The Long Road

Chapter Three

I spent the rest of that day curled up in a ball, hoping, wishing, that all I had seen and heard, was a dream. Deep down I knew it wasn't though, it had all been to real, to actual to be fake. I was stuck in 1773 with no way back. Achilles seemed to understand my distress and instructed Connor to assist me to a room where I could recuperate. “She's in shock,” I heard him say, “She needs time to come to terms with what she has seen.” So Connor gently took my arm, leading me up the stairs to an unused room where I curled up on the bed and shut my eyes, trying to block out the world around me. I stayed there as the sun set, finally falling in to sleep as the room around me darkened.

I awoke the next morning just before dawn, as old habit dictated, to an unfamiliar room and silence. The absence of my cramped computer table and Skyler's snoring reminding me of where I was. I probably would have kept laying there if my stomach hadn't growled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten anything since coming to this place. I doubted either of the men would be awake at this time, so I carefully snuck out of the room, making my way down the stairs to find the kitchen. Thankfully, the kitchen was right by the stair case, saving me from trying to scour the house in search for it. Nabbing two apples from a bowl, I crept out the back door to watch the sun rise.

I hadn't noticed it before, when Connor lead me to the manor, but the house sat near a cliff face over looking a large body of water, that could have very well been the ocean. I stood there a moment, just staring at the sight of it all, at the beauty and the purity of it, before I walked over to the edge and sat down. I never really got to enjoy sunrises' back at the ranch, I was always to busy tending to things, to busy working to just stop and watch the world wake up. Despite the beauty of this place I wanted to go back home. I wanted to see Skyler, William, Cody, Tom and everyone else at the ranch again. I want my family, I wanted-


A voice in my head shouted at me. No, you can't go back remember? You're here, in 1773 and that's not going to change any time soon. So stop singing 'woe is me' to the world cuz it ain't listening, instead, pick up your sorry ass and do something HERE! I frowned slightly at my inner drill Sergeant, wondering where the hell he came from, but I suppose however my mind conjured him up, he was needed. I had just spent nearly the last twenty four hours wallowing in my own self pity. It needed to stop. I wasn't going to get anywhere by crying for what was, I needed to focus on what is.

It was then that heard the sound of a door close. Twisting around form where I sat, I saw Connor standing just outside the door way, slowly looking around the area before spotting me. I waved once I knew he saw me, and he made his way over to where I sat.
“Hello,” He said standing a respectful distance away from me. He wasn't dressed the same as he was the previous day, no off white coat and he wasn't bedecked in weapons. No, he wore a simple white buttoned shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a pair of dark blue pants.
“Hey,” I responded as he sat down a little more then an arms length away from me, hanging his feet off the cliff as I was.
“What brings you out here?” He asked me once he was settled. Gesturing towards the horizon I responded,
“The sunrise. I wake up with it nearly every morning, but I've never really stopped to appreciate it. It's beautiful.” I paused for a moment, looking around Davenport in the morning light, seeing the dew sparkle on the grass and the roof of the barn. Mist hovered around the water below, casting the ship that sat down there in to an eerie, ghostly light.
“This place is beautiful.” I glanced over at Connor to see a slight smile tug at the corner of his mouth,
“It is.”
Silence stretched between us for a moment as I stared at the half eaten apple in my hands, before finally looking back over at him,
“I need to apologize.” He frowned as he looked over at me,
I sighed, “ You, Diana and even Achilles have been nothing but kind to me, and how do I show my gratitude? By throwing a hissy fit over nearly everything people tell me.” I looked away from him and down to my hands, fiddling with the apple.
“It's childish and rude, y’all have been just trying to help me.” I said with a shake of my head. Silence thickened the air for a few moments, before Connor finally spoke up.
“Your distress is understandable. You did not come here of your own free will, you were taken.” I looked back over at him as he continued, “We can help you return home, if you wish.”
I smiled ruefully at him,
“As much as I would love that, you can't help me. I can't leave, Zeus made that very clear.”
Connor gave me a look of slight confusion then,
I grimaced, he's never going to believe me. “uh, yeah. That's what uh... what I called the guy in the... in the orb.” I felt heat rise to my cheeks as I looked away from him. Nice Miri, now you've proved you're a nutter. But when I looked back at him, he didn't look at me as if I were crazy, he just seemed contemplative.
“Were you in a place called the Nexus?” He finally asked. I blinked at him,
“Yeah, he called it that if I remember right... how did-”
“I was once there, a long time ago. That is where I was told to seek the symbol.” I quirked an eye brow at him then,
“What is it about this symbol that makes it so special?” I asked him. Connor sat up a bit straighter, glancing sideways back towards the manor before answering me.
“Perhaps that would be best answered in side, come.” He said as he stood up, before offering me a hand. I took it, letting him help me to my feet before he turned and lead the way back to the manor.

Achilles was wake when we walked in, beckoning us in to the kitchen. He seemed a tad surprised when he saw me, but quickly recovered.
“Good morning Connor, Almira. Breakfast is ready.” He said, gesturing to a few bowls of gruel sitting on the table.
“Almira wishes to know about the symbol.” Connor stated as we came to take our seats. Achilles sighed as he looked over at me, “I remember what you told me yesterday child, that the artifact 'wanted you to learn the symbol' hm? Well then, I will tell you all about us and our age old struggle, after breakfast.”

I chuckled and agreed, tucking in to the gruel even though I really didn't like the stuff, it was at least bearable though. Once we were finished eating I helped with the dishes, before the lot of us settled in to (what I called) the lounge room. It was there that I learned of the Assassins, of their dealings with “the ones who came before” and of the Templars, who sought to use the ancient's knowledge to conquer and control. The Templars and Assassins had apparently been fighting a war with each other through out the centuries, and from the sounds of it, the Assassins were barely holding together.

We sat in silence after Achilles finished his history lesson. I wasn't sure what to make of all of it. It all just seemed so fanciful. I also wasn't sure what I was supposed to do with this information once I had it. “Zeus” wanted me to learn what the symbol meant, but he failed to tell me what I was supposed to do after I did. Not being able to take the men's stares any longer I stood,
“Thank you Achilles, that answers one of my questions at lest.” I said with a slight nod as I shuffled in place for a second.
“If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to take a walk, clear my head.” Achilles nodded, looking as if he wanted to say something, but holding back. I left the room in search for my boots, hearing Connor and Achilles discuss something I didn't catch. Finding and donning my footwear, I headed out the door. The late summer sun beat down on me as I walked along the road, reminding me I had left my hat back at the manor. I didn't want to go back for it though, no I just wanted to continue my march to Only-God-Knows-Where.

I was trying to remember my conversation with “Zeus”, what he said, what he wanted from me, as I walked. Guide and be guided, he had told me, Teach and learn, here with them. Of course, there was a bunch of gibberish about “Beginnings” too, I still wasn't sure how it all tied together. Grumpily, I turned off the road and in to the forest, going a ways before reaching a large tree that seemed to scream “CLIMB ME”. So I did, scaling the thing till I reached a comfortable height, (about mid way up) before I straddled a large branch and sat with my back against the trunk.

Okay, I thought, Lets start with what I do know. One; the beginning -whatever it is- starts here, in 1773. Two; it also involves Connor and Achilles, more specificity I'm supposed to “learn” from them. Alright that is a start. So, history flunker, what happens in 1773? Dammit I was awful with dates... lets see, what happens in America in 1773...

“Oh, shit... the Revolutionary War.”

I wasn't sure of the exact date, but it did happen around this time. I wondered if that was what the “beginning” was, the beginning of a country. If that was the case, how did I fit in? The Revolutionary War was lead by men, fought by men, and won by men. Not men and women. Sure, women helped out, but in the kitchen, in the fields and infirmary. I, however, was mediocre at best in the fields. My goals in the kitchen? one, don't burn it down, two, make food edible. Taste is optional. The field? DON'T KILL THE PLANTS. Ditto for the infirmary. I'd make a horrible housewife. I thought. Just as well I suppose, my luck with men was about the same as my luck in the kitchen, what I didn't accidentally destroy, came out dull and tasteless. I'd given up trying awhile back, never could get past date number two with anyone...

There had to be something I could do though, there was no way I was going to sit on the side lines and simply watch the war go by. I couldn't pass my self off as a boy and join the army, or militia or whatever they had, I was just to shapely for it. Even if I succeed in fooling them, the jig would be up as soon as I got injured. There had to be some way for me to join the fight, to help the cause, even if I had to become some sort of weird vigilante to do it, running around and-

Wait, there was a way.

Zeus you cleaver bastard, you KNEW I'd come to this conclusion didn't you? I mentally growled at the wind, narrowing my eyes slightly at the imaginary man, before nearly leaping out of the tree in haste. I rushed back through the forest to the road, in a hurry to return to the manor before I changed my mind. I was nearly out of breath when I finally reached the house, bursting through the front door with more vigor then called for.
I shouted as I started glancing in to rooms for the two, but the search was ended when Connor came out of the kitchen area, a look of concern on his face.
“ What is wrong?”
He asked as he stalked towards me, now dressed as he was the day before. By the time he reached me I could see Achilles rounding the corner from the kitchen as well.
“I've made a decision.” I sated, glancing between the men. Achilles sighed as he came to a stop in front of me, giving me a knowing look from under his hat.
“I suspected as much, out with it then...”

“I want to become an Assassin.”
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It seems italics doesn't work on Mibba... Sorry about that.