Stay with Me

Midnight Memories

It’s close to midnight when Elizabeth’s eyes fall on a curly-headed brunette. Cold chills run down her spines at the thought of running into Harry at a night like this, she can only imagine the disappointed look in his eyes if he were to see her holding a tall glass filled with a caramel looking substance. He’d recognise the look in her eye and immediately tell her she’d been drinking, adding to the disappointment.

Before Elizabeth even realises it, a tear has slipped down her cheek as she’s slowly backing away from the taller brunette figure. It may or may not have been Harry Styles, but she’s not willing to take the risk of finding out. “Hey beautiful!” A guy yells in Elizabeth’s ear as he grabs her shoulder tightly, pulling her bony body against his.

“Hi.” Elizabeth mumbles, looking up at the man who’s somewhat blurry to look at in her drunken state. Elizabeth hasn’t even consumed an insane amount of alcohol, like she used to, but due to the fact that she only started drinking again about a month ago after a seven month hiatus, her system isn’t quite ready to handle the amounts of alcohol she drowns her sorrows with.

“What’s you’re name, gorgeous? How about you come with me… I know what you need.” He slurs as he grabs a tight hold on Ella’s hand, she doesn’t have the strength or willpower to deny his request. She knows exactly where he’s taking her and she’s currently craving exactly what he has to offer.

“How much?” She slurs as they leave the club and walk towards that dark alleyway around the corner.

“For you… it’s free.” He grins as he strokes her cheek before pushing his heavy hand into his pocket. The man then pulls out a small bag filled with a white powdery texture. She then reaches into her purse to pull out a bill.

Elizabeth’s body was never addicted to the cocaine, that’s the wonderful thing about such an expensive drug – it’s only psychologically addicting. That’s the main reason she stayed away from the cheapest drug of them all – heroine. Elizabeth was never one to be dependent on things in life, not people, not things, not anything. When she became dependent on Harry and started caring about what he thought and just the man in her life in general, she decided it was time to run away. Elizabeth thought she was strong enough to handle everything life had to offer on her own, but once again found herself knocked down by a right hook and slowly crumbling to the floor.

As the high settled in the energy Elizabeth lost while worrying about Harry had reappeared. She felt awake and carefree. “Thanks!” She smiles up at the man who’s happily smiling back at her.

“If you ever need more… you may still have my number, Elly…” The way the man pronounces the nickname only Harry was allowed to use anymore sends shivers down her spine. She hadn’t recognised the man before he spoke her name so softly, so coldly. “Don’t be scared, E… you know me, I’m your friend.” Elizabeth slowly backs away from the man; fear is evident in her eyes. “We used to do great business together, babe!” He yells before a loud laugh escapes him, causing Elizabeth to run away from him as fast as she can.

As she runs away her face is met with black fabric. “Woooow… watch out!” The woman yells. When Elizabeth looks up she sees her brunette friend. “Ella?! What have you been up to? I’m so sorry I lost track of you.” Esther mumbles, she has a worried look on her face when she sees her friend shaking in fear on the floor. “Come on, let’s get you home…” She whispers, carefully picking her friend off the floor.


Once Esther and Elizabeth arrive at Esther’s apartment, Elizabeth immediately runs into the room she’s made her own over the past couple of weeks and locks the door behind her. “Ella… I don’t know what happened… but please, talk to me… I’ll wait here just as long as you need me to.” Esther says, the thick, wooden door that separates the two friends muffles her voice.

To: HS

I failed you tonight… I failed you and all of the effort you put into me. I failed myself. I failed everything. I’m sorry, H! I never deserved your time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Been a while, aye?
Well, for those who did not yet realise this - Ella was an addict. Bam, cat's outta the bag.

Also check out my newest Louis story called, L O V E