Status: In Progress! Let me know what ya'll think!

Illegally Orphaned


The room is starting to get claustrophobic and we've only been in here for five minutes. The room is made of cement. Cement walls, cement floors, cement ceilings. Heck, if there had been paint it would've been cement. The only other thing is a mirror on the far wall. Interesting. A mirror in a completely cement room.

"Guys, look at the mirror," I say.

Jazlene looks at me as if I'm crazy, as she seems to do more and more often, and says sarcastically, "Yeah it's a mirror and just look at my hair; it's a mess!"

I roll my eyes at her. She's super conceited sometimes... scratch that, all the time. " No. It's the only none cement thing in here. I think it's a two way mirror. On T.V., the cops interrogated suspects in a cement room with a two way mirror."

Scotty gets up and knocks on the cement and then on the mirror. He nods and confirms my theory, "She's right. It sounds hollow. There has to be a room on the other side."

Jacki gets up and hefts her electronic bag. "Jacks, what are you doing?! That has your computer in it!" Jen shouts.

Jacki throws her bag at the mirror and sends glass flying in a million different directions. A scared group of people cower in a corner, but one man stands in the middle of the room, completely without fear. He looks rich, entirely too wealthy for his own good, with a smile stretched across his face.

"That was wonderful Jacki. I be sure to get you a new computer. Your was outdated anyway, " the man says in a soothing voice. Jacki is at a complete loss for words. The man turns to Scotty. "Young man, you are very smart to check for a hollow. Jen, darling, we've acquired new reading material in the library I think you will enjoy. Jazlene, thank you for inventing a better mirror cleaner. I don't now how we lived without it. And Alex, you are an intelligent girl to be able to take in your surroundings and use them to survive, although I'm not sure T.V. is the most reliable source of information. I am very proud of you all," He smiles larger.

Jacki, who seems to have gotten her voice back, whispers, "Who the hell are you and how do you know stuff about us?"

The man laughs, "I'm Ire, of course."

This is him? This is that horrid wretch that had those teens murdered four years ago. This over stuffed panda draped in gold chains is the source of all my problems. He must be joking. This is just a practical joke. He can't be Ire.