Status: active

Through Pain of Heart or Loss of Mind


Following after Amanda, who was pretty much running towards the coffee, I saw someone walk up beside me out of the corner of my eye; it was Andy.

“If you don’t mind me asking, where are you girls from? If I’m not mistaking, I believe I heard a bit of a southern accent from you.”

I laughed and replied, “I’m from South Carolina and seriously everyone picks on my accent!”
“I’m not making fun of it, it’s cute!” He exclaimed, laughing.

“Sure, sure” I said grabbing a plate at the beginning of the breakfast buffet, ready to fill it up.

“Taylor, Amanda, sit with us!” CC yelled at us from across the room where he was sitting at a large table already devouring a stack of pancakes. I could already tell he was a rambunctious one.

“You wanna?” Amanda asked, after taking a sip from her beloved coffee.

“Sure” I responded, heading towards the table.

I sat next to Amanda who sat across from CC. I began eating the delicious syrup covered French toast I had piled on my plate. The rest of the guys soon joined us; Andy sat next to me and the ever so gentlemanly Ashley sat across from me, Jake sat next to Ashley and Jinxx on the other side of Andy.

“I love bacon, I love bacon.” CC sang as he did a little dance in his seat while holding a piece of bacon in each hand. This caused everyone to laugh. Suddenly CC’s expression became one of shock, “Taylor, why do you not have bacon?!”

Still laughing I replied, “Because I’m a vegetarian, CC.”

You would have thought I told him I had murdered someone with the face he made. “I can’t believe it! What?! How?!”

“Stop harassing her CC.” Andy retorted, chuckling at his friend’s over dramatic reaction.

“Fiiine” CC replied, shoving a piece of bacon in his mouth.

“So what are you two doing here?” Jake asked looking between Amanda and me.

“We just decided to take a road trip, Taylor flew up to where I live and we started off from there. We’re planning it out as we go along.” Amanda responded.

“Wow... You guys aren't afraid of getting kidnapped or something?” Jake asked half-jokingly.

“We aren't gonna get kidnapped,” I replied, “besides I always have a weapon, so watch it.” I smirked looking at Ashley who was looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

Slowly a smirk formed his face as well as he said “I don’t believe that.”

“Try me.” I threatened.

“What about you guys? Didn't you mention Ashley being your perverted bassist? Are you guys in a band?” Amanda cut in.

“I’m not perverted!” Ashley exclaimed, causing everyone to look at him with a ‘yeah right’ expression on their faces.

“We actually are in a band” Jinxx said.


“Black Veil Brides” Jinxx declared causing me to look at Amanda wide eyed.

“By your reactions I take it you've heard of us.” Andy stated.

“Something like that.” I shortly replied, looking down at my food and continued eating.
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Feedback guys! We need feedback! ..... please :)