Boyfriend of My Sister

Chapter 6

“David, I’m nervous.” Pierre said while stepping from his right foot to his left. But, truly, I can say I’m much more nervous than him. “Come on, you future married man, um?” I said and patted his shoulder. “I think it’s time to go inside the ceremonial hall.” I said and smiled. “Sure.” He said and began walking towards the entrance to the ceremonial hall. He took the handle and wanted to come in but… “David?” “Yep?” I asked briskly. “I’m glad you’re here.” He said, smiling. I smiled as well. “We can go.” I said and went behind him to the hall.

“Dear engaged couple, today is the day you will start out. It will be way already shared. Way full of exhilarating experiences, sunny days interwoven by web of love, mutual understanding, joy and cognition…” The councillor is talking the wedding speech. The only one thing I’m thinking about is to be on the post of Alice. I’d like to be getting married with him right now. Instead I’m here as his best man. Many thoughts are running in my mind now. After a while Pierre gave Alice first marital kiss. That’s was a beginning for them, but end for me.


Best man speech is coming now when we got at the wedding party. “Okay, so, I’d like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.” Pierre seems to be happy. It’s hard for me to look away. I swallowed before I continued. “May today be the beginning of a wonderful new and long-lasting chapter in your lives, and may you always love, honor and cherish each other, just as you do today.” I finished talking and we all had a toast. After my speech I was looking at Pierre all the time. Sometimes our eyes met and I glimpsed the sparklet of happiness in them. I understood he’s happy now.


“David, come dance with me!” Pierre said a little bit tipsy and took my hand before making me get up. He went with me in the middle of the ballroom. “Pierre, I can’t dance.” I admitted. I keep my eyes open to not trample his feet. “Never mind. Me, too. Just dance! It’s all you have to do now. I don’t want you to be bored at my wedding. It happens once in a lifetime so enjoy it, you my brother-in-law.” He said, smiling. I smiled too before beginning dancing. You can imagine how it looked – terrible. I’m not a good dancer at all. So we danced to energetic music before the man behind the mixing console changed the music to very slow and graceful song. Pierre wrapped his arms around my waist and I did also the same. We’re really near to each other. I’ve never felt his body so close. I’m daydreaming. “David?” I heard Pierre’s voice that interrupted my dreaming on Pierre’s shoulder. I looked up briskly. Damn, how could I rest my head on his shoulder? Everybody saw us. “I’m sorry.” “No, no. Do not apologize. You know what? I invite you for a dram, okay?” He said drunkenly and took me by my hand.

The ONE dram turned to at least eight drams of really hard liquor. At the beginning we had only Piña Colada and then we had many tequila shots so – I don’t really know what I’m doing. “Come on, come on, David!” Pierre said while laughing. We got out of the ballroom and went outward.

He’s holding my hand while running around the corner. “We fled! Hah!” We both are laughing really hard. After a while we got a grip and calmed down. Pierre’s looking into my eyes. “Why the hell didn’t I marry you?” He said. “Oh, you did. Look at the gold ring around my ring-finger.” I said drunkenly and showed him my left hand with, of course, no ring. “Oh, I see. You’re my husband?” He said and approached to me before wrapping his arms around my waist again. “Yep, I am, my love.” I said and smiled. Drunkenness does wonders. I would never ever tell this to him in sober condition. “So it means you should give me our first marital kiss, shouldn’t you?” He asked and approached his face very close to mine. I giggled and rested my forehead against his one.

Then he kissed me. I rested my hand on his cheek and the other hand on his nape. We both got into it and kissing more and more passionately. After a while he laid me down in the grass before lying on the top of me. We’re still kissing. The feeling of feeling his sweet lips against mine is indescribable. He went lower and now he’s kissing me on my neck. I threw back my head and grasped his hair. A sigh of lust came out of my mouth. “Damn.” I said and gripped his hair more tightly after he went down and was kissing my abdomen as he unbuttoned my shirt. He’s kissing it passionately but simultaneously very gently. I’m stroking through his hair while silent moaning. It’s so damn nice to feel his lips now. After a while he got back up and was kissing my lips. He lay on my naked abdomen and was looking into my eyes. The drunkenness vanished a little but it wasn’t completely gone. “We should go back, sweetheart.” Pierre said dead drunkenly and gave me one last kiss before he stood up and took my hand to get me up. “Pierre?” I said fatuously and smiled before his mumbling – Maybe I was supposed to understand it like authorization to talk on. “I love you.” I said a bit foolishly. Damn it, it’s out. I hope he did understand or didn’t care. Shit, why did a say it? It was a really big mistake to say it. How could I? Shit. “Me too.” He said and smiled before going back to the dance hall. Wait, what? Did he say anything like ‘me too’? Are you kidding me? I wish it was true. The rest of the wedding party went relatively good. Alice didn’t notice anything. After all, I’m damn glad I was his best man. Pierre spent almost all the time with me dancing, talking, laughing, and hanging out.