Status: First true try at horror



Every night I wake up to hear those voices. Each time I walk out, and see the door open. This time though I walk down the hall to see what is waiting in that room. I step inside and the door slams shut behind me. I jump in shock, but look around the room.

In the corner is a dark figure of a man. He is tall, but I can't see his face. "Who are you?" I ask him trying to call him forward.

He doesn't say anything. He just steps forward, but in the dim light I still can't see his face. It's just a black mass where his head is at. He doesn't say anything as he makes his way towards me. He stops to where his body is a foot from mine. I hear words of a foreign language ring in my ear. I don't understand what he is trying to tell me.

I reach back and turn on the light to see who this man is, but instead of revealing the stranger. He disappears gone like a shadow. Then something slams into my side sending me to the ground with a yelp. I hear the same foreign language being spoken in a harsher tone.

It wasn't hard for me to understand what it was saying at that point. It wanted me gone. Whatever this creature was didn't like me. I pull myself up and climb back to my room. If he doesn't like me, then he can learn to live with me for a few more days.


In the morning, I still felt eyes on me, and I could hear the harsh word in a foreign tongue. Marie notices that I'm not walking straight. I was still in pain from whatever slammed into my body.

"I slept in a weird position," I inform her. "It's just a muscle ache."

She just nods and turns back to cooking. I pull my laptop out and look up apartments for rent in my town. I want out of my sister's house for good. Being waken up in the middle of the night is really starting to take a toll on my well being.
♠ ♠ ♠
Only two more chapters. I never meant this to be a long story, so I do hope that you are enjoying this. Tell me what you think.