Between the Raindrops


Cameron’s POV:
The girls finally leave around 10.
“I can’t believe I just put myself in the friend zone.” I say when they leave.
“Hey, she didn’t fight it much.” Zach tells me and it doesn’t make me feel much better.
“You don’t want to like her. That girl’s crazy.” Michael tells me.
“That’s what I like about her. She’s crazy and she doesn’t care, yet she’s so vulnerable. That guy must have really hurt her.” I say.
“Just like every other guy she’s liked. You didn’t hang with us much in the mornings, but every guy has hurt her like that. She falls hard when she falls.” Zach tells me.
“And she never held it in, did she?” I ask. She can’t hide her feelings.
“No, she started finding plots for their grave.” Zach yells and I laugh.
“Don’t laugh, it’s true. A guy hurts her and she plans to kill the poor guy. I mean, some have deserved it, but she goes overboard.”
“You know nothing about girls. Anna freaks out, too.” I say. I’m not afraid of Abby.
“If tonight didn’t scare you off from liking her, you’re good for her. Maybe you should tell her you like her.” Mikey tells me.
“No, she doesn’t feel the same way.” I tell him.
“She definitely didn’t show her normal signs of liking a guy. A few were there, but she was herself and that says a lot.” Zach tells me.
“I should head home.”
“Don’t let it get you down; there’s still a chance.” Zach tells me.
“Maybe, but we all know my luck with girls. I really need to get home.” I tell them.
“Did you have fun?” Mrs. Porter asks me.
“Yup, just like we always do.” I tell her.
“Is there something bothering you?” She asks me.
“No, Kate, it’s fine.” I tell her.
“Should I be yelling at Zach?” She asks as a joke so I laugh with her.
“No, not this time.” I tell her and close the door as I leave. I should have asked Abby for her number or something.
“Cameron, come help me finish this puzzle.” Grandma is always doing puzzles.
“What is it this time?” I ask her.
“A bunch of tiny kittens that all look alike.” She says and I laugh. I grab the box and look at it.
“Maybe you should get the border done first.” I suggest.
“You always say that and I never remember. Come on, you don’t have to leave me alone.” She tells me and I grab a seat next to her.
“Do you mind if I head on up?” I ask her after an hour.
“We’re almost done. Did something happen tonight?” She asks me.
“I met a girl. Well, I sort of knew her since she went to Poway and is friends with Zach, Michael, Cali, and Claire.”
“But you really got to know her tonight.”
“And she’s amazing.” I tell her.
“Then make sure you don’t let her get away. You’re going to have to find a way to spend time with her again. Did you get her number?”
“Of course not!”
“Make your decision fast, Cameron. Goodnight.” She walks away, leaving the puzzle unfinished.