Status: Under heavy editing!

The Human Mind Is Not a Terribly Logical or Consistent Place

Chapter 2

The Human Mind is Not a Terribly Logical or Consistent Place

Chapter 2 - It is very empty in here

One Year Later

“Dr. Pike and Dr. Bones please report to the interrogation room,” the woman spoke over the intercom bringing us out of our conversation with Kirk.
“Oh, looks like you guys are in trouble,” Kirk laughed.
“You wish Kirk, but actually I am interrogating someone, he is making sure there is no physical damage after. We always work as a team for things like this, we are one of the best,” I smiled as Bones and I grabbed our things walking to the rooms.
“Hey can I come with you guys!” Kirk yelled from behind us.
“You can come but I don’t know if Captain Pike will let you in. It can get dangerous in there if you don’t get her words out of your head,” Bones told him as he caught up to us.
“What Bones come on it is me, James Tiberius Kirk, I can handle anything that is thrown at me,” Kirk said boosting up himself.
“Kirk stop calling me Bones and you don’t understand her words bring any person into nightmares for weeks,” Bones told him him as we stepped into the elevator.
“Wait so she can call you Bones but I can’t?” Kirk said flabbergasted.
“It’s because I’m a girl, Kirk and I’m his best friend,” I told him sticking out my tongue. “More like his girlfriend,” Kirk whispered but before I could hit him the elevator opened onto the floor.
“We’ve been waiting for you Dr. Pike the patient is in the room,” the nurse explained handing me a chart.
“Remember Julie when they come to us for interrogations they aren’t patient’s they are criminals. If you don’t learn to separate you will get attached, don’t get attached,” I spoke looking over the chart she nodded shyly and went back to her duties. I walked over to the man studying him as he glares at me angrily from his seat in the center of the room.
“What is he being interrogated for?” Kirk asked from the corner.
“He murdered three Starfleet cadets and we have to prove it with his confession,” I spoke sitting into the chair across from the man.
“Well you know what you won’t get a confession from me but I could give you a little something, something if you know what I’m saying,” the man spoke smugly raising his eyebrows awaiting my answer.
“No thanks I don’t associate with criminals,” I spoke writing on the paper.
“We are ready to start, Leo close the glass case and watch closely,” I told him as he nodded moving over to the computer pressing some buttons that brought down glass walls around the criminal and I the only way the get out is from the outside and there is no way you would slip through the inch wide breathing holes.

“Your name is Samuel Lancaster and you are of the human species, gender male,” I spoke reading from the paper.
“I know my name slut,” he spit at me.
“Vulgar language and threats won’t get your very far Mr. Lancaster. I am starting off nice but I can easily be mean and get this over with quickly I just think it is unfair for you,” I spoke darkly as he laughed.
“Bitch throw everything you have at me because I am telling you I did not kill none of those Starfleet!” He yelled shaking his chained wrists.
“Are you sure you want to devolve into the dark path of the mind because I have the ability to make go inside your mind forcing you to do as I say,” I warned giving him one more chance to confess without force.
“Bring all you’ve got bitch because I will not tell you anything,” he leaned back in his chair smiling as I stood up and walked to the wall where Bones passed over the head pieces for the process.

“I’m going to put this piece on your head and the other piece on mine it will allow me to walk inside your mind and your memories which will be placed on the Tv there for them to see and record,” I explained placing the devices on his head then placing mine on my head and sitting down. I closed my eyes and immediately was placed into a dark and unfamiliar place. I started to walk around until I saw Samuel Standing there smugly.
“This is my mind I can do whatever I want,” He said as the scene around me changed into me naked with Samuel on top of me. “You see what I can give you?” Samuel asked as he looked at me fro over my body. I cringed before I walked towards him.
“You do realize this is just a fantasy, I am here standing before you not underneath you,” I said causing the fantasy to disappear.
“How did you do that, this is my mind I can do what I please here,” Samuel yelled standing in the darkness.
“After all your tricks are gone it is pretty empty in here,” I said looking around his mind. “Now are you going to tell me what happened to those three cadets?” I asked as the scenery around him changed into the bloodied bodies of the cadets.
“I didn’t do it lady, you are crazy,” he yelled backing away from the bodies.
“Are you sure we have evidence you were there, and we have a connection between you and this young female cadet right her. Ex- girlfriend correct and this guy here is her new one. I would say that is motive,” I said as the bodies stood up from the ground staring at Samuel.
“Okay, Okay please just make it go away, she was supposed to be with me not this guy, I loved her and I just got so angry I had to kill them. If I couldn’t have her then no one could,” Samuel confessed holding his hands in his head.
“Alright Adrien we have the confession,” Leo spoke as the wall came down. “Damn darlin’ you really did a number on this one,” he added as he checked his vitals.
“He did it to himself, I’ll play nice if you just come clean before I have to mess with your mind,” I look over at Bones with a smile.
“Remind me never to get on your bad side Adrien,” Kirk laughed lightly still a little shaken up.
“Don’t worry it is very hard to do this procedure, it takes the technology and the strength. If you are too weak you can lose yourself in the process,” I explained as they came in and took Samuel to his sentencing.
“Let’s celebrate this awesome victory with a round of drinks on me,” Kirk yelled raising his hands in the air as we left the building.
“I think I’ll pass Kirk I have to study for an up and coming exam,” I waved at him and I headed to my dorm.
“Fine take all the fun out of things!” He yelled as Bones laughed at him.
“Some people have to work for where they will end up Kirk just remember that it isn’t always a breeze like it is for you!” I yelled back and continued walking.

One Year Later

I Walked down the steps with Kirk and Leo as Kirk cried to us for help. “So you guys will do it for me, right?”
“I have no interest,” Leo argued as we kept walking.
“I hate that test you know that Kirk,” I told him.
“I didn’t ask if you have interest, I asked if you’d do it,” he said matter of faculty.
“I’m about to ask you an obvious question: why bother?” Bones asked as he looked at him.
“Exactly Kirk the test is designed to fail so why take it?” I added.
“Because I’ve failed the test twice,” he said blatantly.
“And you’re determined to make it three. We’ve failed it -- everyone has, and that’s the point! No one goes back for seconds, let alone thirds -- it’s not like you need to pass it to graduate,” Bones exclaimed.
“So Bones: why do they make us take it?” Jim asked.
“I told you to stop calling me that. You’re very annoying,” Leo said sighing as I laughed beside him.
“And you’re the greatest -- thank you,” Kirk smiled.
“You’d better study for it this time,” Bones warned .
“Oh, no-- Bones -- I gotta date,” Kirk smiled.
“A date? Listen, as smart as you are, which ain’t much if you don’t prepare--,” Bones started but was cut off by Kirk.
“You have no idea how prepared I’m gonna be-- no idea,” He smiled again and headed off.
As we watched him leave I spoke up, “I have a feeling he tampered with the test.”
“How can he tamper with the Kobayashi Maru?” Bones asked as we walked to dinner together.
“I don’t know how Bones but I have a feeling,” I squinted my eyes in thought as he laughed lightly and lead me into the restaurant.
“We are receiving a distress signal from the U.S.S. Kobayashi Maru. The ship has lost power and is stranded Starfleet command has ordered us to rescue them,” Uhura said sarcastically from her communications station in the testing area.
“Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them. . . Captain, “ Kirk said cockily. She glared then turned away from him.
Then from the console next to me Bones reported, “Klingon vessels have entered the Neutral Zone. And they are firing upon us.”
“That’s ok,” Kirk replied relaxed. We all snapped toward him, “That’s okay?” Bones asked in disbelief. “Yeah, don’t worry about it.”
“Three more Klingon Warbirds are decloaking -- and targeting our ship -- I don’t supposed this is a problem either?” Bones rolled his eyes as he looked at Kirk again.
“Nah,” Kirk replied as he ate an apple.
“They’re firing, Captain,” I told Kirk looking at the seats.
“Alert medical bay to prepare to receive all crew members from the damaged ship,” he said with even more of an attitude.
“And how do you expect us to rescue them when we’re surrounded by Klingons?” Uhura pointed out with attitude.
“Alert medical,” Kirk smiled at her as she does so with annoyance.
“Our ship is being hit -- shields at sixty percent,” Leo informed Kirk.
“I understand,” Kirk acknowledge him.
“Should we at least, I dunno, fire back?” Leo asked raising his eyebrow.
“Mmmm. . . no.” Kirk replied with a weird look on his face.
“Oh course not,” Leo says in frustration.
All the lights suddenly go out in the testing area and when the lights came back on things changed on our screens. “The Kobayashi Maru is still in distress. . . but. . . the Klingons have stopped firing,” Uhura reported to Kirk with confusion.
“Arm protons. Prepare to fire on the Klingon warbirds,” Kirk ordered with a smile.
“Jim, their shields are up,” Bones pointed out to him.
“Are they?” Kirk asked turning to Bones. Bones looked at the monitor in disbelief. “. . .no,” Mccoy said as Kirk smiled and turned away.
“Fire on all enemy ships -- one photon each should do -- let’s not waste ammunition.”
“Target lock acquired on all warbirds -- firing!” I said as I pressed buttons. We fired and destroyed all five of the warbirds instantly.
“Begin rescue of the stranded crew. So, we’ve eliminated all enemy ships, no one on board was injured and the successful rescue of the Kobayashi Maru crew is underway,” Kirk said as he looked up to the testing room.
“Anything else?” He continued.
I was in my office finishing up paperwork as fast as I could so I could get down to Kirk’s hearing. Spock was accusing him of cheating on the test which I am full aware that Kirk did but I am supposed to speak for Kirk and against Spock who thinks he has no emotions at all but really he has more than anyone in this facility. As I signed my name on the document I dropped my pen and ran to the chamber holding the hearing upon my entrance I received many looks but I didn’t notice them much I merely listened to Spock’s and Kirk’s argument.
“The purpose is to experience fear. Fear in the face of certain death. To accept that fear and maintain command of one’s self and one’s crew. This is a quality expected in every Starfleet captain,” Spock explained to Kirk as I stepped up.
“Spock their is a clinical disease that does not allow some brains to uphold the idea or feelings of fear. For someone who cannot be affected by the fear in the test the test is pointless is it not Commander Spock?” I asked looking over the vulcan as he studied my words.
“Fear is necessary Doctor,” he replied.
“Then according to you fear is necessary and your vulcan half cannot feel fear so you cannot become a Starfleet captain correct?” I questioned again as the crowed gasped slightly. “As a Vulcan, I require no additional training to control my narcissism when making command decisions,” Spock spoke showing slight anger.
“According to section 5 rule 38 a Starfleet officer cannot assume the position of a captain if he does not accept the emotions he is faced with. That is why every officer is screened through highly trained psychologists before and after missions. Spock you can produce emotion you just do not accept them, so you cannot sit here and say Kirk failed or cheated when the test is built to face fear when you yourself have not taken it,” I retorted as the room erupted into cheers around us.
“You keep reminding us that you’re Vulcan. And I’m sure you’re really proud of that, who wouldn’t be-- but isn’t it true you people don’t experience fear at all like Dr. Pike said? And if that’s the case -- What’s that say about your ability to make command decisions?” Kirk spoke using my words to influence his as he struck another weak spot on Spock.
A red shirt bursted into the hall as we all turned to look at it he ran up to the Academy President quieting everyone.
“We’ve receive a stress call from Vulcan,” I notice the hint of concern flash over Spock’s face, “Cadet Kirk -- you are on academic probation pending the result of your hearing. Cadets, report to Shuttle Hangar One immediately -- this hearing is at recess until further notice -- dismissed,” the President ordered as we all moved quickly from the room.
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