Between the Raindrops


Cameron’s POV:
“Happy one month.” Abby kisses me and I wrap her in a hug.
“It’s been a month of crazy.” I tell her and she laughs.
“What are we doing this lovely Saturday?” She asks me.
“Bowling and then you’re meeting my family.” She grins and her face brightens up.
“I can’t wait, Cameron. You already know my parents.”
“But I haven’t quite met them.”
“They do want to have you over sometime. I keep putting it off.” She laughs.
“Abby, before you meet my parents, I have a question for you.” She smiles.
“Will you make it official and be my girlfriend?” I ask her and she nods, tears in her eyes.
“My first boyfriend.” She giggles then covers her mouth.
“Don’t be sorry about it.” I tell her and kiss her.
“Wait, we’re going bowling? Cameron, I can’t bowl to save my life.” She laughs and so do I.
“Neither can I so we’ll see who’s the best of the worst.”
“You just love trying to make me look bad, don’t you?” She winks when we get to the bowling alley and she picks up a pink one, then drops it.
“You love trying to hurt yourself and others, don’t you?” I ask her.
“Sadly, that just comes naturally.” She runs after it.
“I think that one’s too heavy for you.” She picks it up with both hands.
“Ya think?” She asks sarcastically and looks for a lighter weight one.
“Are you ready?” I ask her as I grab a green ball. She runs back grinning.
“Definitely. And I found a pink one.”
“How much do you like that color?” I ask her.
“I like pink a lot.”
“Yeah, I see that.” I tell her and she enters our names into the score board. I sit back and watch her get a gutter ball first try.
“Told you I suck.” She looks at me.
“Come on, that was your first try. You can only get better from here.” I tell her and she waits. Her next try she gets three pins.
“All right, Cam, try to beat that.” She pops her lips and it’s like the night I first met her.
“Oh, I’ll try to beat you, but it’ll be hard.” She laughs and I stare the pins down.
“Hurry, Cam.” She says and I lose my focus just as I release it; it becomes a gutter ball.
“You need to be quiet.” I kiss her and go again.
“Naïve, Cameron, I don’t know how to be quiet.” She says and I think she knows she distracts me now.
“Look at that, two gutter balls for me.” I face her and she grins.
“Sorry, babe, guess that’s just your luck.” She picks up her ball and gets a strike.
“That’s not fair!” I yell. She turns around completely shocked.
“I swear I don’t know how that happened.” She takes a seat and the game continues with her knocking down pins, not always too many, and me getting gutter balls.
“Now for the fun part of the night. You meeting my very crazy family.”
“That’ll be the best part of the night.” I’m glad she’s sure of it right now.