Status: Updates soon!

I Am Weakness, I Am Greatness, I Am Anything You Want Me to Be


Emily’s POV

I woke up around 12pm in the afternoon due to having a late night last night as I was up all night messaging John O’callaghan.. What girl would fall asleep at that? Really? No girl in there right mind would fall asleep on John like that... I grabbed my phone and opened up Twitter seeing a message from John and this is how the conversation went:

John: ‘Good morning, sweetie. How you doing today? x’

Wow.. Not only did John just call me sweetie, he asked how I was actually doing, John had taken time out of his own life to ask how I was.. And well that was weird for me, I mean he was famous, why was he messaging me? I know I had met him at the concert a few weeks ago, and he followed me on Twitter after I’d signed my letter with it, I hadn’t expected him to follow me but he had so well I was over the moon at that if I was honest with you. I messaged him back.

Emily: ‘Morning John, I’m doing okay.. Thank you! - Just planning my friends birthday present! (More difficult then you think it would be!) How are you doing? How’s the tour going? x’

I typed back nervously, I mean it wasn’t every day you messaged your biggest idol on twitter and hoped you would get a reply back, while I was waiting I went about with my normal routine I got up and got washed and dressed before I heard my phone buzz again.

John: ‘Sorry for the late reply I had to do soundcheck! Oh wow, birthday huh? Is this the friend you told me about aye? ;) Why don’t you bring her to our concert? My treat! I’ll get you guys plane tickets and such, can tell her you are going on a girly weekend but bring her to our concert, give you backstage passes and everything? It’s up to you! Would be good to see you again! I’m doing great now, thank you honey! And tour is going good, really good.. Actually xx’

I read my phone and almost dropped it, in fact I gasped and dropped it on my bed and looked around my room at the pictures I had got with The Maine, pinching myself to actually try and believe if this was real or not.. Okay it was real. I slowly picked up my phone again, reading over it one more time, before I shakily began to type back.

Emily: ‘Don’t worry about that I understand O’Callaghan! Yeah it is Nat! ;D Are you serious, I can’t accept that John.. That’s far too much.. That’s too much to ask of you.. Would be amazing to see you and the guys again though but its too much. That’s good to hear, and ohhhh dare I ask why its going so well? ;P xx’

I sent him back feeling like I could be myself around him, he was such a sweetheart and acted like he actually cared about his fans, I mean he had messaged me first I hadn’t even messaged him first, thats got to show you something right?

John: ‘Thank you, missy ;) Okay then thats sorted you have to bring Nat along! I’ll make sure Kennedy sticks with her! Hehehehehehe, that sounded cheeky. NOT LIKE THAT OKAY. I’m booking you tickets now okay! Inbox me your address gorgeous! And its going well because i’m talking to you darlin’ xx’

I couldn’t help but get butterflies in my stomach had he really just called me gorgeous and darlin’ in the same message.. I didn’t want to accept the fact that he wanted to buy us plan tickets and accommodation and all that.. I came up with an idea though I’d pay him back when we got to see him again. It was a shame they weren’t doing another home show here in Arizona. I couldn’t help but laugh at the whole part about Kennedy and Natalie though.. That was pretty funny as well as the fact him calling me missy what was that alla bout?

Emily: ‘Welcome, mister :D Oh gosh John.. I wouldn’t have thought of that until you said it.. But she’d love hanging out with Kennedy, and all of you for that matter.. She adores every single one of you. Thank you so much.. I mean it John.. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. *insert address* theres my address you stalker! xx’

I sent that and my heart almost skipped a beat, I was actually going to be seeing John again, and the rest of the guys.. I bit my lip rather roughly. I couldn’t wait I was unbelievably excited Natalie would be over the moon..

John: ‘Don’t worry about it, I’m sure you’ll pay me back by giving me a hug! Sure you wouldn’t have, little miss innocent! It’s no problem, babe. None at all! Aw why thank you! Now, Unfortunately I have to go.. :( I’d rather stay and talk to you, but I have a show to perform.. Behave yourself! And goodbye, I’ll talk to you again soon yeah? xxxxxxxx’

I looked at the message and felt gutted that he had to go but he seemed rather upset about it too, which was unusual but it was sweet of him none the less.

Emily: ‘I’ll give you lots of hugs! I am innocent.. Aw hope you guys have a good show, and you can talk to me whenever! See you soon! xx’

I then left the conversation like that and went to meet up with Natalie, however I didn’t plan on telling her about the conversation I had just had with John that was going to be left as a surprise.. I would ask her mum if it was okay to take her on holiday though..

*Two days later*

I woke up to my mum calling my name, I got up and stretched seeing there was mail, I ran over and grabbed the letter out of my mums hands, gently though and opened it.. Two tickets to see The Maine, in San Francisco.. And plane tickets too.. I screamed with excitement, I couldn’t wait... It was in three days.

Me and Natalie where going to be meeting The Maine.. In three days.

Three days. 

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Hope you guys liked it, let me know what you think!
Plan to update soon! :D