Status: Updates soon!

I Am Weakness, I Am Greatness, I Am Anything You Want Me to Be

Chapter 4.

*A few weeks later*

John’s POV.
I had finally convinced Natalie and Emily to come on tour with me and the guys for a few weeks which was a bonus because I really liked Emily and we had got close lately which I really enjoyed because she was a lovely young woman who was stunning as well.. I really was lucky to have her as a friend even if I wanted more sure she showed me signs that she liked me but I didn’t want to make a move just yet just in case I was wrong I’d wait for the right moment though, if she said yes then that would be amazing because ever since I met her she is all I have been thinking about not to mention she has changed me, a lot. I mean I didn’t drink as half as much as I used to it scared me how quickly she had changed me and her presence just made me happy it scared me of the thought of losing her if I asked her out. l stretched out in my bed which was rather comfy surprisingly because a lot of hotels I had been too had really uncomfortable beds, I heard my phone beep and I sat up and reached for it and saw a text message from the one girl that had always been on my mind lately. I opened up the message and a instant smile spread across my lips.

‘Johnny boy, are you awake you lazy man?! ;)‘ I giggled at the text message from Emily and licked over my lips and grinned clicking the reply button.

‘Yes, I am awake you cheeky monkey! Come to my room and we can chill for a bit!’ I smiled and clicked send.

Before I knew it I heard a knock on my door and there was a fully clothed Emily standing at my door as I stood there in just my boxers I smirked a little bit as I saw her eyes scan my body and I took her hand and led her into my room sitting her down on the bed with me and smiled softly “How did you sleep sweetie?” I asked her softly smiling when she replied “I slept very well thank you, how about you?” I looked at her, this was not the time to tell her I had been having dreams about her, not dirty dreams just dreams that we would kiss and be cuddling on the tour bus, but I knew that probably would never become reality and that crushed me. “I slept well thank you, dreamed about a very special girl..” I said and bit down on the corner of my lip looking at her face for any kind of reaction, and he saw her face drop into a frown and he looked at her and said “That’s the thing, this girl is someone really close to me... But I am scared she doesn’t like me back.. I mean look at me..” He said with a slight frown and a sigh when he heard Emily say “Well how will you know she doesn’t like you back if you don’t talk to her and tell her how you feel? There is nothing wrong with you I am looking you right now, and any girl would be lucky to call you her boyfriend so don’t you dare tell me otherwise.”

I took a massive gulp and turned to face her, I took her hands in mine and just held them. “You are so beautiful, I am so lucky to have you in my life as a friend. But you are so beautiful and you have changed me so much Emily, you are everything guys look for in a girl.. You are the best thing thats come into my life, why do you think I begged you to come on tour? Because I want to spend as much time with you as I can, because the point is Emily, you make me the happiest guy in the world. I know how cheesy that sounds, but its true. I-I er.. I wondered if you erm. Would like to er maybe go on a er date with me?” I said nervously letting her hands go as I rubbed them on my bare legs as I was just in my boxers I looked at her hoping for any kind of reaction this had taken a lot for him since what his ex had done, she had cheated on him so it took a lot for him to trust girls again but he trusted Emily, a lot. And he wasn’t going to let her slip through his fingers, if she said no he was sure they could remain friends.

I was nervous, so very nervous.. Until I saw her nod and I sighed with relief.

Emily’s POV
I looked at John as he asked me out and my heart quickened so I nodded at him, “Y-Yes I will go on a date with you..” I said softly and looked at him and smiled as he just pulled me into a cuddle and held me, I could help but glance at his perfect body I mean those abs, and those arms.. They where now mine. I breathed in his scent and relaxed in his arms holding him close to me before he said he needed to go and get showered and I pouted looking at him, “Don’t be too long.” I said softly and then he lifted up my chin with his thumb and kissed my lips lightly and softly, I felt butterflies in my stomach as I kissed him back softly I couldn’t help it he was just so perfect, well in my eyes. I watched him grab a pair of boxers and walk into the shower and he winked at me before he closed the door and I laid back in the bed he had slept in last night. I was dating John O’Callaghan.. This was such a surreal moment.

Before I knew it John came out of the bathroom in just his boxers and his hair still wet and it was dripping down his nicely toned chest I bit my lip which he clearly noticed because he came and sat down next to me, and I smirked softly and he grabbed my hand gently and placed it on his hand and whispered in my ear, “Baby, you can touch me you know.. I am your boyfriend now.. What is mine is yours..” I looked at him with rather curious eyes but my hand began to rub over his chest and it slowly went down lower and rubbed at his stomach I closed my eyes and began to rub lower but then before I know it my hand had slipped down and rubbed over his boxers I opened my eyes as I felt his penis and pulled my hand away but he grabbed it and placed it over him again, “You don’t have too stop you know..” He said moaning softly, “Unless you want too..” I looked at him and shook my head.

I continued to rub him through his boxers until I could begin to feel him get slightly hard at the contact of my hand so I began to rub him slightly faster moans and groans leaving the males mouth I smirked as his head tilted back and I could tell he was close but he was trying to deny that to himself, I rubbed him faster giving him a gently squeeze before he moaned my name I closed my eyes and pulled my hand away and he blushed and said “Erm.. That was well amazing.. Thank you.. I should probably go wash and get a clean pair of boxers on..” He said blushing bless him he was so cute, I looked into his eyes and kissed his lips lightly and watched him go into the bathroom this time he left the door open and I may have just got a glance of his penis.. Wow it was massive but I kinda already knew that because rubbing him through his pants but seeing it out and just about. I smirked when he called me to get him some boxers. “But why would I do that?” I said raising an eyebrow but grabbed him a clean pair and threw it to him in the bathroom smiling softly, and then I heard a knock on the door it was Kennedy calling for John to hurry up so they can go get something to eat and get to sound check on time and John called out “One second just getting dressed..”

Today had been amazing, and it had only just started.. But John was now my boyfriend.

Dreams really are coming true.
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I hope you guys enjoyed this! :D