Between the Raindrops


Abigail’s POV:
“Cam, you leave for tour today.” I think I’m going to cry. I am so proud of the guys, though. We’ve all finished our first year of college; the girls and I have finished our second year.
“Sweetie, it’ll be okay.” He tells me.
“I know it will; I’ll just miss you.”
“I’ll be back before you can miss me.” He tells me and starts to get on the bus. I miss him already.
“Cam, I love you.” I tell him.
“I love you, too, Abby.” The bus pulls away then stops and he runs off. Claire and Cali squeal so I know they know what’s going on.
“What are you doing?” I ask Cameron as he gets off the bus.
“You’ll probably hate me for doing this, but I want you to know when I get back from tour, there’s a big surprise in store for you.” He tells me.
“Okay, tell me.”
“I can’t.” I roll my eyes.
“You were right, I hate you for this. But I love you so go have a good tour. I can’t wait to see you again.” I tell him and he gets on. I know the bus is leaving for good this time.
“Man, I miss them already.” Claire says and looks at a picture of Michael on her phone.
“Same. I wish I could have hugged Zach again before he left.” Cali says and sits in the grass.
“Will you tell me Cameron’s surprise?” I ask them and they look at each other.
“No.” Cali says.
“We’d like to, but we won’t.” Claire tells me.
“Do they have to do this stupid tour? It’s not that necessary, right?” I ask and they look at me.
“If only it were that simple.” Claire says.
“We just have to remember they love us.” I say and start to walk back to my dorm.
“You’ll love it, Abby.” Cali tells me. I think I know what it is, but I don’t know much anymore. One day the guys were handing out flyers at a concert, the next they were coming in second in a contest. Now they’re going on tour and they'll sign to a company when they get back. I walk into my dorm and find a note under the door.
“Abby, read this when you miss me. I love you and only you, no matter what. I’ll see you soon. Count down the days for me.” I turn it over and there’s a calendar on the back.
“Cameron Quiseng, you are so thoughtful.” I fall on my bed.
“What’d the amazing boy do this time?” My roommate, Alexandria, asks me. I show her the note.
“Isn’t he perfect?” I ask her and she smiles.
“Sure, I guess so. Until he gets too famous for you.”
“Alex, he wouldn’t do that. Would he?” I ask her.
“Happened to my cousin’s friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s neighbor. Or maybe it was the neighbor’s second cousin, I don’t remember.”
“Cameron’s not like that. He loves me.”
“Sure, for now. He’s just starting out. Well, have fun while it lasts.” She puts on more lip gloss.
“Where are you going?” I ask her.
“Out with my real boyfriend. Who won’t leave me.”