Status: If you don't like Yaoi please turn away. For the rest of you enjoy!

Repeated Rejection or Confused Companon

One shot

It couldn't be true. And yet here it is in front of me. To think we lasted this long and now! Hoon, why?! I gave my heart, the broken, impaled, and weak to you, and you... You started to mend it.Two years Hoon. Two years! I.. can still remember that day.


"Good morning Dongho!" cheery voiced bright eyed Kevin welcomed me to the dance studio. Wait... How is he of all people not tired? As if reading my mind, Kevin pointed out the food left for us.

"Good morning Kevin. How are you?" I couldn't look him in the eye. Not after they found about. My ex. We had dated for about a year before he dumped me. he said I was worthless and that he deserved better. Te told me that his old boyfriend had been better and that I amounted to nothing. My heart still aches for him. Oh Jongin.

"DONGHO! Are you listening to me?" My eyes rested on Kevin. He knew I wasn't listening to him. I hadn't meant to be disrespectful. "Is your mind still on him?" This. I didn't want to talk about. No even to the kind Kevin.

"Um I'm going to eat. See you in a bit." I fled away from him. My fear of judgement taking place. I know Kevin wouldn't judge me. no he's to kind for that. Walking into the cafe like area I allowed my mind not to think about anything. I just focused on my omelet, well that's how it worked at first, until a certain male walked in. His dark hair styled perfectly and his dark brown eyes glittering from amusement. My guess Eli entered the building with him and they were joking around and having fun . Lucky for me I didn't catch his eye. He was the only one whose opinion mattered to me. I could never ask him about it though.

"Dongho! Hey how are you today?" Oh of course he noticed me and, of course, he sat in front of me. I looked up to say something but almost lost myself in his beautiful eyes.

"still a bit tired. How about you?"

"Ah fully awake! Couldn't sleep to well so yeah." He laughed at his little problem.

"I'm sorry Hoon."

"Eh? you okay Dongho? You seem a bit off today." He reached a hand across the table and felt my head. Checking for a temperature I'm sure. I refused to make eye contact.

Bad choice.

He seemed to piece together something that he obviously had been thinking about for a while. My secret. The guys knew I've been keeping back something from them. Even after Jongin and I broke up. In truth. I love Hoon. His hyper, fun loving, sweet, and kind personality to his beauty. I've kept my secret for three years and now what can I do? I nervously took a peak to him,to see if he was going too reject me like I thought he was going to, only to be shocked at the fact his eyes were getting closer too me. His hand went to my chin and lifted my head to face him, then closed his eyes and did something I never would have thought from him. He.. He kissed me. But?! I'm confused I thought that he... I mean a month ago he was with a girl name Min (author thought: To those of you who'd know I'm not talking about Miss A's Min or any other famous Min.. Just the first female name I thought of) and they seemed like they really loved each other. My thoughts where silenced.

His opposite hand went to my hair, playing with t gently. My own hands seemed to grow a mind of their own for they had slid from his chest to wrap around his neck.

The kiss was passionate and strong. But it seemed something else. It was greedy and hungry, for not a single breath of air was passed. Not that it bothered me nor did I care. I was to busy listening to my erratic heart beat.

He was the first to break the connection and as I opened my eyes I noticed he was making his way around the table. Getting his chance to get close to me. Sitting on the chair directly beside me he took my head into his hands and forcibly push his lips onto my own.

"Are you two done with... Oh.." Eh?! K-Kevin!?

"Yeah SO knew it. Pay up Eli, Soohyun!" Aj?! How the heck did I forget they were here and how did I lose track of time. Well my defense I don't think I could have remembered my name at the time.

"Heh." was all that was said from Hoon. he was hovering over top and refused to let me up. Smirking he gave me another kiss. This time smaller and shorter but full of held back love. He left to get ready for dancing practice, along with the rest of the guys and if it weren't for Manager-san coming in and fussing at me to go and get ready I'd sit there staring in space for the rest of the day.

After practice I was headed to my changing room, when I saw a flower and a card which simply said "Dongho" but nothing else. I picked the flower up, went into my changing room and instead of changing right away I sat on the couch and thought. Staring at the flower my mind brought up this mornings events, the kiss especially weighing rather heavily in my mind.

"Lost in your thoughts?" hands went to my shoulders. It was my friend Chul-Moo. Before the break up he had been the only one to actually know about me being with a guy. He's honestly one of my best friends and I owe much to him.''"Yeah I," a knock at the door caught my attention. "Come in?" Hoon walked in and Chul-Moo left. He knew something about what happened this morning. I could tell. I looked to the ground while Hoon walked to sit by me. My heart raced my face blushed and I know he knows what he's doing to me. The flower he left for me in my hands, moving gently in a twirl.

No words spoken.

He placed an arm around my shoulders. His opposite hand lifted my face in a quick scoop and proceeded to take my breath away. This kiss was passionate and once again greedy.

"You don realize, Dongho," his tone leaded passion? No lust. "You now are mine alone." I looked to him and saw his eyes which were gleaming with a pure animal instinct. He was the predator and I his prey. There was no fighting his words for he was correct. I belonged to him and I'm happy with that.

His lips crashed onto mine as he pushed me roughly back onto the couch. His tongue, not bothering to ask for permission, force it's self into my un-expecting mouth tracing every inch of it. After he memorized everything he prodded my tongue to play along, in which it complied.I held my arms around his neck but my hands twitched to wonder around his toned body. One hand allowed it's self to break free of the force field around it and slid to his cheek. His skin is soft, softer than bunnies fur and even maybe children's skin and it's smooth as marble. The hand that had been in my hair moved fro it's place of rest down my face to my chest. From there he stopped his hand at the bottom hem of my shirt. I became a bit scared due to the fact I haven't let anyone go far with me. Not even Jongin. But as he slowly lifted my shirt something sparked in me. It is an overwhelming feeling deep with in me. His kiss, his touch made a fire ignite inside of my body So I lt him take the shirt all the way off. His hands slowly, torture to my burning body, wondered the new skin given to him.

My mind is spinning and I hadn't realized he took off his shirt as well. It was when he took one of my and placed it on his abs. I moved from my full hand to a single finger and traced around his torso. As I got back to his abs I traced each and everyone with my nail gently. This simple act caused him to shiver and moan deeply. He left my lips and moved down to my neck. Gentle kisses left soft imprints where ever they roamed. A certain spot caught his attention and he kissed, sucked and bit, leaving his mark proclaiming that I'm his. I let lose a moan that was probably louder than it needed to be. I could feel his smirk on the abused area of skin. Lips met once more as his hand brushed over the front of my pants. My eyes grew wide and a louder moan escaped my closed mouth. He was delighted to hear it and to feel the shiver quake through my entire being. He lowered his hips down to mine and proceeded to grind into mine. Both of us inhaled sharply and released it as a sigh. His hands continued to work on me but in truth he worked on taking off my belt, which he succeeded in doing so. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest I thought he could hear it.

My hands went to his pj pants and lightly tugged. I... was once again heading into a shy mode. he on the other hand was only getting more and more excited. His hand worked it's way into my pants and once again tortured me. I finally got his pants off and began to get payback for the torture he'd put me through. Hoon's hands ripped off both my pants and underwear and ravaged my exposed areas.

"Hoon, ah..."I couldn't get out any words for my breath hitched in my throat. He.. his finger entered my only opening and prepared me.

"I don't want this to be an issue."Hoon's voice, steady and easy, whispered into my ear. I struggled a bit due to this being a new sensation. After a few moments of preparation he removed reaming clothing and carefully entered me. I stiffened as he tried to move.

"Ah- Dongho relax." His voice was breathy and full of pure lust. He moved gently and went back to my neck. He is like a territorial dog, marking what was his.

eh... ah ..Hoon.." After a bit of work I was relaxed for him to decide it was time to show how long he's been waiting. Hoon kissed my lips again and picked up speed. Our moans were the only sound bouncing around the quiet room. The temperature rose to an almost unnatural degree.

This feeling was new to me. Myself being filled while my own excitement aching to be handled and messed with. Hoon sped up pounding himself into me. his breath warming up my neck, but, I couldn't notice it for my own body temperature was to high. I honestly felt like I was on fire.

"Dongho..." he was really going at it and really enjoining it. Though I was too. I felt myself relaxing myself to him. Allowing him to really take all of me. To own me. and he took it. He, almost leaving my body completely, slammed back into me. every inch, every fiber, every cell of my being was being assaulted by the passion being forced on them. My arousal aching. leading for the neglected attention it needed. As if Hoon knew what I needed his hand rubbed me gently. I was close.
Hoon got into position and completely slammed into me while playing with my arousal. I felt the warmth of my body boiling in the lower part of my stomach, brewing , stirring to release. His hand made faster strokes as he continued his pounding into me harder and faster. My head flung back in pure ecstasy.

He finally gave his final lunge in and that's when it ended. My heat rushed all to one place and I released it. My load out and everywhere on us. My muscles tensed and gripped onto his own arousal. He moaned loudly and released his own load inside of me.

We panted in cynic of each other. Our lips met in hopes to calm our raging nerves.

Hoon. I.." he stopped me. His eyes softened.

"Dongho. For three years I've known about your crush." Hoon say what?! "I unfortunately didn't know how I felt in till.... you were with Jongin which we all knew about." THE HECK oh wait they'd probably had wanted me to tell them when I was comfortable but still >.<. "When you were with him I became jealous but for your own good I kept my distance and my head leveled. But now." he held me close. Cuddling me close and gently kissed my cheek. "Now. I have you. My precious Dongho." we got dressed and from there on we were together.

(End of Flashback)

Hoon I... My rage elevated into a blind one.

"Hoon the heck are you doing?!" both Hoon and Chul-Moo jumped away. I looked back and forth between them. Both knew how Jongin had broken me. Hurt me! NEARLY KILLED ME! *emotionally* And now?! This?!

"D-Dongho what? I" Chul-Moo didn't know what to say.

"No don't even try to lie to me!" Hoon pulled me in, took my head and looked deep into my tearful eyes.

"Dongho." his voice deep. "Never would I hurt you. This Chul -Mo-" I jumped back. I was still in my blind rage. I swung my fist and thus started our first full fight. I have some strong blows to his chest which now had an nice cut from the ring on my finger. The one he said was to show his love to me. Oh the irony. I ended up getting him on his torso and in other places but most of the hits were deflected. He got me a few times which only fueled the baneful fire rising in me. Chul-Moo did what he could to stop it but he's as slim as Kevin and probably weaker. I pushed Chul-Moo off and he fell off into a corner not getting hurt.

"Dongho!" I attempted to ignore him. I got a few more times in till one punch was intercepted easily. He gave me a look and pushed me back onto the couch and got on top of me to keep me from just swinging again.

"Don't lie to me Hoon! I saw it!" with Hoon being stronger I had no escape way. My rage simmered down in till they turned to tears. "I... you... (hiccup) Jongin.....was (hiccup)... right." I had held the tears for the most part back but now. The just leaked down and not fell they crashed on the ground.

"Dongho. He didn't want to have you hurt like Jongin had. He kissed me to see if I'd react. To see if I really did care for you."

"But he didn't. Dongho this I promise you." Chul-Moo looked me in the eyes. he is a horrible liar. He.... He wasn't lying. Now i felt terrible. I dropped to my knees, Hoon had stood up once he was sure I wasn't going to swing, and cried into my hands. I'm so stupid! Hoon held me close and Chul-Moo left to give us the privacy we needed.

"Dongho. I love you. And I'd never hurt you." I was crying into his shoulder as he tried to calm me down. he sang "Touch" by Miss A. After he finished I calmed down from my hysterics and gave me a soft kiss.

From then to now I haven't had problems with him or anyone. I can say honestly. Hoon you must be magic because you took my heart, the broken impaled and week, and you actually fixed. I love you forever Hoon.
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Yeah this was longer than I had originally meant for it but I'm okay with that. Hope y'all like!