Status: work in progress

I Don't Want to Live in the Modern World

Christian's Inferno

"This is my first guitar." Billie said as he picked up a bright red acoustic guitar. "My dad got it for me."
He smiled as if thinking back to a good memory. "And this is Blue." He said.
He picked up the other guitar, a light blue electric one.
I smiled and glanced around at all of Billie's posters. Billie started absent mindely playing Blue. Mike sat down on Billie's bed and picked up a magazine from the ground with a band on the cover that I was not familiar with. "Are you going to the party tonight?" Mike asked Billie.
"Yeah I think so, if Gloria wants to go." Billie looked at me. I tore my eyes from his wall and looked at Billie . I smiled and nodded at him. This was new, I've never been to a real party before or invited to one. But in the back of my mind a voice said 'No, you can't go, you'll look stupid and everyone will hate you. Everyone will be so much better than you and they'll make fun of you.'
I didn't let those thoughts show on my face and tried to ignore them. "Awesome." Said Mike, "and don't worry, these people are nice."
That was weird, it was like he read my mind. He went back to his magazine. Billie walked over to me with Blue. "Do you want me to show you a few chords?" He asked me.
I got excited then hesitated. "What if I'm no good?"
"You will be good, I'll show you."
He put Blue over my head so the strap rested on my shoulder. Billie handed me a pick. "Here this is a G chord." He blushed slightly.
Billie grabbed my hands lightly and guided me where to put my fingers on the neck. He lifted my other hand and strummed. "Now you try."
He took his hands off of mine and took a step back. I strummed it own my own. "See? You're not bad." Billie smiled and I smiled back.
He put his hands back on mine. "And this is a C chord..."
This continued for a bit and I had a small heart attack every time he touched me. His fingers were calloused and rough and just felt right against my soft skin.
The whole entire time Mike was just absorbed in the magazine and I don't know if he was trying to be discrete and not feel awkward or it was just a really interesting article.
A little while later Mike just put it down and said, "I have to go, it's 11:00 and I told John I would meet up with him at the mall. See ya."
Billie and I said bye as he left. "So, what do you want to do now?" Billie asked.
"Whatever you want to do." I said.
I took Blue off of me and gave it to Billie. He put it in the corner next to the red guitar.
"Well, we could visit the music store."

Soon enough Billie and I were entering a small building filled with records, cassettes, and any instrument you could think of. The store was surprisingly filled with people. Back home, if there was a store like this, no one would go there and it would probably get shut down from no business. "Wow, a lot of people are here." I said as we skimmed through records.
"Yeah rock music is a thing around here. Only some of the more popular people like Kevin listen to other stuff because they don't want to be considered a freak."
"Oh, that's cool."
I wasn't really sure how I felt about that. I mean, it was nice that a lot of people liked good music, but I felt like I was stripped of something. Like I wasn't special anymore. I had prided that I was different than everyone else.but now I was part of the majority and I didn't like it.
"Do you have a name for your band yet?" I asked Billie, trying to start a conversation.
"I'm liking the name Sweet Children. I'm going to tell Mike and our friend John about it."
"I like the sound of that, Sweet Children." I told Billie as the bell above the door rang and someone else walked in.
It was a tall skinny pale boy with messy light brown hair. He went behind the counter and put on a name tag as the other cashier walked out. "That's Christian." Billie said. "He's another friend of mine, and gets me good deals of vinyl. But he has the worst temper ever. It's because he got rejected from art school a year ago. Last time he exploded because a guy told him to get out of the way and Christian ended up cutting him with a switchblade."
"Why are you friends with him? Aren't you scared he'll hurt you?" I raised one eyebrow.
"I don't know, he makes life interesting, unpredictable."
"You've got one thing right."