Status: For Kenzi.

One Song Only


Brian Haner watched Katie Jones from across the room at yet another nightclub that he’d been dragged to. It wasn’t that he didn’t like to go out, he just hated going out with her. Anytime he and Katie were in the same room together, something bad always happened. He always ended up with a drink poured on him and she always ended up with runny makeup. He was like fire, and she was like ice.

Still, he liked to watch the way she moved whenever they did go out together. He could always tell how many guys would be coming onto her throughout the evening just by what she was wearing. She wore an opened sequined blazer over a black mesh top with holes to show off her bra and her toned stomach. Her high-waisted leather shorts were tight on her behind and accompanied with black leather booties, her tanned legs looked miles longer than her normal 5’5 stand. So far he’d watched five guys try to talk her into letting them buy her a drink.

Brian had to bite back a smirk when Katie turned each and every one of them down. She always cocked her head and rolled her eyes before sending them on their merry way. She was not interested. She was never interested.

Sometimes he just wanted to bash the fucker’s face in when they got too rough with her. There would always be that one drunk asshole who took it too far until Matt, or occasionally Brian himself, had to step in and tell the dude to back off of her. Still, he never wanted to look like he cared for her too much.

Brian hated her. Brian wanted to hate her.

He found himself downing the last of his beer and crossing the floor in her direction. She’d pushed away all the other guys that had tried to dance with her. Instead, she blended in the crowd and swayed her hips to the music. That’s the type of person she was- she liked to do things solo.

“Hey, ice princess,” He taunted her with his personal nickname for her. His lips were close to the shell of her ear as he spoke.

He smirked when she jumped, gasping and whipping around to face him.

“Brian, what the hell are you doing?” Katie hissed when she’d realized that he’d slipped through the crowd and was behind her. She tried to take a step back, not liking how close he was to her.

“Thought maybe we could dance together,” He shrugged innocently, reaching out to touch her. He liked to see her squirm and try to get away from him.

“I don’t want to dance with you,” She sneered over the music, trying to move away from him.

“Why not?” He asked persistently.

“Are you really asking me that question right now?” She asked, cocking her head to the side. Her green eyes could burn holes into his forehead. “I despise you.”

“You don’t have to like me, let’s just dance,” He offered. He despised her also.

“No,” She said stubbornly, crossing her arms under her bust.

His eyes slowly trailed from her face down to her chest, where her breasts were squeezed together and pushed upwards from her crossed arms. When she realized where he was looking, she groaned and dropped her hands to her sides.

“You’re a dog,” She spat, scrunching her nose.

“Aw, come on, Kate,” He smiled.

“No, don’t call me that,” She snapped, pointing a finger at him. “Don’t you ever call me that.”

“Fine, fine,” He put his hands up defensively. “Didn’t know you were sensitive.”

“I’m not sensitive and you’re drunk,” She said.

“I’m not drunk, by the way. I just want you to shut up and dance with me,” He argued.

Just as Katie was about to turn and walked away, the intro to one of her favorite songs began to play over the speakers. Brian watched as she internally fought to keep from dancing. Her hips swayed a little, like she couldn’t resist moving to her favorite song.

Brian grinned as she turned back to him, narrowing her eyes at him.

“This song only,” She said seriously but defeated, but liked the idea of having someone to dance with. Porn Star Dancing was one of her favorite songs.

Kelly won't kiss my friend, Cassandra
Jessica won't play ball
Mandy won't share her friend, Miranda
Doesn't anybody live at all?

Katie tried to keep her distance as Brian placed his hands on her hips. He watched her lip sync the lyrics, her mouth curving into a genuine smile. He caught a whiff of her light perfume and shampoo as she whipped her blonde hair around wildly, running her hands down her body.

He didn’t want to look like he was enjoying himself too much as she got closer and closer to him. He refrained from smoothing his hands over her firm, leather-clad ass. He started to wonder what she was playing at as the chorus came in.

Katie turned around in his grip, backing up against Brian’s chest. His nose grazed the side of her neck, and he just wanted to run his hands through her blonde highlighted locks. His body tensed as she dropped down to a half-squat, running her hands down his chest as she went. It was like she purposely teased him while she pressed her behind into his crotch, grinding into him.

He silently prayed that he didn’t get a hard-on. That would really piss her off. He was shocked when she turned to face him again, her arms connecting around his neck.

“I know you wanna kiss me,” Katie murmured in his ear, pressing her body into his crotch again.

This could be reverse psychology, he thought. Just another thing for her to hate him for, but she asked for it.

“You’re right, I do,” Brian admitted, pressing his lips to hers just because she asked.

Her breath hitched in her throat before she kissed him back. His fingernails dug into her hips as he pulled her closer, wanting her body flush against his. Kissing her plump lips were new to him, and he’d never thought he be doing this with her. He nipped her bottom lip and pulled her mouth open just to see how far he could go. He took the opportunity to French kiss her, his tongue entwined with hers. They stayed like that on the dance floor a few seconds after the song ended and a new song began to play.

She broke the kiss for air, needing to go somewhere more private instead of in the middle of a hundred other people. Her emerald eyes held a deep lust as she gripped onto the sides of his open jacket close to his chest, pushing him backwards and leading him out of the crowd to a dark booth. At the booth, she looked up at him seductively.

“I said one song only, but I think we’re going to have to change that.”
♠ ♠ ♠
For Kenzi!

Hope this was alright! :)