He Haunts Me

The Accident

Jasper stayed in sight all week. The only time I didn’t see him was when I was in the bathroom, or at school. I was still angry with him and he knew it. He was still angry at me and I knew it.

I was sitting on the living room floor staring at the ugly carpet when I felt it everything become very calm and still. I tried to fight it, but it was no use.

“I’m going to marry Billy one day.” Emily said matter of factly as she walked across a the top of a stone wall. A water fall was visible behind her. She was wearing a play wedding dress. Jasper walked along side of her, he looked so upset. “You and Katherine are going to get married too.” Emily continued. Jasper face twisted into a pained expression.

“Katherine and I are not going to get married.” Jasper said clenching his jaw, the topic obviously was touchy since she was engaged now.

“Yes you are.” Emily giggled. “You will wear a really good suit. You will look so handsome, Jasper.”

“Stop.” I could hear Jasper’s anger rising.

“Katherine will wear a pretty white dress, like mine, only larger. She will be so happy that she’ll cry.” Emily almost lost her balance but quickly regained it.

“Emily, stop talking about Katherine.” Jasper growled clenching his fists.

“I will not. I must tell you about your children.” Jasper snapped.

“Be quiet!” Jasper shouted so loud it echoed off the trees around them and lunged at Emily. Emily’s small frame jumped from the volume of Jasper’s voice. She flinched away from Jasper causing her to fall backwards over the wall. Her screamed echoed through the woods. “Emily!” Jasper screamed as he hung over the wall and watched his little sister’s body hit the rocks in the water with a sickening crack. “Emily!” He screamed desperately again as the water began to cloud with blood.

He dropped to his knees and screamed “Emily!” tears started to poor from his eyes and he yanked at his hair. It was too much to take, Jasper pounded the ground with his fists and let out a strangled yet desperate yell for help. I didn’t want to see anymore. I didn’t want to watch Jasper being overcome with guilt and misery. It hurt me to watch.

I covered my ears and let out my own desperate screams just so I wouldn’t have to hear the pain in Jasper’s voice.

“Cecilia!” Jasper voice called me out of my trance. When I was able to see clearly he was at my side giving me a concerned look. That alone was enough to send me into total shock and I jumped away from him. “Please Cecilia, I just want to help you. I don’t want you to have to see these things anymore. Tell me what you saw, please. Let me explain things to you.” Jasper was almost begging for me to communicate with him.

“I saw you get angry and yell. I saw her jump and loose her balance. I saw her falling. I saw her land. I saw you...” I trailed off staring at the wall straight ahead of me. “You don’t need to explain. You lost your temper.”

“I wan-..” Jasper started.

“Please just make them stop. I don’t want to see them anymore.” I begged.

“I will, I promise. I’ll make them stop as soon as I know how to but I need you to tell me things. No secrets, okay?” Jasper’s voice was caring yet strong. It made me feel both cared for and protected.

“Okay.” I answered happy to know that they would stop. The happy feeling as crazy as it sounds also returned upon talking to Jasper again. So I had feelings for Jasper, it was stupid and weird but I did and there is no denying it.
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I love you guys.
Seriously, I do.
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