Status: 3 Part Finale

Listen to Your Heart

One Last Thing Before I Go

There's something significant that happens at the end of part 3 that I never got to explain to you guys because the story didn't progress that far (in actual writing).

When Hanna and John broke up in high school, it was because he was scared of commitment. Committing to her, committing to his future, the thought of it all terrified him. 2 weeks before he was set to graduate, he broke up with her because he didn't really know what to do. Because they weren't together, Hanna had already bought a dress for his prom (she was a Junior). Kennedy offered to take her instead. Going to prom together was the start of their relationship. At a party that takes place on prom night, John approaches Kennedy. They have a friendly conversation about how this thing Kennedy has with Hanna won't last forever. John tells him that someday, somehow he will get her back. It might take months or even years but he won't stop trying until she's back in his arms. In the heat of the moment (and maybe because of the amount of alcohol they've consumed) Kennedy jokingly bets John $20 that he won't get her back. Although intoxicated, both still have a clear recollection of this event and it was intended to be referenced throughout the series. When Hanna accepts his proposal Kennedy tells John to pay up, because he won the bet. John refuses because until she marries one of them, nothing is set in stone. Kennedy assumes he is being ridiculous and is just slightly bitter about losing the girl of his dreams. When Hanna later calls off the engagement he realizes that John was right.
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now that you've been filled in, go read part 3 and tell me what you thought!!!