Bring Me to Life

La la la, Emmos Wold.

”Emmos wold, emmos wold. La la la, emmos wold.” Charlotte peaked through the giant hole that connected to the kitchen and living area. It was the gaping window that stole her heart when she shopped around for a place for Evie and herself. The apartment itself, so to speak wasn’t huge but the kitchen had been. Being a baker she enjoyed having enough space to spend countless nice baking cupcakes, cakes, macrons, and the rest of the endless bake goods that consumed the world.

It also helped that when she did so she could keep close eye on 3 year old Evie. There were only two things in Charlie’s life that made her happy… Evelyn and Baking. Usually people have a top three but unfortunately she hasn’t figured the third one out. Evie’s father sperm donor took off as soon as he found out. There have been a few times he tried to come back her first year but soon gave up and just lived the life he had been before.

”Dats emmos WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLDD”. Charlie tried so hard to hold in her laughter. In her mind she shook her head and said ”That daughter of mine.” Since then it’s just been Evie, Charlie, and Sweetest Thang.

Charlie wiped down the counters quickly and then bee-lined for the living area. Evelyn sat in front of the TV all eyes on Elmo Emmo. “Eve, mommy’s done with her chores okay. I’m going to go put our stuff together and we’re going to Sweetest Thang okay?” Evie turned her head giving the brightest grin ever. “Yes mummy.”


The Sweetest Thang had been one of those projects that could have gone both ways. Being only 18 when moving to London it was already a long shot. She didn’t have much but she did everything in her power to make herself and life steady and okay, of course at that time Evie wasn’t a twinkle in her eye. Charlie spent up that first year building on her credit, making sure she paid everything off on time.

By the time she was 19 she took a shot in taking out a loan for a small little shop in the center of London, there she would build Sweetest Thang up from scratch. If you would have known Charlie at the time you would witness first hand, at such a young age, how responsible she was. However she had to be. She had been forced into foster care at 14 when her parents passed away in a car accident. Her brother at the time had only been 16 himself so there wasn’t much they could do. When he turned 18 he went straight into the military leaving Charlotte on her own, of course he wouldn’t leave her with nothing. He sent money every month, birthdays, Christmas, Easter, and came around to see her when she was home.

By the time she was 18 they had set her free and every single dollar she was given or made became a one-way ticket to London, England. That’s where she decided to start over. All through out her 23 years she had lost so much but also gained so much more in the process.


Charlie snuck to the back quickly throwing on her tennis shoes and began removing and adding on items to her Storksak Olivia Diaper bag which she pulls off as a hand bag. Even though Evie wasn’t had tiny as she was the bag still came in handy. On the outside it looked like a regular purse and it was big enough for both her and Evie’s junk.

Running back to the kitchen Charlie grabbed the two containers of snacks she had packed only an hour before and headed back into the room slipping them into the bag. Even though Evie’s mommy was London’s cupcake queen she still had to eat so much at a time to maintain a nutritious and balanced lifestyle. When Evie was a baby, Charlie, 100% natural and organic, had made everything she ate.

Throwing in last minute items and making note not to forget her keys Charlie tossed her bag over her shoulder and closed the door behind her heading down the hallway back into the living area.

“Okay Miss Evelyn. Mommy’s ready to go. Do you have Angelina Ballerina?” Evie nodded her head snuggling her stuffed mouse against her chest. “Yeah mum.” Charlie placed her bag down for a quick minute to slip on Eve’s grey sparkle boots, but had it back on her shoulder and Evie in her arms faster than you could blink.

“Mummy, is Auntie Kenzie going to be there?” Charlie grabbed her keys, shut off the television and lights, made sure the stove was off, and bee-lined for the door closing and then double-locking it. “Of course baby, she always is.”

Evelyn clapped her hands in excitement. McKenzie was the first and only person Charlie had here in London. Back before her parents left and everything was okay she had dated Shane long ago. That how she had come to the conclusion her destination was London.


The drive to Sweetest Thang wasn’t a very far drive, 15 minutes tops if anything. It always seemed quicker than that though. Charlie would put on Little Mix and Evie would jam out, singing along with Angelina Ballerina.

”Mummy told me to waste muh wife. Said sped your wings muh butterfllieee.” Charlie couldn’t help but giggle. When they reached their destination Charlie slipped into the parking spot in the back. Grabbed her bag and stepped out and popping open the backseat of her mini cooper.

Evie had already unlocked her belt and tossed herself into her mom’s arms. “Hehe, hi mummy.” Charlie leaned forward giving her a butterfly kiss and then a kiss on the cheek. “Hello baby.” Charlie closed the door, locked the car, and headed around to the front of the shop where there were already people sitting outside at the tables munching on a blueberry muffin and a cup of tea.

“Good morning Charlie.” With a giant smile Charlie nodded and greeted the elder couple sitting against the window. “Good morning Stewart, Elena. How are you this morning?” They smiled brightly, “absolutely brilliant my dear. Have a good day!”

Charlie slipped inside and headed to the back pushing her and Evie through the long line. “I need more Blueberry and Chocolate crunch muffins please! Good morning Miss. Evelyn, hello Charlotte. McKenzie is in the back and you have some customers with a big order with her.” Charlie nodded and smiled pushing her way further to the back of the bakery.

Voices could be heard coming from the office she shared with Kenzie. Charlie popped it open and quietly slid in trying her best not to disturb them. Unfortunately that was impossible because now all eyes were on her. “KENZIE!!!” Evie cheered throwing her hands up in the air and flinging her stuffed mouse Angelina Ballerina into the lap of the customer.

Charlie’s eyes widened and then soon met with the person in which the mouse landed. He was slim, bright green eyes, and slightly curly hair that had been tossed either which way. “I’m so sorry.” He smiled, oh good lord his smile. “It’s not a problem.” He picked up mouse and handed it back to Charlie. She smiled and handed off Evie to Kenzie, which she made a paper exchange.

“My god I just absolutely love them sm- CHARLOTTE?!” The door opened once more and a blue eyed blonde stared at Charlie wide eyed. “Perrie! Oh my goodness, it’s been too long.” The two ladies embraced and the Blonde made her way over to the other gentleman who sat with green eyes.

“What are you doing here?” Charlie sat at the edge of her desk and smiled with crossed arms. “Zayn and I, we finally set a date! We’re getting married and I told him that I would get my cake at one place.” Charlie grinned ear to ear.

“Congratulations! Well you came to the right place, we’re going to get you taken care of.” Evie sat in Kenzie’s lap as she finished up the order and Charlie sat near by listening, throwing in her opinion at some points. However the duration of the time, she could feel eyes on her every time she looked away. It wasn’t until she finally looked up to have her own eyes meet with the bright green ones in which she stared into.

In her mind all Charlotte could do was thinl, ”uh oh.”.
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Thank you to my four subscribers so far! It means a lot seeing as I just put out this story. Please be sure we're commenting. I need as much feedback as I can get!

The outfits: Charlie & Evie

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