Status: New Story!

My Sister's Shadow

Feel The Whiskey Burn

It seems like after my sister died I became ever more invisible than before. My parents rarely talk to me they seem stale and distant, but I don’t blame them after all I am the reason my sister ended up dead one year ago today.

If I didn’t go to that party and if I didn’t get drunk I wouldn’t have had to call my sister to come fetch me.


My head began to throb and I set about getting nauseous, but that is what 6 plus drinks do to you. I knew I couldn’t walk home seeing how I was too far from home. I stumbled outside and called the only person I could trust my sister Fynn. I wasn’t even supposed to be here tonight my parents took away my car because I dropped out of college. Fynn told me to just stay home and wait till mom and dad cool down, but I didn’t listen.

“Avie what’s wrong why are you calling sis?” I heard my sister’s voice on the other end of the phone.
I started to giggle for some strange reason, but got a hold of myself.

“Sissy I need you I’m a little tipsy and I was at Ryan’s house at a party. Do you think you can come get me?” I explain to her. I heard her sigh, but I also heard her grab her keys.

“I told you to stay in tonight Avie, stay put I’m on my way okay don’t go anywhere.” She said to me before hanging up.

I sat on the sidewalk smoking a cigarette and waited for my sister to come get me. My sister always saw the best in me she didn’t see me as the troubled kid or the messed up girl who wasn’t perfect. She saw me as her other half and her sister. Our parents played favorites all the time, but Fynn always told me I was her favorite family member. I wouldn’t know what to do without her.

I saw headlights and my sister’s car pulled up next to me. I put out my cigarette and jumped in.

“Thanks Fynn I’m sorry I called, but I didn’t know who else to call.” I said looking over at her. The truth was even though we were twins we really didn’t look alike. She had the blond hair blue eyes like our mom while
I had our dad’s brown hair light steel gray eyes. She was on the soccer team in high school while I was the nerdy artsy girl.

“It's fine Avie, I was just worried when I didn’t see that you weren’t home when I came back from Matt’s house.” She said pulling away from the curb and heading home.

Matt was her fiancé, my sister and Matt’s sister Amy and I all attended high school together, and my sister and Amy both were into sports. That’s how Matt and my sister first met and I could tell they were meant to be together. Matt was recently divorced when he finally asked my sister out and a year later they were engaged.

“Do you think mom and dad will be mad? I really don’t want to hear the bullshit drama when I get home.” I asked my sister as we came to a red light.

“I suppose they will be disappointed, Avie you need to try to be on better terms with them. They really try to be there for you but you never let them.” Fynn said looking over at me.

“They think I’m a trouble maker and a big problem, they will never love me like they love you Fynn.” I said looking at her.

“Even if they never do I will still love you, you are perfect to me and I wouldn’t want you to be someone you aren’t.” She said starting to go as the light turned green. That’s when I discovered this car blow right through the light.


I couldn’t even finish the sentence the car slammed right into my sister’s driver side door. I heard the sound of my sister screaming in pain along with the sound of crushing metal and breaking glass. The car flipped upside down and then landed on its side. My sister was looking down at me I saw the blood drip from her head her arm was twisted around the steering wheel.

“Fynn! Hold on I’m going to get you out.” I said trying to move but the seat belt was stuck. I tried to unclip it but it was no use. I started to claw at the seat belt and squirm out of it.

“A-Avie stop we need to remain calm.” My sister said, but I looked in her eyes she was losing blood fast.

“Fynn I’m sorry this is my fault you should have left me at the party.” I said crying.

“No this isn't your fault don’t think that. I came and got you because you are my sister and I love you.” She said starting to cough. I heard the sirens and looked up at my sister only to find her not moving.

“No Fynn wake up! Help is here Fynn!” I tried yelling, but I knew my sister was gone.

“I love you Fynn, I love you.” I said crying until I passed out.

*End flashback*

It seems like only yesterday I lost my sister my parents make sure to make me relive it again and again.

They tell me it’s all my fault Fynnlee is dead. After a while I begin to think it myself. My parents and I just had another huge fight and they basically told me I am no longer welcome in the house. My mom looked right into my eyes and told me she wished I died instead of Fynn. I basically cursed them both out and broke a window on my way out.

Today is Fynn’s 1 year anniversary and I head to the graveyard. I found where my sister is buried and sat right next to her headstone. The cold stone sent chills up my spine. I pulled out a bottle of Jack from my handbag and a bottle of pills.

“It’s not fair Fynn; they think I am the worst person on the planet. Even though you said it wasn’t my fault I feel like it is.” I say popping a handful of pills into my mouth and I wash them down with one large swig of the sharp dark liquor.

“I don’t know what to do anymore, mom told me she wishes it was me that died. They treat me like I’m nothing. I just wish you were here I really need you right now.” I say starting to cry. I lean against the headstone and close my eyes. I want the pills to work quickly, no lingering any hesitation just peaceful sleep.

“Avery is that you?” I hear a muffled voice. I feel my body is slowly going numb, but I have the strength to open my eyes. I cannot believe who is standing in front of me with flowers in his hands.

“Well you are the last person I thought would ever be found out here, considering how you didn't even go to her fucking funeral.” I snap taking another swig of my jack.

“I know this seems too late, but I want you to know I didn't know how to handle it.” He says putting the flowers next to me.

“She thought roses were too cliche and boring, her favorite were daisies asshole.” I said getting up and kicked the roses away only to lose my balance. The pill bottle fell out of my jacket and Matt picked them up.

“Are you fucking crazy Avery? Did you take all of these?” He asks in disbelief.

I can help but laugh why he cared about what I did.

“Why do you care? I’m doing the world a favor I was the one who was supposed to die that night. She came and got me because I was too drunk to walk home.” I say crying. I finally feel the pills doing their job. The last thing I remember I saw Matt leaning over me and then I blacked out.

Finally this pain can stop.
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Hi! So this is a new story I am trying out. Please tell me what you think of it!