Between the Raindrops

The Truth Comes Out

Cameron’s POV:
I get home from school and my phone goes off before I can even sit down; it’s Abby.
“Hey, what’s going on?” I ask her.
“We need to meet, Cameron.” She’s going to break up with me.
“Okay, see you at the mall in fifteen?” I ask her and she hangs up. I guess that’s a yes. I drive over there and she’s just walking in.
“Cam, it’s about Saturday night. I shouldn’t have apologized for saying I loved you. It’s what I feel and there’s no hiding it. Okay, you can break up with me now for not moving slow or apologizing or whatever caused you to not call me. I am sorry you hate me.” I smile and take her hands.
“Abby, no, I don’t hate you. I didn’t call because I had no idea what you were feeling. I figured you would call when you were ready. I’m glad you aren’t sorry, because, Abigail Pierce, I love you, too.” I tell her and she’s embarrassed again.
“Really? Cool.”
“I think we’re close enough now we can move at any pace you want.”
“Cameron, you’re amazing. I’m glad you’re my first boyfriend.” She tells me.
“Do you wanna come over?” I ask her and she raises an eyebrow.
“I should probably let my parents know. Oh, and we’re just doing homework.” I laugh and let go of her hand.
“Of course, Abby.” She walks off and waves to me.
“To your place we go.” She smiles and walk her to her car. She beats me there and she’s waiting in her car.
“What are you two studying today?” Grandma asks and Abby turns red.
“English, ma’am.” Abby says.
“I am just teasing you. Go on up to his room, but keep the door open.”
“Wouldn’t dare close it.” I tell her and race Abby up.
“You should know I will always win races.” She tells me.
“Should we bet on it?” I ask her.
“No, I don’t do bets.” She laughs and pulls out her textbook.
“How big is that thing?” I ask her and she throws it to me. I barely catch it.
“All 11 pounds of it.” She tells me and I stare at her.
“Does your teacher hate your class?” I ask her and she laughs.
“Not that I know of, it’s just a tough class. Tough classes have big books.”
“Yeah, remind me to get famous after a year of college.” I tell her and she stops smiling.
“Could we not talk about that?” She asks me.
“You’re gonna have to accept it one day.” I tell her.
“Well that’s not today.” She opens her book and I know she doesn’t want to talk about it.
“Okay, fine.” I say. Half an hour later she closes her book.
“I can’t do this. Cam, it’s gonna suck when you get famous. You’re a really attractive guy and girls are gonna love you.”
“But they aren’t you.”
“And that’s what worries me.” She is so insecure.
“Don’t worry about them. I’ll hug them and laugh with them, but I will kiss only one girl and her name is Abigail Pierce.” I tell her.
“We’ll deal with it then.” She’s smiling again.