Between the Raindrops

Getting Comfortable

Cameron’s POV:
“Hey, Abby, I just wanted to make sure you got home okay.” I call her half an hour after she leaves and she laughs.
“Well, I almost got arrested.” My jaw drops and my eyes get wide.
“Are you okay? Do you need help?” I ask her and start to get my keys.
“No, I’m fine, I got out of it.” I’m not sure why she’s laughing right now or what she even did to get in that situation.
“Care to tell me what happened?” I ask her.
“I was going 80 miles an hour in a 45 mile zone.” She tells me and I start to laugh.
“How did you get out it?”
“I was so afraid of prison I started crying. The cop asked if I was okay so I told him my dad was in the hospital. The guy didn’t even take my license.”
“You are something special, Abby.” I tell her and she laughs.
“Hey, what can I say?”
“Just try to watch your speed some.” I tell her and she’s silent for a second.
“Maybe you shouldn’t kiss me.” She says, but I know she doesn’t mean it.
“Are you saying that’s what did it?” I never would have thought that was possible.
“You’ve got no idea how happy I am, Cam. That kiss was something.” I can hear her smile and I can almost see her spinning around.
“It was just a kiss.” I tell her.
“No, Cameron, it was my first kiss. That’s not just a kiss to a girl.” She tells me and I smile. Same thing Anna said when she had her first kiss.
“I’m glad I could give you your first kiss.”
“So am I. You seem really good, Cam, and I’m looking forward to any more time we have together.”
“Even taking it slow?” I ask her.
“That just makes it better. I really like you and it’s different than I’ve felt. Don’t break my heart, okay?”
“I promise I’ll try not to.”
“Cameron, that’s so sweet.” I may never understand girls. The smallest thing and you have them going crazy for ya.
“Good luck on your math homework.” I tell her and I hear her let out a loud breath.
“Math and I don’t get along very well.”
“But what grade do you have?” I ask her and she laughs.
“Around a ninety-four percent.” I roll my eyes.
“Then you’re fine.” I tell her.
“But I don’t get functions. Who even decided to put letters and numbers together?”
“Someone who is very very smart and took a long time to figure it out.”
“Well I’m very very smart and I say pick one.”
“Good night, Abby.” I say smiling.
“Night, Cam. Hey, you’re still coming to my concert on Tuesday, right?” She has a choir concert and she begged me to come.
“Wouldn’t miss it for anything.” I tell her.
“Awesome, see ya then.” She hangs up. This girl is crazy, but I think I like it.
“How was Abby?” Grandma asks.
“When does the rest of your family get to meet her?”
“Anna’s never here, Bridget’s never here, mom isn’t here, and neither is dad.”
“Your family would leave their lives behind for a night if you asked.”
“Fine, I’ll get em together sometime.” I tell her so she’ll let it go.