Status: Completed

Could This Be Love?

Chapter Six

Ashley's point of view

I watched Andy hastily run out of English as soon as the bell went. I sighed deeply, slowly packing up my stuff.

'What are you doing Ashley?' I muttered quietly to myself. I didn't have an answer though. All I could think about was Andy. I was shocked at myself for having a crush on Andy. Not because Andy was a guy, I didn't care about that because I've always knew that I was bisexual. No one else knew it, but I knew it. No, it was more the fact that that guy just happened to be Andy Biersack, the most unpopular, hated guy in my high school. A part of me didn't care though, and that part of me knew that my new found crush on Andy felt... right. I just prayed that he would text me.

I had almost given up all hope, but eventually, he did.
I was sitting in biology, happily daydreaming, when I felt my pocket vibrate. Making sure the teacher wasn't paying attention to me, I pulled out my phone. I nearly dropped it in shock when I saw the message and who it was from.

What do you want?

I couldn't understand the question right away; my stomach was too full of butterflies. My mind only screaming, 'He texted you! He texted you!'
I let my mind focus on the happiness and the giddiness I felt at that moment, but I pulled myself back to reality with a quick shake of my head. I added his number into my phone and then concentrated on the text. I'll admit that question stumped me. What did I want? I knew the answer was him, but I couldn't possibly tell him that, could I? No, I couldn't.

I told you! I want to hang out. :P
- Ash

I sent the reply quickly, my fingers gracefully dancing across the keyboard, proof that I knew my iPhone well. I then tried to focus my attention back onto the lesson, but my phone was still clutched in my sweaty palms, excitedly waiting his next text. My phone vibrated two minutes later. I quickly unlocked the phone, typed in the password, and read the message. As I read, I felt my heart sinking, it wasn't from Andy. It was from Justin.

Yo. Dnt 4get about the party tonight. U better b there

I sighed. I had totally forgotten about the party the football team was throwing tonight to celebrate making it into the finals, I was too busy obsessing over my new found crush. You're probably wondering why there would be a party on a Monday night. The answer? My friends are just like that. They don't give a shit about school, so therefore they didn't care about whether or not it was a school night. They never did. All they cared about was getting drunk, having a good time, maybe getting into a fight, and getting laid.

My fingers danced awkwardly across the keyboard, this time because I didn't know how to respond. I couldn't tell him yes; what if Andy agreed to meet up tonight? However, I couldn't tell him no either. You never said no to a party invite from Justin if you were a somebody. I especially couldn't because I was actually on the team. I sighed again and decided not to respond. Just then, I received another text. My heart jumped into my throat as I read his name. Andy.

Why though? You have never talked to me before. Why now?

Another question I didn't know how to answer. It's true, I've never said a single word to Andy before. I've even went as far as pretending he didn't exist. I was happily content in my own little world of popularity and acceptance that I didn't want him tainting it. I like being popular, and I like my reputation. I've always been afraid that any association with the Outcasts would ruin that for me. So why now did I find myself not caring?

Honestly, I don't know. I guess I'm just tired of pretending to be someone I'm not, tired of always watching what I say and how I act. Say one wrong thing, make one wrong move, and my 'friends' would turn on me, no questions asked. I know I could be myself around you and around your friends. I want to get to know you guys.

Wow, that was a pretty deep text. I didn't even know I was feeling like that about my reputation and popularity until I typed it out. I read the reply back before sending it and suddenly knew that it was true. That was the blunt, honest answer to Andy's question of, 'why now?' I was tired of being someone I wasn't. I wasn't a Popular. I was an Outcast. That knew knowledge didn't upset me either, it calmed me. I felt relieved, like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I was an Outcast. I always was and always will be. I was sick and tired of playing pretend and was ready to start living my new life as myself. Not Ashley Purdy, the feared man whore and Popular, but Ashley Purdy, the happy, bisexual Outcast. I was ready, and I wanted Andy to be by my side the whole time.

I wanted Andy to be mine.

Andy's Point of View

I guess you could say I was taken aback by Ashley's reply. He was tired of being someone he wasn't? That didn't make sense. He acted like he loved his reputation. I guess my shock showed on my face because CC reached over and snatched my phone out of my hands before I could reply.

"What the fuck?" CC said once he had finished reading, handing me back my phone.

"I know. I have no idea what he's up to." I replied.

CC was silent for a moment, leaving me with my thoughts. What if he wasn't actually up to anything? What if he was honestly tired of 'being someone who he isn't', as he put it.

"What if," CC said, breaking me out of my thoughts. "He's actually being straight up honest with you. You did say yourself that after he defended you, you seriously questioned if he was actually a Popular at heart. What if he really is one of us and he's just starting to realise this?"

Wow. Could this dude read my thoughts or what? It was my turn to be silent while I thought this out.

"Are you saying I should give him a chance?" I finally questioned, turning to look fully at my black haired friend.

He looked back at me and slowly shook his head. "I'm saying we should give him a chance. If he truly is sick of being a Popular, he's going to have it worse than any of us, maybe even you. He needs friends to turn to. He needs us."

I sighed. I didn't want to admit it, but I knew CC was right. He was smart, brilliant even, and sometimes acted more mature than people twice his age. This was one of those times.

"Text him asking if he wants to come to the movie with us tonight." CC said.

I didn't want to. I really didn't want to, yet I didn't know why. I didn't really have a reason to hate Ashley. I mean, he has never joined in on any of the name calling or beatings, never threw food at us, never tried to trip us in the halls... The worse thing he has ever done is ignore us and do nothing about it. Which, I guess, is a form of bullying in itself, but CC was right. Ashley was truly one of us in his heart, whether he wanted to admit it or not, and if he was finally figuring that shit out, he needed us now more than ever. Justin wouldn't take the news of his best friend becoming a 'fag' lightly.

"You're right." I muttered, before sending Ashley my response.

Fine. I still don't know if I trust you, but CC said I should give you a chance. Would you like to come to the movies with us tonight?

I sent it off and not even five seconds later my phone buzzed in response.

Thankyouthankyouthankyou! You can trust me Andy. I'm not like Justin, I swear. I would never do anything to hurt your friends or you. Especially not you... Uh, what time and where?

I quickly skimmed through the text.

"What the fuck?" I muttered to myself before going back and reading it again more slowly.

"What?" CC asked.

"He's like, freaking out hardcore that we invited him," I said, passing CC the phone.

He read it, and chuckled. "Dude, I seriously think Purdy boy has a crush on you. I'm not even kidding." He said grinning.

"What?" I nearly shouted, earning a deathglare from the girl in front of CC. I ignored her. "No way."

CC nodded his head. "'Especially not you?'" He said, quoting Ashley. "Come on Andy. He totally has a thing for you."

I shook my head, still in denial. For one, this was Ashley Purdy we were talking about. Biggest man whore in the history of man whores. He liked chicks, not dicks. He's made that very very clear by having sex with nearly everything that walked, talked, and had a vagina. For another, who the fuck would like me? I'm... Well... Me. There was no other way to put this.

No. Ashley Purdy couldn't possibly like me. No way. Pigs would fucking fly before then.

I shook my head again at CC, who was still chuckling quietly to himself and sent Ashley the time and place where we would be meeting before the bell went.

"Shut the fuck up," I smiled slightly at CC, while packing up my stuff. He just shook his head and let out another chuckle.

"See you after school, lover boy." He called after me as I walked out of the class. I just shook my head and slightly smiled. Gotta love friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: And that's chapter six! I'm really sorry if the story is coming along more slowly than other fanfictions would make it. It's just my writing style haha. I like describing things instead of skipping all over the place trying to make it interesting by adding drama. I like to keep things realistic. :)
But even if it is slightly boring... Thank you for those of you who have been supporting me through the way! Your comments and messages always manage to make me smile! It means a lot that you guys like this. <3
Please leave me a comment or send me a message letting me know what you guys think; a writer can only get better with criticism, positive or negative. :) If I'm not doing a good job; tell me! If I am doing a good job; tell me!
I'm going to end this before it gets unnecessarily long... Thanks again for reading! I love you all. See you next chapter! Cheers! xoxox.