Between the Raindrops

Dreams Come True

Abigail’s POV:
Today is Cali’s wedding day and I’m happy for her. Michael proposed three days after Cameron said he was thinking about it.
“Cali, that dress really is pretty.”
“I know.” She smiles. Zach is lucky to have her, but Cameron is luckier to have me. I walk down the aisle with Cameron on my arm and I can’t wait for it to be my wedding. We split and stand, waiting the few seconds for Cali. She comes into view and the look on Zach’s face is priceless. I glance at Cameron and he’s staring at me. I take Cali’s flowers and she holds Zach’s hands.
“Zach, I don’t know what I would do without you. You always make me laugh and it’s just one of the many things I love about you. Even when you were touring you made me feel like the only girl in your world. I love you.” She starts crying and I, being who I am, start sobbing.
“Cali, I was in love with you the minute we became friends. I dated a few girls and none of them were you. You’re rare, Cali Jennings, and I like rare. There’s something about you that won’t let me go and I’m not going anywhere.” They both say ‘I do’ and all that other jazz and finally kiss.
“I can’t believe they’re married.” Cameron says as we ride to the reception.
“Yeah, neither can I.” I say and he makes me look at him.
“Are you okay waiting? I really don’t want us to be too young, Abby.”
“I know, Cam. You make sacrifices for me so I should do the same.”
“Our wedding shouldn’t be a sacrifice for you.” He tells me and I just want him to drop it.
“When we start planning, don’t worry, I’ll get the things I want. I want to be married to you, but I can wait because it’s what you want.” I tell him.
“Thank you, Abby, really.”
“Just promise you’ll never leave me.” I ask him. He lifts my hand in view.
“Look at this ring.”
“Cam.” I roll my eyes.
“Abby, look at it.” I look down and smile.
“Okay, I’m looking.”
“This is my promise to you. I’m not going anywhere.” He tells me and I smile.
“I believe you. And, Cam, just so you know, I’m not going anywhere either.” I tell him and he kisses me.
“I know.”
“Would it be wrong to start planning our wedding at our friends’ wedding?” I ask him and he laughs.
“Yeah, just a little.” He tells me.
“Okay, thought I would ask anyway.” I tell him. We get to the building and I put out the last few items so Cali won’t kill me. They finally show up and they’ve never looked happier.
“Time for the first dance.” I whisper to the DJ when I think things have calmed down enough. All That I’m Asking For by Lifehouse starts to play. Good job listening, Zach.
“Zach, it’s perfect.” I hear Cali whisper. Her dress flows around her and I think it trips Zach once. They couldn’t be more amazing together.
“Congratulations, Cali.”
“Thanks, Abby.” I hug her and she goes off with Zach.