Status: active

Through Pain of Heart or Loss of Mind


After breakfast everyone went up to their hotel rooms to get there bags and head out. I was itching to get back in the road and the boys needed to make it to their next show. After turning in our room keys, we stood around Taylor and I’s van.

“Hey get our numbers before you leave.” Andy had said to us
“Yeah, maybe we can meet up again along the way.” CC Smiled.
“Sounds cool.” I smiled back, handing my phone to CC, they all passed it around and then gave it back. “Thank you.”
“No problem.” Jake shrugged.
“Guys, we need to get going.” Jinxx piped up from the back.
“Alright, catch you later. Don’t keep your fans waiting,” I told them
“Call me.” Ashley winked, “I wouldn’t mind hearing your pretty little voice.”
“In your dreams.” Taylor rolled her eyes.
“I plan on that too.” Ashley said and we all stared at him.
“Not only have you managed to disgust the six of us out, you managed to use the oldest, and tackiest pick up line, that’s been proven not to work, and failed, miserably.” Andy said casually. We all laughed, except for Ashley.
“Come on Deviant, to the bus for you!” Jinxx put his arm around Ashley, pulling him away from the group. “Pleasure to meet you ladies”
“We should all get going,” Jake said. “Sorry about Ash, really, he’s too forward, but believe us, he’s a great guy otherwise.”
“We’ll take your word for it.” Taylor laughed skeptically.
“Good. See you all later, text us!” Andy said. We all waved and Taylor and I watched the boys walk to the buss. Jinxx still had his grip on Ashley. I laughed.
Once in the car and we pulled out of the parking lot and jumped back on the highway, I had to ask her.
“Okay!” I broke the silence. Taylor glanced at me.
“Okay what?” She asked.
“You know damn well, Missy!” I laughed. “Why did you leave, and why did, Andy follow?”
“Well, you left me alone with the guys. So I left to go start packing. Andy followed me and asked why I suddenly got so cold and I broke down and told him.”
“Oh,” I replied “What did he say?”
“He just told me that it was all in the past and just to be strong, not let him bring me down.” She explained. I was shocked at how brotherly-like it was.
“Pretty cool.” I nodded
I was driving, and Taylor was in control of the music. She popped in a CD, not telling me who it was. When the first note started, I had to keep from swerving the car. It was Fall Out Boy, hands down my all tome favorite band. I immediately started singing.
~You are a brick tied to me, that’s, dragging me down. Strike a match and I’ll burn you to the ground~
We were only on the road for an hour or so when the car started to make a strange noise. I pulled the car over to the break down lane and Taylor and I hopped out of the car. We popped the hood, and looked into the engine, like we had a clue what we were looking for.
“Well, this is just ducky!” I yelled to the sky. I looked to Taylor who had her thinking face on.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Keep them coming!
-Your Perfect Weapon