Let Me Heal Your Wounds


I laid on the bathroom floor as I clutched at my side. He kicked me again.. It felt like hours had gone by, it felt never ending. But he finally stopped. When I heard the closing of the front door, I knew it was then time for me to get up. My breath was heavy as it came out in sobs between my lightly parted lips. I looked at myself in the mirror. Bloody nose, swelled up eye. I'm surprised I'm not dead.

The next day I woke up to the sound of the door bell ringing. I went down stairs and opened the door to find my friend Roy at the door.

"Elena? What happened?" His eyes were wide, and his mouth formed a 'o' shape as he walked in.

"Scotty. H- He's still hitting me." I said as I nearly broke down and cried again.

"Still? Come on, Lena. You can't let him keep doing this to you. One day he'll end up-" Roy started but was cut off as I started to groan out in pain.

The groans soon turned into loud screams of agony. Roy wrapped his arm around me as he picked me up and brought me to his car. Once inside, he drove us to the hospital. When we got there I was placed inside of a hospital bed, when the doctor came in, the pain had stopped, and there was a pool of blood forming between my legs.

Sometime after, the doctor had told me I miscarried.

I didn't even know I was pregnant...

The following weeks I was depressed, eventually I got tired of it. I needed some relief. One night Roy came over upon request. I told him my story. How Scotty would beat me and rape me. Roy told me that he could show me what true love is. What it felt like. That man showed me things I never experienced. He showed me love. He gave me hope. I laid there in bed, in his arms as we talked. Then, my door was kicked in, we looked up to find Scotty.

Scotty walked over to us with this crazed look in his eye. My eyes followed down his body and landed on the gun in his hands.

"Scott, whatever you're thinking man, don't do it." Roy pleaded.

I got out of the bed and walked over to Scotty in a attempt to calm him. He then flipped us around, and had the gun pinned to my head. In that same instant, Roy had managed to get out of the bed, and wrestled Scotty to the ground.

I yelled for both of them to stop. I pleaded for Scotty's forgiveness, telling him if he would stop, I'd never see, nor speak to Roy again. I jumped as I heard the gun go off. I thought the worst, that Roy, or even, Scotty had gotten shot, but I was wrong. I got shot.

Although I died that night, I was also freed.
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A Contest Entry.