Boyfriend of My Sister

Chapter 7

I’m getting up after not long sleep with a huge hangover. “Damn,” I said after I leaned on my elbows and touched my head to cushion the headache. In that instant I realized what happened yesterday. That’s obvious that I remember the last night only in little shards. Just I remember only a few short moments. What happened? The only one thing I remember definitely really well is that Pierre kissed me in the grass, nothing else. Shit, I hope he doesn’t remember anything. I think he would be really pissed he kissed his wife’s brother. And – Alice would freak out. I’m resting my head back to the pillow because of the fucking hangover and drowsiness.

“Good morning,” I said and rubbed my sleepy eyes. “Didn't you want to say good appetite for lunch to us?” Mum’s sentence made me turn at the clock on the wall – 11:59 a.m. “Shit, where is Pierre?” I said as I looked all around the table and glimpsed only mum and Alice. “He was as drunk as a lord, so he’s lying with a huge hangover in the bed.” My mum said and I smiled. “I hope he didn’t remember anything,” I said to myself very silently. “Did you say anything?” “No, no.” I reacted immediately to not make mum think we did something ‘unlawful’. “And what about our ‘fresh’ wife? How do you feel, Ally?” I asked and turned my face to her, smiling. “Cool.” She snapped and my smile disappeared from my face. “So sorry.” I said and raised an eyebrow before going to the counter to make my breakfast. “It’s strange. I didn’t see you at the wedding party at all. Where were you? When you were gone, Pierre was gone, too. How come?” Alice teased. I turned at her briskly with a knife in my right hand. “Hey, my dear sister, you don't have to reproach me anything, I did nothing wrong.” I said firmly and convincingly but inside I felt the guilt. She just made strange look and ate her croissant up.
“I need a cold douche.” Pierre said as we met up. “Oh,” I said startled. We smiled at each other so I don’t know what I should expect. Maybe he remembers everything and doesn’t mind? Um, it would be really splendid. I’m not stopping looking into his eyes. “Good morning, hubby,” Alice said and took his by his hand before leading him to the kitchen around me. “Fuck!” I said aloud. She got on my nerves. I really wanted to say anything to her but luckily, I kept my patience and rather walked away up to my room.

A sound of knocking interrupted my song writing. “Come in.” I said and put down the pencil. Pierre came in, what the hell? I swallowed thickly as I glimpsed his personage in the doorway. “Hello, my brother-in-law.” He said and smiled. I put my guitar down on my bed next to me. Pierre sat on the other side. “Hi, Pie,” I said and looked away. I can’t look straight into his eyes, it’s impossible. If I did, the memories would get back. “So how was it? How do you feel about the wedding party?” His question made me feel abashed. “Well, it was cool, great, yeah. I enjoyed it although I don’t remember anything because of the alcohol there.” I said and chuckled. “Don't worry about it. I feel the same way, David,” He said, laughing. I laughed as well. Phew, I breathed out. Luckily, he didn’t remember even any word, so, that's a load off my mind. It made me feel even better.


Pierre asked me a question: “And what are you doing now? You’re playing any songs?” “No, no, I’m… song writing.” I said openly and smiled before hiding the lyrics from him. I don’t want him to read it at all. “Oh, really? You have never boasted to me. That’s an interesting hobby, David.” He said fully of absorption. “And could I read any?” “Oh, no, I…” I hesitated. “The lyrics aren’t fully completed yet.” I said and obviated to his eye contact. “Okay.” He said disappointed and pouted. “Well, I gotta go.” He said after a while. “Where’re you going?” I asked before sneezing. “Oh, you caught a cold I guess.” Pierre said jokingly and stroked my hair before he said me the stuff he has to do. “I gotta help your mum with chopping wood.” He said and we both smiled. “Okay, I’m gonna come to help you, okay?” I offered. “No, stay home. You have to sweat out.” He teased before serious continuing: “You can complete your song. I’d like to read it.” He said and smiled. I thought twice before answering: “Ok, Pierre.” I said and smiled before he got out of my bedroom.

When he came out I looked out of my window. I’m observing his working. It’s toil to chop wood but he copes brilliantly. My heart’s melting inside because of his naked body. Unfortunately, he took off only his undershirt but it’s enough. His perfectly tone suntanned body, his nice arm sleeve’s tattoo, his six packs, the sweat running down his forehead and chest. His graceful movement during the chopping. Aw, it’s so damn hot. I think Pierre’s one of the hottest guys ever. Should I go there to help him? Should I rather stay at home with learning? Or… what should I do…? Jeez.

I decided to go out although I’d pass out if I saw him naked. It nearly happened once. “Can I help you somehow?” I offered and interrupted his attempt to chop another log. He looked up at me. “Oh, maybe you could stack the wood to a mound against the wall of the house.” He said, smiling. “However, if you can carry the heavy logs.” He added. “Hey, I’m not such a weakling as you think.” I said ironically angrily. “Don’t be angry, Shorty.” He teased again. “Hey.” I said smilingly while pushing him lightly to the side. He smiled as well. After a while I took a couple of logs and went to pile it up.
I spent the whole afternoon with him. One time we were so close to each other that I wanted to kiss him again. I regret it didn’t happen.