slightly bigger smile and a small wink before introducing us to the new chapter we’d be starting today. I liked Mr Norman; he was the only teacher who wasn’t cold or just straight out rude to me. He actually seemed to like me even though I didn’t do too well in his class.

Once Mr Norman had turned his attention to the black board, I quickly wrote CC a note.

You’ll never believed what happened in English…

I wrote before passing it to CC. It didn’t even take him a minute to respond and the note was thrown back in front of me.

Dinosaurs broke into your class and ate your crazy teacher?

I chuckled. Leave it to CC to come up with something totally random and irrelevant.

No you idiot. I caught Ashley staring at me. When he noticed he was caught he turned away quickly and started blushing.

I passed it back to him and looked quickly in his direction, smirking slightly as I watched his eyes grow large.

What?? Like, Ashley PURDY??

After reading his reply, I looked over at him. He was looking back at me with a big ‘what the fuck’ look on his face. I nodded and wrote:

I know. And that’s not even the weirdest part. Tell you after lesson.

I threw the note back at him just as Mr Norman turned around to address the class. Thankfully, he didn’t see the note. Or, at least, he didn’t act like he did. For the next fifteen minutes, I took notes and kept glancing at the clock. I just wanted Mr Norman to finish with the lesson and give us our assignment so I could fill CC in.

Finally, the lesson finished. As the rest of the students were pulling out their textbooks, I turned to CC.

“That’s not even the weirdest part?” He asked.

I shook my head. “No, he asked me to hang out sometime and gave me his cell number.”

“I don’t believe you!” CC exclaimed, a little too loudly for the girl sitting in front of him apparently as she turned around and gave him a dirty look.

I laughed as he gave her his award-winning smile and turned back to me. “No, but seriously Andy. I don’t believe you. It’s Ashley fucking Purdy we’re talking about.”

I nodded and pulled out the note I shoved in my pocket. “I know! Which is why it’s so weird.”

I watched as CC’s eyes widened yet again as he skimmed quickly through the note.

“What the hell dude.” He said, passing the note back to me, which I just shoved back into my pocket.

“I know.” Jesus I was saying that a lot. “I don’t know what his problem is.”

I then explained to him how he defended me at lunch.

“I figured you had a run in with Justin when we didn’t see you at lunch. Plus your clothes are full of blood and you have a pretty good bruise forming under your eye.” He said when I was finished.

I just nodded. I didn’t know what to say.

“I don’t know what to tell you Andy,” He said thoughtfully after a moment of silence. “If it wasn’t Purdy we were talking about, I’d say it sounds like he likes you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Look at that! Chapter five already! I seriously need a life. Updating everyday is making that painfully obvious.
As always, my darling little readers, please comment. :) I can only become a better writer with criticism! Seriously though, any negative or positive comment would make me super duper happy. I wanna know your opinion on my fanfiction thus far! Is it boring? Stupid? Slow? Good? Interesting? Well written? Lemme know! Haha see you all next chapter! Cheers! xoxo