Between the Raindrops

Tough Love

Cameron’s POV:
“Abby, do you want to eat something?” She’s been curled up in a ball for a week. She hasn’t eaten or even moved, unless she’s shaking when she’s sobbing.
“No.” One of the only things she says to me. I sit next to her and put my hand on her shoulder. For better or worse is what I promised her.
“Hey, come on.”
“Leave me alone.” The longest sentence I can get from her. I feel bad about not telling her, but this makes me feel worse.
“I’m sorry, Abby, I should have told you.”
“Yeah, you should have.” She starts to sit up and tears are streaming down her face.
“I lost my best friend, too.”
“But you’ll see him when you fly down to do your recording things.”
“And it’s not as often as it seems.” I tell her.
“Cam, it’s just different. Claire is my best friend, but I tell Cali everything.”
“Right now you aren’t telling her anything. She’s called at least twice a day this whole week hoping to talk to you.”
“I know; I hear the phone ring.” She rolls over again so I can’t see her face.
“Abby, this is crazy. Get up, take a shower, change your clothes, and eat something. Then I’m dragging you out of this apartment even if you’re kicking and screaming.” She turns over and glares at me.
“Don’t touch me. I want to be alone, Cameron, and I don’t know why you can’t get that.”
“Because I’m your husband! I promised to always take care of you. Leaving you in smelly clothes, hungry, and in a dark room isn’t healthy.” Then she starts crying.
“I miss her, Cam.” I lie next to her and hold her.
“I know you do; I miss Zach. But we’ll be okay.” I really want to tell her part of my surprise, but I can’t ruin it.
“Thank you for not giving up on me. I’m sure I look like hell.” I laugh and kiss her.
“But this is what I signed up for.” She sits up. “Hey, look who’s making progress.” She laughs.
“Alright, I’m gonna shower so I don’t kill you with smell.”
“Do you want me to make you something special?” I ask her.
“One bowl of Super Chocolate ice cream with all the chocolate crap we have on top of it?” She asks and I laugh.
“It’s nine in the morning.”
“Please?” She pokes out her bottom lip.
“Anything for you.” I tell her and she jumps down the hall to the bathroom.
“Damn, I look like crap!” I hear. This is going to be an interesting life together we have. She walks into the kitchen an hour later.
“How are you?” I ask her as I place her ice cream in front of her.
“Better. Thank you for making me move.” She eats and I watch her.
“I almost forgot how beautiful you are.” She blushes.
“Cam, don’t.” The phone rings. I answer it and look at her. She nods. “Cali!” She screams. They talk for about three hours.
“What did you two have to say?” I ask and she laughs.
“Apparently we’re going out there next month.”
“Really?” I ask, trying to hide my smile.
“Yeah. I can’t wait.”
“Neither can I.” She’s going to love that trip.