Between the Raindrops

Truth Comes Out

Abigail’s POV:
Monday morning I walk to the corner I always hang out at.
“Cali, Claire, he was special.” I tell them and they smile.
“So should we get ready for Cameron to be a bigger part of the group?” Cali asks me and I smile.
“I don’t know, that’s up to Cameron.” Zach walks up.
“What about Cameron?”
“Nothing.” I stick my tongue out at Zach and he follows.
“Children, stop.” Claire says and I can’t stop grinning.
“Well, can you three stop by tonight? Michael and Cameron are coming over for a movie.”
“Sure, we’d love to.” I say and look at the girls.
“You like Cameron!” Zach yells and I feel the blush starting.
“What, what, what are you talking a…a…about?” I ask him trying to stay calm.
“Eric Richards.” Zach says and the smile doesn’t leave my face.
“That jerk.” I try to say, but I remember the hug Cameron gave me and squeal.
“You’ve got it bad for him.” Cali announces.
“None of you say a thing. Especially you, Zach, because you have a big mouth.”
“That he does.” Cali says and kisses him.
“Gross!” Claire and I yell.
“Get over it. You and Cam are gonna be all kissy kissy.” Zach teases me and I punch him. “Ow.”
“Don’t forget my violent side. I can’t believe I have first hour with you, too.” I laugh as the bell rings. Zach opens the door for me.
“You really like Cam?” He asks me.
“So much, Zach.” He looks at me.
“He likes you, too, Abby, that’s why I invited the three of you over tonight. We aren’t really watching a movie. I’m hoping one of you asks the other go.”
“He’s asking me out. I’m old fashioned like that.” He looks at me.
“What about Troy?”
“It was Sadie’s! That’s what you do!” I laugh when I think of Troy’s big nose. The day drags on and I drive to Zach’s as fast as I can. I run downstairs and sit next to Cameron.
“Hey, Abby.”
“Hi, Cam.” I grin and his green eyes are like a spell. We sit there awkwardly for a while and Zach head upstairs to wait for the others.
“Zach said you like me?” Cameron asks.
“That’s true. He said you like me.” I tell Cameron.
“Boy doesn’t lie.” Cameron leans in to kiss me.
“What’s going on? Oh, hey, you two.” Cali smiles at me and Cameron takes my hand.
“Do you wanna go out somewhere away from our friends?” He asks me.
“Yeah, sure.”
“I’m thinking go-karts.” He tells me.
“Awesome!” We drive to the place and he pays for two cars.
“Race ya.” He winks and we jump in, both of us ready to win.
“Oh, Cam, you should know I’m very competitive.”
“Good, I like a little competition in my life.” I grip the wheel and smile at him right before I fly off. He starts to catch up to me so I go faster. I beat him around.
“Think you can keep up with me?” I ask him, laughing.
“I would like to. Pick you up Friday night?” He asks me.
“Hanging with my friends. How about Saturday?” I ask.
“Sure, sounds great.” We exchange numbers and I head home, floating.