

"Would you like chocolate or vanilla icing Danny?"

"Vanilla." He mutters, taking the tube of frosting from her. Cassidy is leaving and they all have to make a cake. Its been a little over a month and he knows he's gaining like crazy. He wants to leave. Wants to go back home and sleep in his own room, wear his own clothes, listen to his own music. Eat what he wants wheb he wants. In here he isnt allowed to want anything but to get better.

Getting better means leaving. Getting better means gaining weight. Getting better means home. Means moms hugs and movies with his friends. Getting better meana being fat. It means calories and extra skin, laughing and too tight jeans.

Cassidy met her required weight. She hasn't purged in 2 weeks. She eats when she's told.

He wonders what his required weight it. He wonders if he's close, if he'll ever get there without losing his mind first.