you're Just A day Dream away

Chapter One

*** Aaryn’s POV ***

“fuck mornings” I whispered to myself as I crawled out of bed. My room was cold and dark. Probably because it’s only 4 in the morning. I couldn’t sleep any longer that, Every night I’ve been having this re-occurring dream about be running and trying to catch something, and the lights in the room kept flickering and I would fall over and not be able to catch it. Doesn’t seem like a very scary nightmare, I know. But trust me. It is fucking terrifying.

I walked down the old stairs to find my mother sitting in the kitchen
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY AARYN” she screamed. Oh yeah, it’s my 18th birthday. I actually forgot. The funny thing about birthdays is that you go to sleep thinking that when you wake up, you’re going to feel like a completely different person but the truth is, you always wake up disappointed, feeling the exact same way as you did the night before. You would think that walking down stairs at 4 in the morning and finding your mother in the kitchen staring at the ceiling would be weird, but not for me. She wakes up every morning at 3 to watch some British soap opera and then sits around for the rest of the morning until me and my sister wake up.

“I’m having a shower now” I said to my mother, sighing. As I walked back up the stairs and into the bathroom. I hate this bathroom. The walls are some ugly salmon colour and the curtains are bright pink and it clashes. There’s always this gross musky smell in there, and it’s really hot. I took off my yellow pajama pants and my blue tank top and hopped into the shower. I like to think in the shower. Think about life, boys, food, just everything. After I washed and conditioned my medium-length red hair, I jumped out of the shower, wrapped my naked, wet body in a towel and walked down the hall to my bedroom.

What to wear… hmm... after contiplating for a few minutes, I threw on some old grey jogging pants and a white blink-182 tank top. I took the wet towel off my head and brushed through my hair, and pulling it up into a small pony tail.

“mom! I’m going for a jog” I yelled down the stairs, then ran out of the house as quickly as possible. I put in my headphones and started up my favorite all time low song. And then I started to run.

It’s been about a year since I got diagnosed with severe depression. I barley ever leave my room so this is pretty weird for me. I don’t know, I guess I have a lot of mental problems. My mom and sister are always worrying about me. If they only knew about all the attempts, the scars and the deep thoughts in my head. I feel like things are getting a bit better now though. I don’t feel the need to stay in my bed all day long now.

*** Alex POV ***
“Since we had to cancel the show tonight, what do you want to do?” Rian asked me. I didn’t know what to say so I just turned away and continued to stare out the tour bus window. I was so excited to play the show here in Toronto, after all, it is my favourite city next to Baltimore of course. Rian and I were really good friends, I was good friends with everyone in the band, especially Jack. Ever since we started the band All Time Low, Jack and I have been really close. I’ve always thought Jack had a bit of a crush on me though haha... Oh well.

“Guys, we should go to London! It’s only a few hours away” Zack had said to us. The rest of the band members were excited and accepting of Zack’s request. I personally didn’t want to go all the way to London. But I suppose I’ll just go along with it anyways and I’m sure it won’t be THAT bad…

We were in London now, I slept most of the way, and I had a weird dream though. I don’t remember what it was about. Whatever.
“I’m gunna go for a walk” I told the guys as I put on my scarf and my black and grey beanie. The guys nodded, not even looking up from looking at their cellphones. I walked out of the tour bus, the weather was cloudy and damp, it was pretty cold for only being the beginning of October. The bus was parked on a small street called “Ashburry”. I walked off of the street and onto another street called Millbank Dr. I walked for what seemed like forever.
*ring ring*
“hey Alex, it’s Rian, where are you?”
“I’m just waliking around I’ll be there soo---“
And then bam! I just walked into the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life. She hd medium length red hair, freckles and the prettiest hazel eyes I have ever seen.
“are you.. uh.. Alex.. uhh” The girl stuttered, I guess she’s probably just a crazy fan . I run into a lot of those everyday.
“yeah, it’s me haha… do you want me to sign anything?”
The girl took a deep breath and I was expecting her to say something crazy or freak out or something but what came out of her mouth after this, is something ive never heard before.
“no thanks. Bye” And then she walked away…” So I followed her.

*** Aaryn’s POV ***
Still jogging down the street. The weather outside is gross. It’s just depressing. BAM. Some guy just ran into me, what the actual fuck? Who does this person think they... woah… Alex Gaskarth is standing right infront of eme right now. Alex Gaskarth just walked into me. Alex Gaskarth... oh my goodness. I was at great loss of words, I just didn’t know what to say. It was a blur, until he asked me if I wanted to sign something, I was just about to say yes when I remembered that I don’t care. So I walked away… That was the most awkward but amazing but terrible thing that’s ever happened to me.

I didn’t want to talk to him and get anything signed by him because the thing is, I’m going to kill myself soon anyways. So what’s the point?
So in continued to jog down the street I noticed Alex fucking Gaskarth was following me. I was trying to hard for it not to faze me and make me completely freak out. So I pretended like he wasn’t even there.