Status: Nowhere near done...

Instant(ly) Crush(ed)

Part 1: The Cinema (Incomplete)

The three of us grew up together in a quaint little neighborhood, just barely in the borders of a small town called Warebury. We were inseparable as kids, being the best of friends anyone could be. Everything in our childhood was happy and bright, but then we got older. Adolescence seeped in, slowly at first, then slammed us like a runaway train. Those years were, as everyone who's older than 20 can assure you, hell. It was also the time when everything about us changed. I lost one of you over the other, and then pushed her away too.

I suppose the best place to start is in freshman year of high school. We were all still good friends then. It was this year that changed that though. Being a teen, I was starting to develop emotionally, and starting to realize how I needed another person, someone to love me, for me to love. Brian realized this too, but he was always the type to push off his emotions, ignore them. Then there was Lily, who, also being a teen, made this realization. She, however, denied the need for another, and considered it pointless and a waste of life and emotion. Those two teens were my best friends, and nothing could change that. At least, that's what I thought then.

You know, it's a funny thing, love. If you let it fester deep inside you, it grows stronger, assuming you have the willpower for it. I realized almost immediately that I was falling for my friend. My friend also had the same feelings, but neither of us could tell the other. Brian and I had fallen for our friend Lily, but only one of us would end up confessing this to her. Brian never told me he felt this way, nor did I tell him I felt it.

Brian was brave enough to confess his love for Lily, something I never got the chance to. I remember clearly the night I found out. It was about 8:30 and we were out at the cinema, seeing the latest installment in some cheesy horror movie. We all sat together, concessions in tow, and waited for the lights to dim. It didn't take long, and the move began