Gensokyo 20XX: Rise of Earth


I remember the night Gensokyo's borders fell and I knew what was to come upon us. As soon as I spotted them, I hurried to the shrine in tears to get Reimu and then I went back to my house. After destroying the shikigami contract, I placed Chen and Reimu in Ran's arms and said "Right now, I need you all to be brave and, Ran, take care of Reimu and Chen. When I gap you, I need you all to run and don't ever look or come back." After I had gapped them away and right before they caught me, I cried, saying, "If I had it any other way I will have taken you with me, Reimu." I've made one sacrifice before in letting her go but I had to do it again and I can only hope that this will ever be the last time I let her go.

When they seized me, I didn't really put up any fight besides kicking because they had my arms. Of course, they shook me then kicked me promptly in the haunches and sides, actually, it more than kicking, I received a beating. Surprisingly enough, I was only given a beating, others were slaughtered as soon as they resisted. They rounded up whoever they could find and I was relieved to know that Reimu, Ran, and Chen, wasn't among them. Once we were rounded up, they forced us to build what would later become our prisons, a place I would later call Auschwitz. This labor took about a day and once we were finished we were herded into our cages. They were cramped and would come to be the place where I often relieved myself where I was. This was the life I later came to know as Hell. Rotten, cramped, dark, feces ridden Hell. Usually, one would attempt suicide to escape this but I knew I had to live so I could one day find my precious ones.

After spending about a few days in my cell, I was relieved that they weren't going to kill me, rather, they were going to allow me some bit of time in the yard. Why were they treating me so well? I often wondered. I guess it is because I was older than Gensokyo itself, so they saw me as valuable and decided to spare me but others weren't so lucky. Still, I wondered about my precious ones and I wondered where did they flee to. Of course, I would much rather not know because they were somewhere, anywhere but here, and that they weren't dead, at least not yet. For what it was worth and pretending to be voiceless, I didn't speak and show my abilities to them for fear they would power-drain me, something that would result in death and not a painless one or, for that matter, a quick one.

In being allowed some freedom, I do often tell my comrades, the ones also housed in the same conditions as I am, how it is like, as neither of them can remember when they last saw the sun. Of course, I have to remember that I am only fortunate for the time being because they could turn and kill me at any moment. When I'm in my cell, I hear the other ones cry out in pain or for food and, other times, I hear Yuuka whispering and muttering something about flowers, having gone mad. Even though I am amongst my comrades, I feel so lonely and can only hope my precious ones are faring better than I. I felt some relief in that they were not wallowing in their own urine and feces, however, I do hope they are not starving.

Time passed, and more and more of Gensokyo was being destroyed. I also sensed agitation within the Auschwitz and then the next thing I knew I was receiving a beating seemingly without any reason before being thrown back into my cell. In said beating, either my right leg or the right side of my pelvis was damaged. Later that day, I was to find out the reason for the beating and the reason as to why I was beaten that day was because they were readying me for an interrogation. They dragged me into a room with a bright light and held up a photo of Reimu, asking if I knew her or her whereabouts. I shrugged and then shook my head, telling the truth and lying at the same time. Shrugging because I didn't know Reimu's whereabouts and shaking my head, denying that I knew Reimu. Taking my gestures as the truth but more than willing to inflict more torture, they grabbed me, cut my hair, and had me swallow boiling hot tea, before changing me into a kimono or something that purple. I went to sleep, thinking and breathing through my scalded throat. I was rendered unable to eat for a few days but that didn't matter as they often 'forgot' to feed us. After my throat healed, I was allowed outside again but this time was exceptional as I was allowed to wander around. Using this opportunity, I managed to snag bits of paper and a pen.

The night, by the slivers of moonlight, I wrote my note to Reimu, if she was still alive and not apprehended by this point. With a study hand, I wrote:


This is Yukari writing. I managed to steal bits of paper and a pen, so I could write you this note. I'm writing to tell you, that I've missed you and is deeply worried, fearing that they may have apprehended you . It has been a bit since I have last seen you but it is better to have you all in hiding than to be found and imprisoned, possibly awaiting death. At least, I am allowed a bit of freedom to go outside and nor be confined a cramped and dirty cell, like Yuyuko, Kanako, Suika, and Meiling, until further use, but it is still a hellhole and I am only fortunate, for now . As, I wrote this, I am trying to fight back tears that you've been lost. Hopefully, someday, I will escape and come and find you, perhaps take you to the outside world or meet you in Tokyo. Hugs and Kisses.


Peering out of my cell and making sure no one was patrolling, I quickly gapped my note to where I thought she was hiding or where she would likely find it. After doing so, I heard a little voice from the cell next door and had a hand reach around into the bars of my cell. Yuyuko's. "Yukari, do tell me about the sun again and was it as nice as I imagine it was?" she asked, in a cutesy childish little voice, almost like Flandre's. She had been reverted to a small child that would be so joyful and asking about what was outside these filthy cells was her way of asking for comfort. It was then I had made an important decision. I had to get everyone out of here. Whenever it was I was allowed out, I looked around for exactly how many there were to be gapped out of here and into the outside world.

In going over my plans, I started to feel earthquakes and see pulsations on the sky. Gensokyo's border had already fell but now it was collapsing in on itself. In observing these things, I knew I had to act fast. One by one, then two by two, I got everyone out. When Gensokyo was in its final hours, I tried to convince Rin to come with me but she refused, preferring to die with Gensokyo and the monsters that imprisoned us. With haste, she pushed me away, then Gensokyo collapsed, as she was waving goodbye. Gensokyo had gone and only my memories remained. As soon as I noticed, everyone that managed to escape hurried to other places in the outside world and Yuyuko went about eating everything she could get her hands onto. Of course, I remembered I had to find my precious ones and I quickly sought them out. However, I was greeted with grim news and found Ran, Chen, and Flan dressed for a funeral. They told me that Reimu's health was failing and that she required hospitalization. My heart shattered when they told me that she may not survive. They showed me to her room and I hurried on in. I was so happy to see her and wondered if seeing her again will make her well because I had kept her waiting for so long.

When she saw me, she barely lifted her head but she smiled. I held onto her hand and told her her everything and how I've missed her and how Gensokyo was no more. After that, her health started to return and I had brought a pretty big house in the country, to which we had all moved into and started new lives. As for everyone else, I cannot really say but we do get letters from Aya saying that everything is going smoothly. As for my little family, they are doing alright and Ran teaches them lessons in the mornings.