Status: This story is still in the works and should be finished soon :) I feel this story will be better than the rest of my stories combined. The things my mind comes up with while i'm sleeping is amazing :D

Dream State

Dream State~A Walk Down Memory Lane

When I was about 4 years old, my father passed away from kidney failure due to so much medication he had as a child. It eventually caught up to him and make him very sick. I remember he was always in and out of the hospital. Even though there was that rough patch in his life, he always knew how to make light of it and boy was he strong about it. I do remember him constantly saying to me every chance he got that " Even though someday i'm not going to be here when you need me the most, Just remember that even in spirit i'll always be here to protect you...and that's a promise."
His words are long, but since then I know from experience that what he spoke of was all true and all promising. Ever since then, whenever I was in trouble and I had no one to help me, he was there. Each time he came to help he always appeared as this really bright light and faded out into this masked, full bodied apparition. He was so visible that even in broad daylight I could see him so clearly. I've always wondered though, why I was such a magnet to bad luck ( For lack of a better word ). I guess there's always a reason for why certain things happen to people. It obviously never fails to find me.

Although I've been in a lot of bad situations, I always know i'm protected somehow. All this sounds crazy right? I'm sure it does. Hell, it sounds like something that would come from a movie. It's kinda like that saying we've all heard at some point in our life "Good things happen to bad people. " Well, I feel like it's quite the opposite for me " Bad things happen to good people". Most people think bad things wont happen to them and they can go on living a perfect, flawless life. Absolutely false! Nothing in life is perfect, it's not all unicorns and sprinkles. Anything can happen to anyone at anytime, anywhere. Which is why i'm so paranoid now because of these experiences I had through out my life. All will be explained in my next memory. Then my story will make a hell of a lot more sense. Now the story really begins.


It was a breezy spring, about 5:30 in the evening. My long, dark brown treses blew to the back of my shoulders and the wind kissed my pale face, turning them slightly pink. I rushed to my car so I would'nt be late. I was on my way to see my best friend Perry perform at the club she works at. She's a stripper sure enough, but she seems to make good money from it and she honestly seems to really like what she does. Why she would invite me to watch her get naked in front of a bunch of fat, smelly old guys? I don't even know. When she called me, she said she wanted me to go with her to some place that her Dr. told her to go to and that she wanted me to spend the night with her since her appointment is in the afternoon. Good thing she took the day off tomorrow.She had said to me awhile back that she was having trouble sleeping and something about her weird sexual health stuff. By the way she was describing this place, it sounds like some kind of neurological testing center. The things she must tell me is sometimes really fucking weird and out of the blue. I don't know if she's been there once before or not, but I wish I knew what this place was really about because a gut feeling tells me something isn't right about where she's going and if this place is really what she says it is. She didn't even give me the name of the place which seems kinda sketchy to me but, I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

I pull up in front of the rather small bricked building and paralleled between two small dingy looking cars. Jeez, I expected a strip club to be bigger than this. Although, knowing I've never set foot in a strip club I don't really know what to expect of a place like this. I distracted myself from my thoughts and looked at the clock on my dash, it read 10:15 P.M. Good...made it with time to spare. Lots of time actually, 30 minutes at that. Guess I didn't need to hurry after all. I give a heavy sigh and lean back in my seat after shutting the car off. I briefly close my eyes in hopes of me not hesitating to go inside. Don't know why I wouldn't...I mean how bad can it be just watching a few girls dance? I shake my head and push the invading negative thoughts out of my head and unbuckle myself. I take my time getting out as i'm feeling slightly embarrassed to go inside, but I drag my ass in there anyways. I gather my thoughts and step inside. The building is seductively decorated with shades of pinks and fiery reds painted on the walls. There were stunning girls in lacey lingerie dancing seductively but oh so graceful in a strange way, their articles of clothing being strewn off as I walk in to take a seat and girls grinding themselves on the poles attached to the laminated stage was quite distracting. I find it amusing really, in kind of a screwed up way I guess. I could already feel my face starting to flush as I sat in my seat and watched the girls take off their tops exposing their delicately, perfect breasts. No wonder these guys love it here so much, I bet these girls make a shit ton of money too. Speaking of money, where's Perry anyways? oh wait....shes due on stage in like a few minutes. Where'd the time go holy cow! I was completely lost in these girls dancing, how degrading in a sense. I feel like i'm staring myself up and down oddly enough. The girl stops dancing and proceeds back stage. A husky, bearded man with a cow boy hat on announces the next show and hastily clears himself and the articles of clothing off the stage as the music for the next show starts. I'm actually getting excited, I shift in my seat and I see Perry come out. The grin on my face is toothy and my mouth is gapping open in excitement. I cheer for Perry as she starts dancing and wink at her for good luck as she looks my way, she returns the wink.

After Perry's performance, I escorted myself to the back room where all the girls were getting dressed...or undressed rather, not too much clothing is really accounted for here. I Knocked on the door and a girl in very um..see through lingerie answered the door.

"Could I come in and talk to Perry?" I pleaded.
The girl smacked on her minty gum. She smirked and looked me up and down..blowing a bubble in my face and sarcastically answered me like whether or not she wanted to let me in. What a bitch.

"Heh, sure?" She giggled and walked off.
I rolled my eyes as I walked in and searched around for Perry. Goddamn, so many girls..Blech. "AY! PERRY! WHERE YEH AT GIRL!" Perry poked her head up from her phone. She smiled a real toothy grin and ran over to me hugging me tightly, nearly knocking me over.

"Jesus girl, knock me over why don't you." I said giggling.

"Sorry haha! So how'd you like the show? Like what you see?" Perry said winking and shimmying her shoulder against mine

"Hah, I don't even know if I should answer that. It's like an instant lady boner when I came in. It's like BAM! Just hit me like a bullet right in my groin!"

"ohhhh..lady boner huh? Haha damn you got pain in your groin..sounds painful"

"Haha! Oh um you ready to go hot stuff?" I wipe my watery eyes with the back of my hand. My face kinda hurts from laughing so much.

"I'm ready when you are princess." Hah, love it when she calls me princess. Brings so much joy to my life.

"Alrighty then, grab your shit and lets get outa here...tired of lookn at nakey girls."

Perry grabs her purse and small duffle bag and we trott our happy asses out of that building like happy sheep. As we made our way to the car, I could'nt help but feel like I was being watched. I peer over my shoulder into a dark alley. Nothing but darkness and strewn about trash. I looked all around me, but still saw no one. Not even a stray animal lurking. I unlocked the car hurriedly, got in and sped off. That feeling made my skin crawl...I didn't want to mention it to Perry, since I didn't want to make her paranoid. As we were driving, Perry gave me a concerned look.

"You alright Princess? You look a little peckish..."

I inhailed deeply." Yeah, I'm ok...I just um...I'm really tired. I've been having weird dreams about my dad." Perry still had a concerned look on her face. I briskly looked at her then back at the road. We stopped at a red light and I had a chance to have a brief conversation with her while we waited. Perry spoke up first.

" Are you sure your ok, I look pretty pale. did you see something that freaked you out or what?"

The thought of it made my heart jump." Honestly....I had a weird feeling that I was being watched. But when I looked around, there wasn't anyone or anything around us. I can't explain it. Just talking about it gives me the creeps."

" Ew...really? I didn't feel anything but the friggn cold wind. Are you sure you aint just paranoid 'cuz we're not exactly in the nicest of towns."

"Perry I'm not was just an odd feeling that I got that I cant explain. Jeez." Great. I'm annoyed now.

" Alright, alright..don't get your panties in a knot haha just a simple question is all." Perry put her hands up as in a defensive motion. Damn...I feel like shit now for my attitude.

" Argg....damn...i'm sorry. My stupid 'tude' is acting up." The light turned green finally and I sped off once again. We continued talking all the way to Perry's appartment.

" Hey, it's cool...I understand, you seem a bit like your grumpy or something. No worries." Perry smiles and pats me on my shoulder comfortingly. We arrived shortly at Perry's appartment and hurried inside. Maybe I am paranoid.

-CLICK- "God finally we're home!" Perry plopped her bags down on the floor and trudged over to the couch, flailing herself onto it's big comfy cushions. I chuckled and also flung myself to the other part of the couch. I snuggled myself into the plush pillows, smiling into them.

" So ready for an interesting day tomorrow?"

"Anytime princess!"

"Psh princess? Why is it that you call me princess all the damn time? You know only my dad called me that haha!"

" I don't know, it just fits you for some reason. Thought it was cute." Perry shrugged her shoulders.

"Ya okay haha your such a loon! But, I love you anyways.." I smiled a big toothy grin, bating my eyelashes all cutesy.

"Hey, I'm the one and only loon you'll ever know haha!" Perry said with a sarcastic smile.

"But in all seriousness, what do you think it's gonna be like in there?" I sat up cross legged and clutched a pillow in my arms"

"Psh...I don't know. As long as they aint poke'n around my brain or nothing freaky like that." That poker face though...gah. Kills me.

" Hah! Right? But mind"

"Spit it out girl" Perry's voice went up a couple octaves.

"I don't know-I-I feel like there's something not right about the place. Like...I've got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach about it." Ew..those butterflys are are alive again. Just like when I thought I was being watched...How can I be nervous for her? I haven't even been to this place. Ugh, get a grip Attalia.

"How do you know? You've never been there"

"Yes, but still. I don't know about this place."

"I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. I mean, I'd probably have a weird feeling about a neuro. testing center. I'd probably be thinking -" Oh hell no, aint no one probing around in my brain or doing open brain surgery on me or something."-

" It's still creepy..." A disgusted look creeped across my face.

"What's with that face?" Perry cocked her eye brow up.

"What face?" I acted like I didn't know what she was talking about.
Perry gave me a stern look. I focused my eye contact from her to tracing the patterns on the pillow.

"I just feel like there's something very strange about the place."

"Hmm...well like I said there's nothing to worry about. Just trust me." Perry gave me a reassuring, warm smile. I returned it.

" Well anyways, we gotta be there by noon so we should probably hit the sack now." Perry reminded me.

" Yeah...I'll crash on the couch tonight ok?"

" Alrighty then princess. Gimmee some love." Perry extended her arms out for us to hug. We said our good nights and headed to bed.

" Oh and Attalia, Stop worrying would ya?" I smirked and rolled my eyes at her as she walked off.

"Yeah, yeah haha" Perry winked at me at me and shut her door. I chuckled a little and plopped down onto the couch and curled up. Sleep claimed me quickly.

The clocks hands posed themselves at 5 A.M. It was still very dark outside. I felt like I needed to wake up even though I was till so exhausted. I stirred and opened my eyes sleepily and looked around slowly. My eyes caught a dark shadow in the corner by the kitchen table. The hands on the clock remained on 5 A.M. My demeanor changed, I instantly felt confused. I took a double take at the shadow. Emptiness. I looked around again. Sitting up this time, putting my feet on the cold hardwood floor and rubbed my eyes. I felt something near me. I turned my head slowly towards the balcony door. There he was. Who was this dark man? He doesn't seem evil. More pure than anything...I stared at him with a stern look. I spoke up, finally finding my voice.

"Who are you?" My voice is stern, but calm.
The shadow man just stared out the glass door. Emotionless he was. He suddenly turned his head and responded. He leaned against the wall that connected the glass door.

" I've come to warn you of danger my love..." That accent sounds familiar. Where have I heard this man's voice from? My look and tone of voice was still stern, but i'm still confused. I squint my eyes at him.

"You didn't answer my question. Though you've answered my next question oddly. What exactly do you mean you've come to warn me of danger?"

"You already know the answer to that one my love..." -Oh my god..can this dude be any more vague!? Like wow just explain yourself..- My frustration is peaking. I rub my now aching temples.

"Ok, i'm not really understanding what all this is about. So you're here to just tell me that there's some kind of danger I should be watching out for? Or is this warning to warn me of someone elses danger?"

The man responded with a nod. He's got an intimidating poker face. I inhail heavily and speak as calmly as I possibly can.

" Ok...well, if that's all you've come here for then why dont you just leave now. Like, what are you?"

" I've come here to warn you of danger for both you and someone you care for...nothing more. I am simply you're guardian of protection against the darkness that lurks around us."

" My protector? The only protector I have is my father...he's all I need. Thanks for your input but, I'd really like you to leave now. Please." I motioned my hand towards the door for him to leave as my jawline formed into a hard line. My frustration and patience is through the roof now.

"If you understand why I've come, then I shall leave you now princess.." In a split second he exited Perry's apartment, disappearing right through me. I shivered and all the hair on my body stood on end. -Wait a minute. The only people who call me princess is Perry and my dad...Nah..Cant be him. Didn't even look like him. Can't be him...Or was it?-
Shortly after that little ordeal, if that was even real. I bolted up from the couch. Huffing as if I had jut ran a marathon, sweat beads present all over my body. -Did I really just dream that? Or was that real? Nothing is making sense lately. Am I going crazy?- I ran my hand over my face, wiping the sweat from my face. I glanced over at the clock. 12:30 P.M.

"Oh shit!" I bolted up onto my feet and ran toward Perry's room.

"Perry! Goddammit we over-" I cut myself off."Slept...-" She wasn't there. Her bed was tidy and her shades we open, beaming with warm sunlight. I furrowed my brows and frowned even more than I already was. I walked out slowly from her room with my arms crossed. As I made my way into the kitchen, my eye caught a note on the fridge.

I tried waking you up this morning but you weren't waking up so I had to leave to my appointment without you. I figured you were to freaked out to go with me. I'm sorry Attalia. Still love ya princess! Be back in a few hours. Don't worry about me or the testing center, i'll be fine. I promise :)
Love, Perry
-P.S. Stop frowning, you'll give yourself wrinkles ya monkey! ;P-"
My expression changed to a toothy grin. She always knows how to make me smile.

"well, so much for goin' with..." I grabbed a cup from the cupboard and poured myself some apple juice and proceeded back to the couch with a couple of muffins I grabbed on the way. I sat down cross legged on the couch and turned on the TV. And so the wait begins for her to get home.

~.~ *4 Hours later* ~.~

I turned my head to the sound of the door unlocking.

"Hello Hello my princess!" Wow, Perry seems unusually happy. Thats creepy.

"AY!" I got up and engulfed her in a bear hug. I think I squeezed her to hard..hah oops...

"Jeez Atti., Yeh squeezed the cheese outa me!" Perry joked

"Hehe, sorry..So um, how'd your appointment go? Did they poke around in your'e brain?" I made wiggly gestures with my fingers.

"Psh, no they just did those weird machine tests. Nothing outa the norm."

"Ahh..I see, so I was worried about nothing then. Awesome."

"Pretty much Atti." Perry cracked a smile.

There was an awkward silence for a while. Till I broke it. I tapped my fingers impatiently on the arm of the couch.

"So, uh..what's for dinner?" Perry seemed out of it..more like distracted in her own thoughts. What's goin on in that mind of hers. I raised my eyebrows waiting for her to give me an answer. Still nothing. I finally snapped my fingers by her face to get her attention.Well that got her.

" Huh? What'd you say?" Perry shook her head, clearing her distracted mind.

"I asked what we were having for dinner...You okay?"

"Oh..uhh..jeez, I dont know. Hmm...Spaghetti? And yeah, im alright. Was just a weird and tiring day."

"Sounds good to me. But, what about your'e day was weird?"

" I don't know, I guess it's because of the weird drugs and tests the neurologists gave me.." I furrowed my brows. Girl better spill the guts, I'm curious now. She's not gonna get outa this.

" What kind of drugs?"

"How should I know? They didn't really tell me they were gonna drug me at all. All I remember is them telling me that they were gonna give me a special drug that would make me sleepy and then they injected this special dye so they could see certain things in my brain and all this crazy shit."

", shouldn't they have told you about that during your'e consultation? I mean they cant just administer drugs to you with out telling you or having your consent for them to administer such drugs to you. That seems kinda shady to me. I don't think you should go back after all your tests come back, if they want you to keep seeing them."

"Yeah, I know...I don't even know if I wanna go back now.." Perry shifted uncomfortably in her giant reclining chair. She brought her knees up to her chin and crossed her arms over each other, She rested her chin on her arms.

"Well, I don't think you really have a choice right now. They still have to give you your results...what else did they do?"

"That's it really. I mean they had me do some kind of personality test to rule out possible mental health issues..Which really has nothing to do with my sleeping problems and the other issues I've mentioned to them. But other than that, there's nothing more they did."

" Well if you turn out to be a psycho let me know, 'cuz your'e ass is goin to the loony bin." I gave her a cheeky smile to show my joking tone.

"Yeah..we'll see about that. I don't wanna be a crazy nut."

"More then you already are." I gave her one of my many joking faces and a hard laugh. I wrinkled my nose and gave her a cheesy smile. She didn't even smile. Not even a giggle.

"I'm gonna go lay down for a little while..i'm not feeling so well and i'm real tired. Let me know when you're hungry.." She triled off after that and resided to her room.

"Well damn, what's wrong with her.." I muttered to myself. She was beaming at first and now her mood is all outa whack. Seems sketchy. She didn't even describe what the place looked like. Usually she cant wait to tell me about all her crazy adventures to new places. She seemed a bit zoned out and distracted, maybe even a little traumatized. I think I'm gonna check it out tomorrow and do a little detective work.
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I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! I look forward to my next chapter and for all of your comments. Constructive criticism is always welcome to help me better improve my writing :) Thanks for reading guys!