Gensokyo 20XX: Rise of Earth


The very destruction of Gensokyo and when those invaders came had made everything seem black and white and that it didn't seem real. The moment Yukari broke the shikigami spell (the spell that makes one a shikigami) and placed Reimu and Chen in my arms, I knew it to be real. Tears were in her eyes and it seemed we were never to see her again. The only thing I can remember her saying, "Right now, I need you all to be brave and, Ran, take care of Reimu and Chen. When I gap you, I need you all to run and don't ever look or come back." Naturally, being subservient to her since before I was could walk, I obeyed and, with Reimu and Chen in my arms, we fled to a cave. Gapping us was Yukari's sacrifice.

Living in the cave was difficult and we were often too afraid to leave it for fear they would find us, too. For Yukari's sake, we lived and I took care of them the best I could. Often, I took to scolding them when they were out too long and trying to keep our presence secret within the bambo forest. I would always see smoke and hear screams in the distance. I especially started to worry that Reimu was starting shatter, not break, shatter. Chen would weep and cry, too, but would be satisfied that I, her, and Reimu were together but it seemed that trauma of losing someone very close to a mother would really do it and this would lead to issues in the future. When I heard tale of Alice and Marisa's death from the other kitsune and then from Reimu and Chen, I knew times were going to come raining down like hellfire. Soon our cave had become more and more overcrowded and we had to learn how to live with each other, even Mamizou, that fleabag tanuki that I ever so despised, and I learned how to get along.

Gensokyo was our home and now it is destroyed. The ones that destroyed our home are looking for us and those that managed to flee. All over, there were wanted posters and news of 'magitek', magical technology, and how much more magic they needed more magic to make more, draining Gensokyo of its energy and its life, culling out each and every last one of the most powerful. From what Reimu told me, Remi was killed and Sakuya was captured, Meiling was put to work in a forced labor camp, and Patchouli has been apprehended when her health conditions proved too much in resisting and she was imprisoned in a library, and Flandre we never saw again. Momiji regained her true form and fled, while Aya's had her wings broken, and was immediately put to work.

We escaped but they persisted. After awhile, Reimu told Chen and I that we should flee to Tokyo, to which we responded, "But how?" She explained that I could take the form of a human and Chen could could take the form of a regular cat, rendering us undetectable and safe, being that I had gained some of my powers back. At first, we refused, I saying, "You are like Yukari's child and she told me to take care of you, after all, you are the remaining Hakurei, so how could we leave you?" Chen was in tears by this point and insisted that we stay together, saying that if she was to stay in Gensokyo, then so were we. We went back and forth over it, until I finally relented and kissed her on the cheek, before taking human form and concealing my tails and Chen took the form of a cat and was placed in my purse. I hugged her one last time and fled to Tokyo, with Chen tucked away in my purse and heavy heart. After we left Gensokyo, many others had followed suit.

After spending a bit in the streets and in motels and things, Chen and I finally took up residence in an apartment in the poorer and more croweded districts of Tokyo. It was a rather nice apartment and, at least, we had some housing but Reimu and Yukari were never far from our minds. As far as we knew, Yukari was executed and Reimu was apprehended and it was hard not to think of some things. I soon took up employment as a cleaning lady and spent whatever money I had earned on food or clothes, sometimes treats. After a few weeks, Reimu finally joined us and it was such a relief to see her again. She told us about the note that Yukari had gapped and about what it said. Of course, that meant that I now have two girls to feed and will have to work even harder. By this point, I had grown used to going without food and encouraged them to eat as much as they could.

The next day, I had gone to work and had found someone, wearing nothing but rags and clinging onto only to a teddy-bear, on the way home. Flandre. The moment she saw me, she hurried over to me and told me her story. She told me how she had taken things, treatments, many spells cast upon her, even ripped out her wings to turn her into a five-year old human with anemia and a condition called 'xeroderma pigmentosum', something that was very strange and seemed almost like horrible disease in its name. However, in light of informing me, she also told me that the transformation was permanent and that she is to avoid all forms of sunlight. I brought her home and, after hugging everyone and making herself comfortable, she broke into tears, saying, "I miss Remi, she would have wanted to become human if it meant escaping death." I hurried to comfort her and reassured her that Remilia would have wanted her to escape and that she survived. After dinner, I tucked them in and made it absolutely clear that there was to be no kicking of the legs or kicking of each other out of bed.

However, time passed and I was starting wonder if waiting for Yukari to join us was taking a toll on Reimu. Over the course of waiting for Yukari, my suspicions were confirmed, we found Reimu no longer needed to dye her hair for it truly did turn white. We often found her with recurrent colds and illnesses, one even had her coughing up blood. She would have periods of days and sometimes weeks where she wouldn't eat or sleep. She had fainting spells, nightsweats, depression, and various sorts of other ailments. Soon, I, Chen, and Flandre were worried and, often, she was taken to the doctor. She was placed on loads of medications and some seem not to do much of any sort of good. She often spent most of time in bed or in the hospital. During these times, I was often by her side, stroking her hair, and, whenever I wasn't there, I often worked myself ragged. After awhile, she truly did end up staying in the hospital and the doctors didn't know how to help or what do to. Illness overtook her and it seemed there was nothing left for her.

Just when we were starting to lose hope and coming to terms with the fact Reimu's health may not permit her to live, Yukari, with shortened hair and different clothes, finally did join us and, when she had first seen us, she had told us about everything and informed is that there is no more Gensokyo because it became too unstable and collapsed in on itself, trapping those who destroyed it and Rin Kaenbyou. It wasn't long until she asked of Reimu and how she was going did we take her the hospital. I explained that Reimu had had to be hospitalized because illness pray took her. After fixing herself up, she went to be Reimu's bedside and told her of everything that happened.

While Gensokyo had been destroyed, we had found a new home, a new Gensokyo. After awhile, Yukari brought a large house and we all went to live with her. Reimu's health started to return but her hair color did not and she no longer required so many doctors visits. Patchouli soon opened a book store and Aya became chief editor of many of the Shinbun and started her Gensokyo column, detailing her stories and often she writes us letters, telling us about how things are going with all the other former residents of Gensokyo, which we would all gather around to read. As for us, we live with our memories and our odd sort of family, also Flan and Reimu became like sisters, and, while she can never turn back to being a vampire, she does bite her on the head as an affectionate gesture and says she hopes she can go to night kindergarten with the other kids afflicted with her condition.