Between the Raindrops

Good Night

Abigail’s POV:
Cameron takes me to his grandma’s place after our third date.
“Do you like me, Cam?” I ask him.
“Of course I do, why?” He asks me.
“Well, I mean, I have to leave soon and it’s our third date, but you haven’t kissed me yet. I just thought maybe I’m a charity case for you.” He grabs me close and kisses me.
“Now do you think you’re a charity case?” He asks me and I can’t stop smiling.
“I’ll let you know when I can think straight.” I tell him and he laughs.
“I’m just taking it slow. This is new for both of us and I don’t want to rush this, whatever it is we have.” He tells me.
“Good idea. I like taking it slow.” I lean my head on his shoulder. Man, he smells really good.
“Oh, you must be the Abby I hear so much about.” I jerk my head up and stand to meet Cameron’s grandma.
“That would be me. Nice to meet you.” She hugs me.
“Can I get you two anything?” She asks and I look at Cameron. I don’t want anything, but this is isn’t my place or my family.
“No, thanks.” He tells her and she heads on into the kitchen.
“I like this, Cameron.”
“Well you are welcome over here anytime.” He tells me.
“Unless he’s got homework to do.” His grandma yells from the kitchen and I laugh.
“Speaking of homework, I’ve got a killer math worksheet at home and it’ll take me the rest of the night to finish.” I stand up to leave.
“I’ll call you later, okay?” He asks.
“I hope so.” I tell him and leave. I drive home and I can barely focus. Then I hear the police sirens; I’ve been speeding by a lot.
“Ma’am, do you realize how fast you were going?” He asks. No, I don’t turn 18 for a while; I can’t get a ticket now.
“Honestly, no, officer, I don’t.”
“You were doing 80 in a 45.” I catch my breath. That’s the kind of stuff that gets you arrested.
“Oh.” I’m trying not to cry, but I’m so scared of prison. What will Cam think of me? I can’t survive in prison.
“Are you alright?” He asks me as a tear falls and I decide to go with it.
“I’m sorry. It’s just, my dad, he’s in the hospital right now and I’m so scared. I don’t want anything to happen to him.”
“I’m letting you go this time, so you can be with your family, but please watch your speed.” He actually bought it. I dry my tears.
“Thank you and I will.” He walks away and I grin. I pull back on the road and continue on home.
“What took you so long?” Mom asks when I get home. Geez, you take an extra five minutes and you’re assumed to be dead.
“Someone had a wreck so there was a little traffic.” What my parents don’t know won’t kill them and it’s not a lie, I did see a wreck. Just, on the other side of the road.
“Okay, well, goodnight.” My parents head off to bed. It was a great night.