Status: Completed

Could This Be Love?

Chapter Eight

Ashley's point of view

If I thought I had a hard time picking out clothes this morning, that is nothing compared to the trouble I was having now. Like this morning, I was sat on my bed, stating blankly at my wardrobe, but unlike this morning I was only in socks and underwear. I didn't even know what pants I wanted to wear. I wanted to look perfect for Andy, that much I knew, but other than that...

I wanted to impress him, but I didn't want to look really overdressed so that he knew I wanted to impress him. I sighed and ran a hand over my face, leaving it there for a moment as a picture of Andy smiling came into view.

His smile is so beautiful, I thought to myself, It's a shame he doesn't smile more...

But then I realised that he truly doesn't have many reasons to smile. He's an Outcast, but even though that wasn't a bad thing in and of itself, it just meant that he had barely any friends and the whole school hated him. The kid even got picked on more than any of the other Outcasts. Why? I couldn't tell you. He just did, and that made me sad.

But I know one thing is for sure. I'm going to give him a new reason to smile. I want to be a reason his beautiful face lights up. I just want to be his.

With this new thought in mind and the idiotic grin back in place, I stood up, stretched, and walked over to my wardrobe. A light soft knock sounded at my door.

"Yep." I called, still shifting through my clothes. My mum poked her head in the door.

"Hey hun, big date tonight?" She asked.

I giggled. Yes, giggled, like a love struck teen girl. "No," I replied, shaking my head. "Just meeting with friends tonight. We're going to a movie."

My mum's face fell into a disapproving frown. "Oh, please tell me not with those kids on the football team."

I shook my head again. "Nope, not Justin." I said, turning to her with a grin. "Some kids from my school. Andy and his friends."

Her face broke into a soft grin when she heard I wasn't hanging out with Justin. Yeah, you could say that she disliked Justin. Actually, hated would probably be the more appropriate term.

"Oh good. Andy... I've heard that name before."

"Yeah, he lives like, a block down from us. Andy Biersack." I replied, turning back to my wardrobe to continue my search for clothes. Yes, Andy and I lived about a block away from each other and we weren't friends. Our parents were though, but by the time Andy and I had met, I was already a Popular and he was already an Outcast. If it wasn't for those two important factors, we would have been friends long ago. Maybe even more...

"Oh! Andy, you mean Amy and Chris' son?" My mum asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I nodded.

"He seems like a nice kid." She said smiling, giving me a slight wink. Yes, my mum knew I was bisexual. She was one of the few people that knew that fact. I came out to her and my dad when I was in grade nine. I was completely terrified. I thought they were going to kick me out and never speak to me again, or at least tell me it was just a stupid phase I was going through, but they were really accepting. It actually made me cry.

I felt myself blush at her words. "He is." I replied quietly, almost like I was speaking to myself. "He really is."

My mum just gave me her knowing smile and walked over to me. "So, when are you meeting him?"

"In about... half an hour." I replied, looking at my alarm clock that was sat on my bedside table.

"And you're not ready yet?" My mum exclaimed, jokingly trying to look shocked, although I could see the hint of amusement behind her eyes.

I sighed and sat down on my bed again, frustrated. "No! I don't know what to wear!" I replied, then quietly said, "I really want to impress him mummy."

She nodded and walked over to my closet. Then she pulled out my plain black tank top and a hoodie. "Just wear this. You're just going to a movie hunny." She said, tossing the clothes over to me, kissing me on the head, and leaving me to get changed.

I smiled and tugged the shirt over my head before grabbing the jeans I wore today that were laying in a heap on the floor. After pulling those on too, I made my way to the bathroom to deal with my hair.

It took me a full five minutes to straighten and tease my hair perfectly, and another ten minutes to put on makeup. I even put on a light layer of foundation.

By the time I thought I looked decent enough, I only had fifteen minutes to get to the movie theatre. I sat on the edge of my bed, trying to put on my boots.

"Oh come on," I muttered. I got the right boot on okay, but I couldn't get the stupid left boot on...

Finally, with a hell of a fight, it slid on. I stood up quickly, nearly falling over in hunger because I hadn't eaten since lunch.

"Fuck," I whispered, grabbing the desk nearest to me for support. When the dizziness past, I rushed downstairs, grabbed my wallet off the kitchen counter, and started towards the front door.

"Bye Ashley, have a good time." My dad said from the living room. I couldn't see him, but I could hear it in his voice that he said it with a smirk.

"Bye dad! I'll text you when I know when I'll be home." I replied before walking out the door.

I shivered slightly against the wind as I began the walk to the movie theatre. I'm glad I had the sense to throw on my leather jacket before I left, otherwise I'd be frozen by the time I got to my destination. I pulled my iPod out of my pockets and started blasting some KISS, singing along quietly. I looked at the time, I only had about ten minutes to get there. I sighed and started walking faster, pulling out my phone to send Andy a quick text.

Hey, I might be a couple minutes late. I had trouble finding clean socks... xD

I sent off the text and instantly regretted it.

"Clean socks?" I muttered to myself. "Now he's going to think your a pig or something. Way to go Ashley."

But to my surprise, he thought my attempt at a joke was funny.

Haha no worries! ;) We might be running late as well, so no damage done. I couldn't find clean underwear!

I giggled, smiling like an idiot for like, the billionth time today. Hopefully, by the end of tonight, I would have a new group of friends. Hopefully, I would be able to leave my old life and start my new one, with Andy and the Outcasts.

Andy's Point of View

Why wasn't my fucking hair working with me. Didn't it know that it had to be perfect? I only had half an hour to get dressed, do my hair and makeup, and get there... but my hair didn't seem to care.

"Mother fuck of all flying fucks." I muttered, extremely frustrated.

I heard someone chuckle from the bedroom, and suddenly Jake appeared in the doorway.

"Having trouble?" He asked.

"You have no fucking clue." I mumbled between clenched teeth, still trying, and failing, to make my hair work. Jake grabbed the straightener from me.

"Well," He said slowly, "It would help if you actually turned the thing on."

"Oh," I said, feeling my face heat up in embarrassment. He just chuckled in response.

"Go put clothes on while you're waiting for this to heat up," He said. I walked into my bedroom, just wearing a pair of socks and my batman boxers. I then made my way over to my wardrobe and stood there for about five seconds before declaring:

"Guys, I have no fucking clue what to wear."

The guys and Sandra looked up from their positions on my bed and floor. Everyone except for Sandra smiled at me. CC got up from his position, ruffled my hair, and began shifting through my closet.

"I just want to look perfect for Ashley tonight, you know?" I asked no one in particular.

Jinxx laughed. "Yeah, we know dude. You've only said it about five times in the past hour." Jinxx replied, not looking up from his game he was playing on his phone. Sandra just rolled her eyes.

"Hey Sandra," I began, looking over at her. "I want your opinion... What would you wear to impress someone?"

She just glared at me, got up from the floor, and walked out. What the fuck?

"What's her problem?" I asked.

Everyone just shrugged. "Ignore her," CC said, pulling out a shirt and then throwing it on the floor after deciding he didn't like it.

"Hey! Do you mind not destroying my room?" I asked, playfully punching him on the shoulder.

"Meh. Doesn't affect me," He replied, winking and sticking out his tongue.

"Dude, why don't you just wear what you were wearing this morning? That looked fine." Jake asked with a yawn.

"Because it has blood all over it from my nose bleed." I replied, then added to myself: And because of earlier.

Jinxx and I made eye contact, him giving me a sad smile when he guessed what I was thinking.

"Oh," was all Jake said.

"Here, just put on this." CC said, pulling out a grey v-neck and a checkered scarf.

I looked over the outfit and smiled. Perfect.

I changed quickly and then rushed into the bathroom to finish working on my hair and makeup.

Five minutes later... I was still struggling with my God damn fucking hair.

"For fuck sakes!" I all but screamed.

"Just put on a hat." Jinxx called.

"Yeah," Jake agreed, laughing. "Just hurry up."

I sighed and walked back over to my closet to pull out my black, knitted beanie my grandma had knitted for my birthday.

Having done my makeup a couple minutes ago, I was finally done. I turned around dramatically and struck a ridiculous pose.

"How do I look?" I asked in the deepest, sexiest voice I could pull.

"Fine." CC said with a chuckle, not even looking at me. "Now lets go lover boy."
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: Wow. That took a while to write. So. Much. Drama. Happened so I’m sorry that it took so long and it kinda sucks.

But! I hope you enjoyed it anyway, comment your opinions. :) All positive and negative feedback really helps… I can’t become a better writer if I don’t get feedback! Chapter nine should come out soon. :) So I’ll see you guys next chapter! Cheers! xoxo