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I Am Weakness, I Am Greatness, I Am Anything You Want Me to Be

Chapter 5.

Natalie’s POV.
I ran my hand through my hair, well tour had come to an end for a little bit so everyone was back home at Arizona and Emily was staying round John’s quite a bit so she was home alone for most of the time, which she didn’t mind but she missed her best friend as well as flat mate. Emily and John had planned for the guys to all go round John’s for a meal and a sleepover tonight, but I wasn’t too sure I wanted to go, because I’d feel pretty much like a third wheel they all had girlfriends, and Emily had a boyfriend now and then their would be me just sitting there, I know the guys weren’t bringing their girlfriends but still... I knew they where taken deep down, so what was the point of me even being there, I looked at the clock as it was already 2pm and I’d have to start leaving to get there in about an hour, but I sighed and just text Emily.

‘Hey babe, I hope you and John are doing okay.. But to tell you the truth I don’t really feel like coming over tonight, if thats alright.. Just I don’t want to get in the way of everyone, we will have to catch up soon though, beautiful. Love you x’ I clicked send and just sat down chewing on my lip not knowing what else to say or do, I hope Emily didn’t get annoyed with me for turning her down I then heard my phone beep out telling me I received a message, I opened up the text to see:

‘Hey Nats, We are both doing great thank you. I hope you are doing okay? You don’t seem to be so I say get your bum over here and have a sleepover with me and the guys, if you don’t come we will only come over to you. So please get your nice ass over here? Yeah? Love you too x’

I couldn’t help but laugh at her message how did she know how to make me smile so easily, just an impact she had on me really, I sighed and tapped on the reply part on my phone watching the keypad come up and I began to type

‘Okay Em, I am packing my bag to come over now! I’ll see you soon, gorgeous lady. x’ I then put my phone down and grabbed a travel bag where I began to put my clothes inside grabbing a pair of night shorts and vest as it was still really hot at night time, so didn’t want to be sharing a bed with one of the guys sweating now did I? I laughed softly, at the thought of sharing a bed with one of the guys but I knew we’d put pillows in between one another so nothing would happen. Once I was packed to go I locked up and went to my car putting my bag in the back seat and smoothed my skirt down at the same time before jumping in the front seat, and began to drive to John’s massive house. Once I was there I grabbed my bag and then locked my car walking up to the door and rang the bell..

Kennedy opened the door, surprise surprise. I swear this man must know I like him or something I tried to avoid him as much as I could without making it obvious just to save my emotions really I know that probably sounded really horrible, but I didn’t want to keep falling in love with his amazing self. I hugged him softly and quickly saying “Heeeey.” I smiled at him and he replied with a “Hey babe, you look very beautiful.” I looked at him blushing slightly and said “Thank you lovely, can’t say you look that bad yourself.” I grinned and cheekily nudged him as I walked past.. Okay so avoiding him wasn’t working out as best as I could have hoped. I looked at Emily and smiled rushing over to her I pulled her too me and hugged her kissing her head lightly, “I missed you!” I said and grinned “Oh you look rather gorgeous my lady.” I laughed placing my bag down where John told me too, and I went over and gave him a hug, “Hey man, you treating my girl right yeah? Or do you need a kick up the bum?” I said with a soft laugh when Emily took my hand and said “He’s treating me more than alright.” With a wink, I scrunched up my face and squealed walking into the front room and sat on the couch where Emily sat on the chair oppistie me, “Babe as much as I love you.. I do not need to know about yours and John’s sex life as hot as that must be! But me, I’m all alonnnne.” I said as Kennedy walked through the door. Great just what I needed him to hear.

Kennedy sat down next to me putting one arm round me and gave me a gentle squeeze and I just took a deep breath and heard him say “There is a guy out there for you, I know there is. You’ll find him some day and fall head over heels for him, I know you will. You just need to stop searching and he’ll be there.. You are a stunning young woman, any guy would be lucky to have a girl like you on their arm..” I looked down and blushed a bright red after mumbling a quick thank you, I felt him kiss my head as he went to get the door to see a Pat, Jared as well as Garrett standing at the door. I smiled jumping up and hugged every single one one of them placing a kiss on their cheeks gently and heard Kennedy say “I didn’t get a kiss..” I playfully rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek lightly before going back to the sofa and smiled as we had all decided to now watch a film we looked through the collection of harry potters, and there was even magic mike and the hunger games.. Most of us said The Hunger Games so we put that in and I curled up to the side of the sofa as Kennedy was sitting next to me and it was slightly awkward.

I looked at the TV screen and then pouted as John paused it to ask us what pizza we all wanted, and I of course said anything chicken related.. Me and chicken where like best friends. I smiled as he said he would order me a chicken pizza and I grabbed my glass of ice cold lemonade and took a few sips before I just sat back on the sofa and waited for the movie to be put back on.

*A few hours later*

We had all decided to get changed into our pajamas to get comfy while having a Harry Potter marathon I walked downstairs and saw Kennedy sitting there in a tight fitting white v neck shirt and a pair of pajama pants I chewed on my lip softly and smiled as I saw Emily sitting down too and I walked in taking my usual spot which was next to Kennedy and I flashed him a soft smile noticing him look me over and I shrugged it off not wanting to put too much thought into it.

I sat back and then Kennedy leaned over to me and whispered in my ear, “Your breasts are looking amazing in that top..” He said biting his lip, this pulled the last straw for me and I stood up shaking my head, “Who the h’ell do you think you are? Kennedy Brock, you are such a fucking idiot. You have a girlfriend, why an earth would you flirt with another girl? Are you seriously that stupid Kennedy? Who do you think you are to tell me I have nice breasts?” I almost shouted pulling my shirt up and shaking my head, “Do you think it is funny to toy with girls emotions like this?” I said shaking my head.

Kennedy just looked up at me shaking his head, “I know I have a girlfriend, you think I could forget about her that damn easy now do you? Who said I was flirting with you Natalie? Yeah I may have said you have nice boobs, but who the hell cares, can’t you just take a damn compliment for once?” He said shouting at me and I gulped shaking my head at him and heard him say, “No one was toying with your stupid and pathetic emotions, just forget it alright. I was trying to be nice.”

I looked at him I was hurt by what he had just said I just bit my lip and hugged Emily and saw the guys all standing around and I heard John say “Kennedy, talk to a lady with respect.” I looked at him with a thankful look in my eyes before I looked at Kennedy and shook my head and let go of Emily and said “I’m going to go to bed..” I said night to everyone except Kennedy who I was supposed to be sharing a bed with Kennedy I put a pillow in the middle brushed my teeth and removed all my make up before I went into the bedroom and laid down in bed and text Emily just saying I was sorry before I laid there staring up at the ceiling.

Before I knew it Kennedy was coming up to bed, he laid down on his side after mumbling that he was sorry which I accepted because i didn’t want to make everyone feel bad, or like they had to change everything for us. I soon fell asleep and just cuddled up to the blankets making sure that I didn’t kick Kennedy or anything.

I woke up in the late hours of the morning it was about 9am I stretched out and smiled as Kennedy was still sleeping I checked my phone seeing that Jared had taken a picture of me and Kennedy sleeping and tagged it on twitter as ‘Oh look at the little sleepy heads. ;)’ I sighed and laughed softly getting out of bed I grabbed my clean clothes and went to the bathroom to get showered and dressed. I walked out and saw that Emily was up already and I began to help her prepare breakfast for all of us.

Kennedy’s POV.
I woke up the next morning about half nine, and I stretched out grabbing my clothes I made sure to go to get a quick shower before I got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen, I sat down at the table after saying a good morning to the girls I heard my phone start to ring and I picked it up and saw it was Gabbi so of course I answered.

“Hey baby, morning. Missed you, how are you?” I asked her softly kind of shocked with the comment she gave back to me though.

“Don’t you fucking baby me, Kennedy! Why don’t you go baby that ginger bitch of yours?” She shouted down the phone to me and I bit my lip not knowing what to say, sure Natalie was an amazing girl, but she was just a close friend of mine, I didn’t really see her as anything else at the moment..

“Gabbi love, I don’t know what you are talking about.. There is nothing going on with me and Natalie, don’t you dare talk about her like that she is my friend. You are just being paranoid honestly, there is nothing going on I love you.. I’d never cheat on you..” I begged to her down the phone scared of losing her she was everything to me.

“Whatever Kennedy, we are over. I will be out of your house before you get back, don’t come looking for me..” And then she hanged up and I burst out into tears shaking my head I slammed my phone down on the table, I couldn’t believe it why had she just done that.. Its not like me and Natalie where cheating, sure we flirted around one another and we where pretty close but I was in love with Gabbi I would never cheat on her, not even with Natalie..

I looked up and saw Natalie walk over to me and sit down next to me and she took my hand and held it in hers and I bit my lip, “S-She left me, because she though I-I cheated on h-her..” I stuttered out to her not know what else I could say, nothing else would leave my lips as tears rolled down my cheeks, “I am so sorry, I will call her and tell her it was all me?” I heard Natalie whisper and I shook my head. “No, I guess she is right, liking another girl is practically cheating.. She deserves better than me..” I said sobbing softly I looked at her, not knowing how she’d react to that but I had to get it off my chest. “It’s just going to be hard.. I’ll get through it.” I said wiping my eyes I didn’t want to cry anymore in front of them.

I didn’t know how to react, Natalie was in front of me trying to comfort me, I wanted to kiss her but, I had just broke up with my girlfriend, so that would be wrong.. But before I knew it, my lips met her and I kissed her lips softly, and for one time, it felt like I was kissing the right person.

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I hope you guys enjoy this! :)
Wow my updates are getting more frequent. Aren't you guys lucky ;)