Status: I am so sorry this has taken forever to update. I'm working 2 jobs, going to school, and my wedding date is creeping up. Hoping to have a new chapter up in the next 2 weeks.



“Matt?” The woman looked helplessly for permission from the largest of the men.

“Anything that’ll save him.” His hazel eyes misted with unshed tears. It was only now that I realized the little boy had the same colored orbs. This had to be his son.

“We are going to need medical supplies. We are out. That’s why we came here.” My eyes locked with the hardened emerald ones.

“You guys are more than welcome to stay in our compound. We have the room and could use the extra man power. Not to mention, it is a lot safer than here. How many times has something gotten in here?” Gavin had yet to settle. His eyes scanned everything before starting over.

“More than they should have.” The man who’d been in the room with the woman and boy finally spoke. “I’m Brian.” He offered his hand.

“Lilith.” I shook it. “If one of you want to come with me, I’ll get the supplies we’ll need and we can get out of here.”

“I’ll go with her. Brian, take him and load up some food, water, and anything else he says they need. We won’t be able to leave until Owen is healed. Val, Matt, get him ready to be moved.” Zacky seemed used to barking orders.

“Mind if I take this?” I stopped and grabbed a large backpack off of hook in the school supply section.

“You don’t have to ask permission for everything.” His mouth lifted at the corner, tilting in his right lip ring.

“It’s only right. Everything in here is yours.” I shrugged pulling the empty bag over my shoulder continuing to follow him.

“If you can save my nephew’s life, you’re more than welcome to any of it.” He was back to the grim expression that’d graced his face since I’d laid eyes on him.

“So Matt is your brother? You look nothing alike.” My eyes scanned the area out of habit.

“Not biologically, but I’ve known him for forever. Same with Brian.” He shrugged coming to a stop at the end of an aisle. “Help yourself.” He nodded toward the what I’d come for. I quickly started filling the bag.

“Is there anything in there?” I nodded to pharmacy area.

“Nothing useful. Take what you want out of there too.” Once he okayed it, I jumped over the counter and started throwing bottles of medication into the almost full bag. I rejoined him quickly.

“Do you mind if I take some stuff from this aisle too?” I motioned to the feminine products.

“No. I’ll go grab another bag.” His disappeared from sight as I started looking over products. Surprisingly, this place looked as it hadn’t seen much activity since the breakout. It was nearly fully stocked. I heard someone walking up behind me.

“Thanks Zacky.” I smiled turning toward him only to come face to face with one of the Infected. I let out a shriek of surprise, causing it to lunge at me, teeth bared. I fell onto my back, scrambling to get my knife out of it’s sheath. I kicked at it, the blade finally slipping from it’s cover. It dropped on top of me, still, before I had the chance to use my weapon.

“Are you ok?” Zack’s worried eyes scanned me for any sign of a wound as he rolled the dead body off of me.

“I’m fine. It didn’t bite me.” I shuttered as he pulled me to my feet.

“If one got in, it won’t be long before others do. Make it quick.” He traded the empty bag he was holding for the full one I’d dropped.

“Thank you.” I turned and filled the bag with tampons and pregnancy tests.

“Planning on getting lucky?” He quirked an eyebrow at me as I shoved a few boxes of condoms into the bag.

“I only know two other woman that have survived this long, and none of us could afford to get knocked up. I have too many responsibilities to be put in a bubble right now.” I rolled my eyes and shut the bag. “Let’s go.” I stepped on the corpse, pulling Zacky’s arrow from the back of it’s head.

“Did you get what you needed?” Val’s eyes shone of hope as Zacky and I entered the security room. I shook my head.

“I’ll have to go to a pharmacy or hospital before he can be operated on. We have no pain medication or anti-biotics.” I sighed. Zack was whispering quickly into Matt’s ear causing him to drain of all color.

“Here.” Gavin handed me a full quiver of arrows as he and Brian joined us.

“I have to get medications. There wasn’t much here.” I shot him a sad smile. “Get them there safely. Let Chloe know I’ll be home before sunrise.” I started to head out.

“Wait. I’ll go with you. It’s my son that needs the medicine.” Matt started toward me.

“Exactly. He’s your son. He’ll want his dad with him. I can do it on my own.” I was trying to convince him as much as I was myself.

“She’s right Matt. You stay with him. I’ll go with her.” Zacky spoke up.

“Do you think you can get that car started again? We’ll need it to transport him.” Gavin’s eyes searched mine.

“I should be able to.” I nodded. “Get everything to the front door. You know the second I turn it over, we’ll we swarmed.” I grabbed one of the bags off of the floor.

“Can’t we just drive to a pharmacy, you get what you need, then we drive to wherever we’re going?” Val asked as carried one of the bags I’d filled; Matt had their son in his muscular arms.

“It’ll attract too much attention. I’ll be quicker and safer without it. Hey Gavin, give this to Chloe and tell her it’s her new cuddle buddy until I get back.” I grabbed a stuffed bear off of a shelf as we neared the front door.

“Looks clear. Ready?” Brian asked at the make-shift door, peeking through a gap. I nodded before following Zacky out into the sunlight.

It didn’t take long to get the car loaded and everyone in ready to go. I quickly reattached the wires causing the vehicle to rev to life. I looked up to see it hadn’t seemed to stir anything. I backed away and slammed the door shut.

“Here we go.” Zacky warned as Gavin started to drive away. We swiftly put an end to the 10 reanimated corpses that raced in our direction.

“I really hate these things.” I grumbled, pulling the last of my arrows from decayed flesh.

“Do you know where we are going?” Zacky asked following in my steps.

“Yes. I’ve lived in this town since I was 6.” I dodged a tree branch as we cut through a small cluster of tree. After five miles and three breaks for Zacky to catch his breath, the Walgreens came into view.

“There it is! Let’s go!” He started getting excited and went to walk past me. I put my arm in front of him, halting his movement.

“Only problem.” I pointed toward the large blue dumpster. An Infected was rummaging around, eating something. “Where there is one, there is six.” My eyes scanned the surrounding area, spotting three.

“I got this.” He pulled his gun out.

“Are you stupid?!?” I hissed grabbing it. “They are attracted to sound. Be quiet and follow me. Don’t make a sound.” I rolled my eyes and took a step forward. Creeping low to the ground we made inside the building successfully. I loaded my bow and took out the only one that was inside. Before walking behind the medicine desk.

“What are we looking for?” Zacky whispered.

“Take everything.” I skimmed the bottles finding everything we needed was here thankfully. “Make sure to split it between our bags. Don’t put all of one medication in one.” I started loading my half empty bag.

“Anything else?” He looked at me expectantly.

“Don’t move.” I warned quietly. Less than an arm’s reach from him stood a blood-covered corpse, eyes trained on Zacky just waiting for a sign that he was alive.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two chapters in one day? Feel special. Lol. I would love for some feedback on this story! Should I continue or just scrap it? Oh, and check out my new writing contest. Thank for reading! ~<3 Syndi