The Artist: Closer Now, and Closer Yet

Christabelle Poe is a fourteen year old girl with nothing but gloom for her childhood. She's turned into a psychotic serial killer who travels all around North America by foot to "hunt". She runs into M Shadows and instantly sees him as the perfect prey.

rated R for violence and gore.

as usual, I don't own Avenged Sevenfold, or Matthew Sanders, or Valary Sanders. everything else [Christabelle, the Master, plot, fic title] belongs to me.

Also posted on my livejournal account
  1. My Name Is Valary
    POV Christabelle
  2. Stay The Night
    tiny little chapter. just works as a cartilege, really.
  3. Clearing The Coast
    "took all possibilities from you"
  4. Break From The Ropes
    Your hands are tied.
  5. I Give My Heart To You
    Yes, the title is ironic. The end.