Status: Active!

The Animal Within

"No!" Annabel Lockwood screamed as the towns people dragged her and her brother David to the cursed woods. The woods, as it was said, held a ferocious monster that would kill any man, woman, and child that it so desired just so it could feast on their very flesh and bones.

"Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen" David said as he prayed to God to save them, but, by now, their prayers would go unheard.

"Annabel!" a male voice came, shouting out of the dark. "Jeremy! Demetri!" David shouted seeing the identical twins and immediately started struggling against his bonds to try and get to them, but his struggles were futile - the ropes around his wrists were just too strong.

The corrupt Reverend halted them in front of a tree. "Bring forth the evil souls!" the Reverend shouted to the mob. Soon Jeremy, Demetri, Annabel, and David were brought forth in front of the Reverend and were forced to kneel. "You! You damned four souls have been cursed to Hell! Going against God is the ultimate sin! Now pay for your crimes! Cut out their hearts!" The Reverend shouted. "If you want evil! We'll show you evil! As God as our witnesses we shall be born again! We will show the world just the evil you fear! In your nightmares and in your dreams! We will show you!" Jeremy shouted before a red hot dagger was plunged into his chest.

Annabel screamed as she saw her lovers blood spill forth from his mouth. Soon she was the only one left alive; many of the male villagers wanting to defile her before they killed her. "You shall endure, instead, a public rape and live with your sins for your life time." The Reverend said before Annabel was thrown into the mob of villagers.

Her screams were heard through the blackened night as her dignity was stolen from her, and, soon, she was left to lie on the cold dirt floor - no doubts of her womb soon being filled with child, and that is the time that she vowed that her lineage would find the reincarnations of Jeremy and Demetri before they would sow a pathway of destruction.

She would make this world pay.
  1. Drex
  2. Baylynn
  3. Ethan
  4. Aiden
  5. Drex
  6. Baylynn
  7. Ethan
  8. Aiden
  9. Drex
  10. Baylynn
  11. Ethan
    You might want to go back and re-read the last bit of Baylynn's part since we twerked it a bit...for you ;)
  12. Aiden
  13. Drex
  14. Baylynn
    So, this chapter's a little different. You get another character's P.O.V.
  15. Ethan
  16. Aiden
  17. Drex
  18. Baylynn
  19. Ethan