Status: Updates soon!

I Am Weakness, I Am Greatness, I Am Anything You Want Me to Be

Chapter 2.

Natalie POV

I just stepped off the plane in San Francisco and I smiled looking around it was beautiful here the sun was blazing lucky I had worn a pretty floral skirt and a vest and a light weight cardigan so I wasn’t too overly warm. I looked over at Emily kissing her cheek gently, “You are the most amazing best friend a girl could ever ask for! I love you!” I beamed clearly I just thought we where here for a girly weekend, I wouldn’t be this calm if I knew what Emily really had in plan for the both of us.. I stepped down the steps of the airplane my hair blowing back in the slight breeze they had, I flicked my ginger hair to the side and frowned slightly when it tried to blow somewhere else I pouted and turned to my best friend, “This is so annoying isn’t it!” I said and then walked into the airport and looked around the walked over to the conveyer belt where our luggage would be coming out of, I held my backpack on my back and then saw my small suitcase, well I liked to call it small.. But it was medium sized and contained enough clothes to survive someone for two weeks even though we where just going to be here for Four days.. Friday till the Monday.. But you never know what could happen.. Or when you could happen to randomly go see The Maine..

When we finally got back to the hotel after a incredibly long taxi journey I smiled and rushed to the room that we where staying in, it was my birthday today and on the bed there was a chocolate cake that said ‘Happy Birthday Natalie x’ I squealed rushing over to it and gasped turning to Emily running over to her and pulled her into a hug “Thank you so much honey pie!” I gasped looking at her and then put my backpack on the floor taking a picture of the cake and tweeted it saying ‘I have the most loveliest and gorgeous best friend in the world look at the cake she got arranged for me! xx’ Tagging her in it happily, I looked at her and smiled sitting down on the bed we would be sharing for the next few nights, I obviously had taken the cake off first. I then cut two slices off the cake putting it on plates that the hotel had kindly given and I passed one to Emily, “Enjoy it looks so good! This is the best birthday a girl could ever ask for, thank you so much honey pie.” I smiled and looked at her combing my hands through my long ginger hair, hoping that the weekend was going to be amazing, I knew it would be though because I was with my best friend who meant the whole world to me.

*Three hours later.*

I had a little nap because Emily told me we where going to have a busy evening and that I would need to be awake so I took a two hour nap, and the other hour was spent of me showering and getting dressed, I had pulled on a nice pair of jeans and a blouse with a red blazer on over it pulling on some converses to make it slightly more casual. I then sat down at one of the desks that had a mirror in front of it, and dried my hair, I then straightened it, and I then began to do my make up applying some foundation, powder and then some eyeliner and mascara it was just a natural look but you could tell I had it on if that made sense I turned round seeing Emily already ready for whatever the night ahead “Wow babe, you look stunning.. All the guys heads will be turning to look at you..” I laughed which she then replied with “Nah I think they’ll be looking at you girl.. And wear this!” She said handing me a badge that had ‘Happy 22nd birthday!’ on it.. I giggled and just put the badge on. My favorite band was the Maine and I was 22.. But I didn’t really care, I was in love with them since I was just a little teenager.

I stepped outside the amazing hotel we where staying in I couldn’t believe it she must have cost Emily a lot to let us be staying in a grand hotel like this as well as the flights, I felt incredibly bad that she had organized all of this for us, I looked at her and smiled hugging her quickly, “Thank you so so much for all of this, you didn’t have to do all of this for me..” I whispered seeing the cab pull up and then Emily whispered the drive the address as I clearly wasn’t allowed to hear.. I sat in the back of the car excited the car then stopped outside a theathre.. I looked at Emily and then up at the theathre again. “You sure you got the right place?” I asked softly and then I catched a glimpse of Kennedy Brock and John O’Callaghan..

I squealed looking at Emily, shaking my head. “You didn’t did you?” I gasped covering my mouth with my hands on the verge of crying I hugged Emily tightly, “Thank you so so much..”

I looked up and saw Kennedy and John walking over to the car.John and Kennedy from The maine..

Was I dreaming? 

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Sorry its a bit short the next one will be longer!
Hope you like it! :D