Losing Control

Weird Coincidence

The day it all started was like any normal day. The sun was shining, birds were chirping...the air crisp...

Just kidding. It was storming like a mother, the clouds were dark, and thunder and lightning were filling the air. And I liked it. Storms always made me feel calmer about everything, and that's what helped me get over everything in my life. Well, mostly everything.

I was walking into the mall while others ran about--either in or out to avoid the down pour--and I just laughed and shook my head. Why people get so bent out of shape about water coming down on them, is what I would love to know, but, sadly, I know I'll never get a straight answer. Anyways, as I entered, I noticed the crowd of people is drastically smaller than normal, probably due to the rain, but those that were there were kids (well, people around my age).
I headed towards a Hot Topic to check their sales (a habit of mine), when I ran into someone...Full blown ran into someone. It knocked me off my feet. I fell on my butt.
"I'm so sorry."
I looked up and glared at the guy in front of me. "Uh huh."
"I seriously am." He stuck his hand out. A nice gesture to most, but to me, it's annoying.
"Okay. It's fine, then." Standing up, I dusted off my pants. The guy just stared at me, a twinkle in his green eyes. "What?"
He smirked. "Nothing."
"Seriously, what?"
"Nothing at all."
I rolled my eyes. "Being difficult I see."
"I am? Girl, you're the one that wouldn't except my hand."
"If I would've excepted your hand I would've been deemed a damsel in distress, which I'm not, and that would've given me a title of weakness."
"Strong, nice."
"Thank you. Now, if you'd excuse me, I have to--"
"What's your name?"
That caught me off guard. "What?"
"What's your name?"
"Well, what's yours?"
"I'll see ya around, Jordan."
I winked and walked away, never expecting to see him again.

A week later, I was going out to eat with my friends. We sat at our table, then started checking out the menu when I heard, "Hi, my name's Jordan and I'll be your waiter tonight, what can I get you to drink?"
My friends gave their answers, and then I looked up to say mine. My voice caught in my throat. It was that kid from the mall. Holy balls. "Uh...um..I'll, uh, I'll just have a, uh, water."
He gives me a half smile, "Okay. I'll be right back with your drinks."

Weeks later, I thought I was safe from seeing him again. Twice in two weeks was a weird coincidence, but what was happening to me was just plain freaky. I saw Jordan once a week. No lie, this kid was everywhere I went, and my friends didn't let me forget that.

The most recent time I saw him, it was at a party. I hate parties, too many people getting stupid, and not caring about what will happen to themselves because of how much alcohol or drugs they are consuming. I sat outside on the rough of the host's house, staring at my phone. Tears fell silently down my face, and I just let them. Sometimes you just need to let it out, even though it's hard to.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't know someone was up here."
I wiped my eyes and turned to the person. "It's fine."
"I still don't know your name, I mean, that's unfair." He laughed and took a seat next to me.
"Yeah, it isn't, but I'm shocked you don't know it yet, my friends are very loud people."
"Yeah they are..."
"I'm Marisol."
He smiled. "Marisol, that's cute."
"If you say so."
A silence lingered between us for a few minutes, my eyes were still a bit watery since I couldn't shake all the thoughts in my head.
"What's wrong, Marisol?"
"I think you're going to use my name a lot now, aren't you?"
"Of course I will. But seriously, what's wrong?"
"I don't know you all that well, but I know an upset girl when I see one."
"That's what you think."
"It's what I know. I was going to leave in a few minutes, but now I'm going to trail you like a puppy until you tell me what's up."
And that's when it happened. A feeling started in my stomach, like butterflies, but I stopped that because I started to cry. No one, not even my friends, have actually cared to ask what's wrong with me. Never. So, why the hell would this stranger?
He wrapped his arms around me, rubbing my back, while whispering, "It's okay, let it out," over and over again.
That night I realized:

1) He was going to become a part of my life, whether I wanted him to or not
2) I was willing to let him
♠ ♠ ♠
SOOO this is a new story, and I'll only continue it if I get feedback.

If you read this, thank you!!