Between the Raindrops

A Prince is Born

Abigail’s POV:
“Cam, look at him.” I hold Grayson Michael Quiseng in my hands six months later.
“He has your nose.” Cameron tells me.
“And he looks like you everywhere else which is perfect.” I smile at him.
“You don’t mind?” He asks me.
“I want our kids to look like you.” I look at Grayson and I can see a bright future for him. He’s going to be a huge ladies man.
“Grayson!” Cali and Claire run in to the room.
“My baby.” I hold him close to me.
“Abby, don’t hog him.” Claire whines. She holds Kristine on one hip. Cali has Tanner in a stroller and is starting to show.
“Only Cam and I hold him right now. I don’t want to let go of him.” I look in his green eyes.
“You were protective of Kristine when she was born.” Cali reminds Claire.
“For like an hour. Abby’s had Grayson for two.” I look at her.
“And you all know how I get with guys.” I say and we laugh.
“Definitely, Abby, we do.” Cali says and I stick my tongue out at her. Zach walks in, sees my tongue, and sticks his out.
“You haven’t grown up yet?” Claire asks.
“I wouldn’t count on us growing up at all.” Zach tells her and we all laugh. We’re going to be immature children while our kids are still immature children.
“Where’s my grandchild?” Cam’s mom runs in the room.
“She’s hogging him.” Cameron says and I look at him.
“Dude!” I yell and he kisses me.
“Love you, sweetie.”
“Shut up.” I tell him. “Maybe there will just be a new guy in my life.” I move over and Cam sits next to me.
“Look at my nephew.” I’m not sure if it’s Anna or Bridget that says it, but they both run over to him.
“No one touches Grayson except me or Cameron.” I repeat for them. Cameron’s dad walks in.
“He’s a Quiseng.” Geoff says.
“Thanks for the reminder.” I say but I’m joking. I want Grayson to look like a Quiseng.
“Could you all leave for a few minutes? I need to take Grayson back for a few more tests.” I hold him close and look at the nurse.
“Is he okay?” I ask.
“Yes, there were just a few tests we couldn’t do earlier. After those, we’ll put him in the nursery. He needs to sleep and so do you.”
“No, don’t take him.” I beg her and she smiles.
“I’ll bring him back to you tomorrow morning.” I hand Grayson over and he gurgles.
“Cameron, I want another baby.” He looks at me.
“Wasn’t that just bad enough?”
“I miss him already.” I think I’m going to cry. Why am I going to cry? Cameron looks at the others.
“Here’s your first introduction to baby side effects. Get ready for it, Cameron.” His dad warns him.
“Just ignore him.” His mom tells me and I laugh.
“Cam, we did agree on having a lot of kids.”
“And not going crazy.” He reminds me.
“Fine, but after your tour and Grayson’s first birthday, I do want another child.” I tell him and he wastes no time answering.
“Okay, Abby.” This is going to be a fairy tale life.