Diary of Mari Delrous: Blue Apple


Was he good or bad?
I couldn’t tell, his smile so innocent but his hair hiding his shadowed eyes. Hooded he was, staring just standing there in the center of a forest. I walked closer to him.
“Do I know you?” I muttered.
He kept smiling. Suddenly it feels as if im even more closer to him. He lifted his right hand, beginning to touch a strand of my hair with it, Then putting it behind my ear. Stroking my cheek I stared curiously, to notice he then used his left hand to grab something from his pocket. Next thing I knew, he handed me an apple. Not just any apple, but in his hand lied a blue apple. I stared at it, and slowly reached out for the apple.
I held the apple, still in his hand. I heard a small humming like laugh from the boy as he smiled a little more. I looked up at him.

“I know you don’t i?”
He was a little hesitant, his smile slowly faded a little bit. He then smiled a tiny more as he answered.

It was clear he was speaking but I couldn’t hear a thing.
The space felt odd, something was wrong. He handed the apple into my hand, flashing away in a static I stared as his image flashed, him stroking my hair, flash by flash.


I bit the apple, to see light blue eyes of ice.
Fade out.