The Unsavory Tragedy of Kiley Martin

Part Four

"Patient’s name is Kahn," Kiley said standing up from her desk chair. She was working in her home office the night after their fourth appointment. "Human... mostly." She bit her lip as she started to pace the room. "He claims he and his people were genetically bred to be above human weakness both mental and physical.

"He is the leader of what remains of his people." She coughed and continued to record. "There are seventy-two of them left and Admiral Marcus has them all. Kahn's coöperation hinges on it."

She frowned, thinking back on their session. All those threat’s he so freely uttered and not one of them made her even twitch with fear. She wasn't lying when she said she didn't fear death, she never has. But pain and he had alluded to a great deal, was something she has never been able to tolerate. And in the midst of a threat so elegant and vivid with pain she didn't even bat an eye.

She turned to look out her window, the outline of Star Fleet visible in the distance. "I’ve heard stories about super humans like him, from my mother. People bred for war. Kahn’s genetics are like nothing I’ve ever seen. Physically he is unparalleled; he has perfect posture and grace. In a sense, he is the perfect man.”

She walked back to her desk and picked up the small silver picture frame. Four people sat upon an old couch with large smiles. The man was on the left. He was tall, dark red almost ruby colored hair matched Kiley’s own. He wore glasses but she knew he didn’t need them. He had perfect eye sight, they were used to lessen the severity of his face. Between the sharp angle of his jaw and strong features he was a man of action, anyone could see that. The glasses made him look silly, with an almost childish favorability to him. The woman drew Kiley’s eyes to her, as she often did. She was tall, blonde locks that cascaded down her back like a silver silhouette. A long face and sharp jaw gave her the appearance of unquestionable confidence. She knew what she was doing, no one would doubt her. Many feared her because of her sharp gaze; eyes that cracked a whip when turned on any one individual. Kiley looked to those piercing green orbs now. This woman was a leader, she was a commander, a wife and a mother; she was Kiley’s mother.

In her parents laps sat Kiley, barely two months old, and her brother who was four at the time of this picture. It was only four months after this that the community her parents ran was invaded by the United States Army. Her parents were executed for illegal genetic experimentation on the population of their community.

“My mother said she was trying to create the perfect man,” she said running her fingers over the photo. “I guess someone had beaten her to it.” she set down the photo and returned to her desk chair to look directly into the camera.

“Khan was breed for war,” she said interlocking her fingers on the glass surface. “The perfect Solider. According to my mother she was starting to doubt her work. The population of her community was not taking kindly to her genetic tampering and many were dying in the womb. How Kahn’s people managed to progress as they have is something I will find out, even if I have to start construing a few pretty threats of my own.”

She turned back to the photo, her mother’s gaze cutting through her as she finished her recording. “I will finish the work my parents started. This I promise you Mother, as I have always promised you."