Status: Under heavy editing!

The Human Mind Is Not a Terribly Logical or Consistent Place

Chapter 12

The Human Mind is Not a Terrible Logical or Consistent Place

Chapter 12

Six months later

“Adrien lower that piece gently so I can lock it in place,” John ordered as I held up a piece to the torpedoes.

“This isn’t as easy as it looks you know,” I said as I strained to hold the piece steady.

“Just be quiet and do what I ask,” John’s deep voice said from under the torpedo. Over the past three month’s I have broken down several of John’s wall, he has talked to me about his life as Khan and his hatred toward us. He believes we are insignificant to him and his superior race, but he has become attached to me and has even protect me from stupid drunkards at the bars. On the inside John believes I belong with his people my mind and my strengths are to good to be wasted on mundane tasks in the starfleet. In my time with John I have come to understand that he just wants to be with his people again, his heart is heavy and the only emotions he has been able to feel are those of sadness and anger.

I placed the piece into it’s place as John secured it. “Alright you can go on your break, be back in 30 minutes,” John said as he slid out from under the torpedo. I nodded and quickly headed off to the break room where I pulled out my communicator and phoned Leo.

“Hey,” I said smiling when it picked up.

“Hey, darlin’ you must have been really busy today it’s two hours past normal call time,” Leo said yawning.

“Yeah I’m really sorry Leo, they have me working like crazy over here, I really miss you,” I said quietly into the phone.

“I miss you too. When are you coming home, it’s been six months already?” Leo asked sadly.

“I don’t know, they just said whenever my job is done. If they don’t think it is done over the next six months I’m leaving on my own. I can’t stay here, not when I’m alone all the time,” I sighed sitting down in a chair. before I could here Leo’s reply John’s deep voice scared me back into reality.

“Who are you talking to?”

“Oh uh it’s just my friends they called me to see how I was doing over here in London,” I said to cover up my phone call to Leo. “Well, guys I have to go nice talking to you again I’ll see you as soon as I get home,” I said into the phone hanging up before Leo could even reply.

“You really don’t like it here do you?” John asked sitting next to me.

“What gave that away, I don’t exactly get warm welcomes here. I get weird looks and you are a complete ass that I have to work with everyday,” I said as he eyed me down. “But then again I know everyones darkest secrets. Linda down in filing is sleeping with Alex over in the labs, Jean is pregnant, and you John are not who anyone here thinks you are,” I finished as he just stared at me.

“Bravo, but your little tricks don’t impress me. Want to impress me read my exact thoughts right here and now,” John said not moving his eyes.

“Okay deal,” I said pulling my chair over to him for the connection. I place my finger tips along his
temple and closed my eye. My mind became flooded with his memories. I shifted through each piece of information finding out more about him as I felt his eyes stare at my face. I found hidden secrets and hidden emotions until I arrived at my needed piece of information. He was thinking of me, of my powers, and of my beauty. All my plans had worked he was falling for me and he was think I was the perfect human for him to be with. I was perfect to rule the world with him and bring back his people. I let go of his head looking at him as he stared back at me. “I couldn’t find your thoughts,” I lied as he moved away from me.

“Good, I want it to stay that way,” he said before walking out of the room. “Your break ends in five minutes,” he said from down the hall.

I sat there motionless, I thought of every little detail inside his mind, every though and every memory. I had did it. He was under my control, his feeling for me are strong enough to risk his life to save mine.

“I have succeeded,” I whispered before walking back to the construction room.

After I was done for the day I walked to Admiral Marcus’ office, “Admiral Marcus, I have done as you ask,” I told him as I sat in a chair across from him.

“You have?” Admiral Marcus asked.

“Yes I have learned all of his memories and he has become strongly attracted to me. He will kill and be killed for me,” I said as he nodded in approval.

“Good secure that for the rest of the year, then we will send you home. You may leave Doctor,” Admiral Marcus said as I saluted him as left. A whole year without being with everyone. I missed Christmas, my birthday, Leo’s birthday, and I even missed my anniversary. I sighed a tear escaping my eye as I walked back to my apartment in silence.